Page 25 - bon-dia-aruba-20180815
P. 25
obituario / servicio Diaranson 15 augustus 2018
SVb no ta entrega
‘jaaropgaaf’ na
oficina mas
“Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
ORANJESTAD - Tur persona cu ta ricibi With deep sadness and sorrow but in Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
pensioen di SVb lo ricibi nan jaaropgaaf via acceptance of God's Holy Will E ta hibami na awa trankil,
di post. Banco Social di Aruba SVb ta pidi we announce the passing of our beloved Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
pensionadonan pa tuma bon nota di esaki. husband, father, grand-father, brother, Salmo: 23
brother-in-law, uncle, great-uncle and
Durante di e ultimo simannan un gran cantidad godfather
di hende a presenta na SVb su Departamento di Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curason, nos kier
Pensioen pa busca nan jaaropgaaf. Mirando esaki, participa fayecimento di:
SVb a dicidi pa duna nos clientenan un extra ser-
vicio y manda e jaaropgaaf via di post. E servicio
aki ta conta tambe pa tur persona cu a ricibi un
jaaropgaaf aña pasa, esakinan lo ricibi nan jaarop-
gaaf 2017 na cas.
Pa por cumpli cu e rekisitonan di e declaracion
di inkomstenbelasting 2017 ta necesario pa tin e Ramon Alfredo Sharpe
jaaropgaaf AOV/AWW di SVb. Departamento di (also known as: Fritz, Fritzy, Pappie, Opa)
Pensioen di SVb lo manda tur jaaropgaaf via di
post y e lo ser ricibi durante lunanan di augustus y Left to mourn are
september 2018. Pa tal motibo SVb no ta entrega his wife: Lucy Joan Sharpe-Bardouille
e jaaropgaaf aki na oficina di Pensioen di SVb mas. Children: Tirza and Chris van Kordelaar-Sharpe and
Tambe SVb ta recorda tur pensionado cu adicio- children Sachelle and Axel
Aitza Sharpe and Diederik Goddeeris and daughter
nalmente por download y print e jaaropgaaf na su Daniella
cas mes. Esaki ta un oportunidad unico cu SVb Christopher Sharpe Sr. Alejandro van der Biezen
ta brinda e pensionado sin cu tin cu preocupa pa also Sonia Cham-Sharpe and Lidia Sharpe and family Mihor conoci como ‘Buchi’
yega te na nos oficina. Pensionadonan di SVb for brothers and sisters *24-04-1943 - †11-08-2018
di e trankilidad di nan hogar por bishita nos web- * Leoncio Sharpe USA
site, scoge MiPensioen y sigui * Roberto Sharpe USA Na nomber di su Esposa Maria Leonida van der
* Lidia Sharpe, Ramon's twin sister, the Netherlands
instruccion. Louisa Elvira de Palm-Sharpe Aruba Biezen-Willems ta invita famia, amigo y
* Cynthia Sharpe St. Maarten conocirnan pa asisti na acto di despedida y
Tur pensionado mester ta registra pa haci uzo di Hugo Sharpe Venezuela cremashon dialuna 20 augustus 2018 for di 9or
e servicio aki. Registra como usuario nobo ta facil Julieta (Eta) Moons-Sharpe Aruba pa 10or di mainta na Aurora Funeral Home.
y ta duna oportunidad pa haya diferente informa- Roy Sharpe the Netherlands
Denise (Dotty) Sharpe the Netherlands
cion personal di abo como pensionado. * Dennis Sharpe (Dottie's twin brother) Germany Boso presencia lo ta altamente aprecia.
Rita de Caluwé-Sharpe the Netherlands
* Franklin Sharpe Aruba
Goya Sharpe-Aleman USA
Mariana Vanterpool USA
Juan de Palm Aruba
Jacky Añasgo-Sharpe Venezuela
* Hendricus (Harry) Moons Aruba
José Swart the Netherlands “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
* Antoine (Toine) de Caluwé the Netherlands Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
* Leroy Bardouille and wife Eleonor E ta hibami na awa trankil,
Errol Bardouille and wife Berthy
* Felix Bardouille and wife Jacky Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
Salmo: 23
Franklin Bardouille and Cheryl
(and deceased Marie Bardouile-Mers)
Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
nephews and nieces
Sharpe, de Palm, Peterson, Moons, Vandormael,
Croes, Martina, Wright, Spieker, Prinssen, de
Caluwé, Dirne
other relatives
Bardouille, van Heynigen, Philips, Bryson, Cyrus,
Brown, Smith, Richardson, Tearr, Poterson, Hanson,
Henson, Hamlet, Romney, Beauperthuy, Rolon,
Cannegieter, Gumbs, Lejuez, Eights, James, van
Dinter, Richardson,Kingsale, Nicholson
caretakers: broeder Neil Romero and Germina
Koolman neighbours and good friends too numerous
to mention...
On Thursday August 16th 2018 from 7.00 p.m-9.00 Miguel Arcangel Werleman
p.m the family will accept your condolences at the
*29-09-1935 - †13-08-2018
Aurora Funeral Home
On Friday August 17th 2018 the funeral service will Acto di entiero lo tuma lugar diasabra 18 di
take place at the Capiya Santa Famia Pos Chiquito augustus 2018 na Aurora Funeral Home di 9or pa
The body of the late Ramon Sharpe will be laid out 11or di mainta, despues saliendo pa Santana
from xxxxxxxx p.m. Opportunity for Rendition from central na Sabana Basora.
2:30p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
The funeral service will commence at 4:00 p.m.
followed by interment at Sabana Basora Cemetery Oportunidad pa condolencia: Aurora Funeral
Home, diabierna 17 di augustus 2018 di 7or pa 9or
May his soul rest in Peace. di anochi.