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                  Thursday 22 augusT 2019

            Sweet Pan Music Productions

            presented the 3rd edition of ‘Honor to

            Connor Steelband Celebration’

            ORANJESTAD  –  The  celebration  was  a  night  ‘NLG Dancers’. ‘Quiver Quips Steel Orchestra’  sure Manager’ of the Tamarijn and Divi Aruba
            where  the  legendary  Mr.  Edgar  Connor,  pio-  also performed. At the end of the night the ‘The  All Inclusive Resorts, who opened the doors for
            neer of the steelpan music and founder of the  Aruba Invaders’ under the guidance of broth-     many musicians to perform at the resort, such as
            famous  ‘Aruba  Invaders  Steel  Orchestra’,  was  ers, Nico and Lee Connor,  gave a presentation  Nico who has been a regular since 1994. Fran-
            honored.  The  well-known  Melvin  Garcia  was  together  with  ‘Carnaruba’  and  their  majestic  cis always knew how to encourage and com-
            Master of Ceremony for this night.              Carnival costumes.                              pliment  his  associates.  It  was  a  sublime  night.
                                                                                                            Locals and tourists came to the amphitheatre
            The opening act of this musical show was in the  A special honoring was given to 4 people that  Edgar Connor at Paseo Herencia to enjoy the
            hands  of  the  Students  of  the  Aruba  Panman  contributed  greatly  to  the  Steelpan  music  in  3rd edition of this ‘Honor to Connor Steelband
            Foundation  under  the  guidance  of  Angel  ha-  Aruba.  These  were  Tico  Kock,  founder  and  Celebration’.
            zel and Lee Connor. The crowd enjoyed their  member of ‘Touch of Steel’ which in 2020 will
            enthusiasm  they  shown  for  their  steelpan  in-  celebrate 30 years of existence. Michael Odor  The  Connor  family  would  like  to  congratu-
            struments.  The  show  continued  with  presenta-  and  Ivan  Quandus  have  been  working  with  late the honorees, the musicians, the steelpan
            tions  by  Touch  of  Steel,  by  Nico  Connor, Ivan  Nico for many years in the studio and on stage.  groups, the dancers and each and everyone
            Quandus  and  Michael  Odor  together  with  Last but not least, Francis Ridderstap, the ‘Lei-  for their continuous support.q
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