Page 14 - ATA
P. 14
Tuesday 16 July 2019
All for the red Aruban gold Episode XXVI
Playa, was and still is how everyone referred to the area of Horses bay.
The beach at the salt lake and the fresh water well close to the village,
they all are gone today.
Pic.3. Johanes Rudolph Lauffer Dire teur 1796 1803.
to indicate the incoming herds some of it could do so for their
where to swim to. This spot was own. Now, something had to be
known as Taratata, by the Ca- done to maintain peace and
quetios. However they claimed order under the citizens Gover-
it meant “place of arrival” told nor Johan Rudolf Lauffer (1796-
by the old ones, the Paleo an- 1803), a Swiss by birth, had the
cestors, who lived here way be- idea that a fort was very nec-
fore us. They had an encamp- essary and had some designs
Pic. 1 Sketch of horse bay area from around the year1796 . ment at both sides of the en- presented. Rather against war
trance of a narrow lagoon. At fleets of European armed forc-
Since the Spaniards anchored here, five centuries ago, it was thought to be a that time it was all covered with es, forts in overseas areas should
safe harbor for unloading livestock. Horses swam ashore to be herded by the vegetation. This same lagoon withstand any privateer incur-
Indians who had a special way with horses. The method was to have someone went way in land reaching a sion. The fort was constructed
stand on the beach holding a horse on a leash, while other riders were ready zone called Tarabana. At Playa and four pieces of artillery were
on a good day, you could find mounted there in 1797. From
canoes, piraguas and Cayucos that time the number of people
on the beach. Boats of various coming to live on the bay itself
sizes dug out from tree trucks constantly increased. This was
and all fantastically decorated. the reason why Commander
The layback life changed Borchard Specht (from 1792)
abruptly when gold was found or his grandson Pieter Specht
by a Dutch mestizo sheep herd- (from 1803) shifted the seat of
er called Willem Rasmijn. Trade authority.
activities exploded, like a rocket
though the sky. This even made Continued on Page 15
the commanders consider mov-
ing office from Commanders
bay to Horses bay. Merchants Discover an Aruba that nobody
and gold smiths of Curacao else can share with you while
soon settled at the foot hill on taking your experience home
the path going to the town of with you. Our renowned indig-
Noord. Now the story of Aru- enous and educative session
has been entertaining curious
ban gold reached the ears of participants for decades. Mail
freebooters, pirates and buc- us at
caneers. Strange ships could and participate in an authentic
be seen at the horizon. You did Aruban experience. Partici-
not really needed to be a cor- pate at our facilities are close
Pic. 2. Sketch by A.F. Lancker full battery of the fort. to the high rise hotels.
sair; anyone who wanted to get