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WORLD NEWS Monday 19 deceMber 2016
Spain: Labor unions march against government policies
MADRID (AP) — Several The march was backed
thousand workers took by leaders of Spain’s
to the streets of Madrid Socialists and far-left
Sunday to protest the Podemos (We Can) par-
Spanish government’s ties.
labor policies of recent The conservative-led
years as the country government of Prime
emerges from a long Minister Mariano Rajoy
economic downturn. overhauled Spain’s la-
Spain’s two main labor bor laws in 2012 to make
unions, UGT and CCOO, it cheaper for compa-
organized the march in nies to fire workers.
the capital under the Spain’s slowdown be-
theme “People and their gan to ease in 2013.
rights first.” The march Steady job growth has
follows more than 60 brought the unemploy-
smaller protests held by ment rate down from 27
unions in recent days percent in 2013 to under
across the country. 20 percent, yet that is still
Unions claim that the the second highest per-
cuts to public spending centage of the 28 Eu-
and labor reforms car- ropean Union member People shout slogans as they march during a protest called by Spain’s two main labor unions in
ried out by Spain’s con- states. Madrid, Sunday, Dec. 18, 2016.
servative government to Rajoy’s government Associated Press
deal with the country’s now rules in minority fol-
five-year economic crisis lowing recent elections.
hurt workers’ rights and Its most pressing task is that after years of trying next year are being de- instead of marching.
their purchasing power. finding support in parlia- to limit the government’s cided,” Fernandez Toxo “If the unions want a
“We won’t allow the ment to pass a budget reforms, unions want to said. change, then they
government to main- that meets the EU’s defi- go on the offensive. Spanish Labor Minister should agree to one with
tain the cuts of recent cit targets. “It’s a key moment. Now Fatima Banez said that employers and we will
years.” said UGT leader CCOO leader Ignacio is when the policies that the unions should negoti- consider it,” Banez told
Jose Maria Alvarez. Fernandez Toxo said will mark the budget for ate with the government Cope radio.