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A4   U.S. NEWS
                       Monday 13 May 2019

            Suddenly starless Wisconsin GOP plots rebuild for 2020

                                                                      that starts Friday with a plan   usual  political  speeches.  ferson  said  While  Republi-
                                                                      that  depends  on  rebuild-  Johnson said that work will  cans look inward at how to
                                                                      ing from the ground up af-   create  a  “grassroots  jug-  improve,  they  will  have  to
                                                                      ter  former  House  Speaker   gernaut” to reelect Trump.  move forward without two
                                                                      Paul Ryan retired and Gov.   Wisconsin is among a hand-   longtime,  prominent  lead-
                                                                      Scott Walker was voted out   ful  of  battleground  states  ers.  For  the  first  time  in  20
                                                                      of office.                   that  could  determine  the  years,  when  Republicans
                                                                      “After  the  November  2018   2020 election.              gather for their convention
                                                                      elections it was a combina-  Trump was the first Repub-   neither Walker nor Ryan will
                                                                      tion of shock and a certain   lican since Ronald Reagan  be in elected office.
                                                                      level  of  depression,”  said   in  1984  to  carry  Wisconsin,  The  loss  of  the  governor’s
                                                                      Sen. Ron Johnson, the only   but he did so by less than 1  office is particularly stinging
                                                                      Republican  left  in  state-  percentage point. Reagan  for Republicans, as Walker
                                                                      wide office. Johnson led a   was  also  the  last  Republi-  was the most prolific fund-
                                                                      post-mortem  study  of  the   can to win the state twice  raiser  in  the  history  of  Wis-
             In this April 27, 2019, file photo, President Donald Trump, right,   midterm  losses  that  deter-  in  a  row.  Barack  Obama  consin  politics,  bringing  in
            accompanied by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., left, arrives at Green   mined  more  work  needed   won big both times he ran  hundreds of millions of dol-
            Bay Austin Straubel International Airport in Green Bay, Wis.   to be done at the local lev-  for  president,  but  previous  lars for the GOP.
                                                    Associated Press  el to recruit and train both   Democratic   candidates  Jefferson said one thing the
            By SCOTT BAUER               party working to rebuild af-  volunteers and candidates.  won  by  less  than  half  a  state  party  must  address
            Associated Press             ter the departure of its two  Johnson was to discuss the   point in 2000 and 2004.     is  how  to  spend  its  money
            MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Re-     biggest  stars  and  a  rough  report  at  the  convention,   “We  can  win  in  this  state;  more   effectively,   even
            publicans  determined  to  midterm election that sent  which has taken the theme       we’ve  done  it,”  said  Re-  as  everyone  agrees  the
            deliver  Wisconsin  for  Presi-  it reeling.              “A New Day. A New Party”     publican  Party  activist  Bri-  Trump  campaign  intends
            dent  Donald  Trump  next  The  Wisconsin  GOP  heads  and  will  emphasize  train-    an Westrate, an insurance  to make Wisconsin a prior-
            year will be doing it with a  into  its  state  convention  ing and workshops over the   agent  from  Fall  Creek  in  ity and provide the money
                                                                                                   western  Wisconsin.  “One  necessary to compete.
                                                                                                   bad election cycle doesn’t  Democrats, in a nod to Wis-
                                                                                                   mean  our  conservative  consin’s importance in the
                                                                                                   philosophy and ideology is  presidential  race,  will  hold
                                                                                                   dead. We just, perhaps, got  their  national  convention
                                                                                                   too far away from all being  in Milwaukee in 2020. Their
                                                                                                   in the same boat rowing in  state  convention  this  year
                                                                                                   the same direction.”         is June 1.
                                                                                                   Mark  Graul,  a  Republican  Devin  Remiker,  the  Demo-
                                                                                                   strategist  who  ran  George  crats’  executive  director
                                                                                                   W.  Bush’s  Wisconsin  cam-  of political affairs, said Re-
                                                                                                   paign in 2004, said he thinks  publicans  have  “talked  a
                                                                                                   Republicans  are  entering  big  game”  about  engag-
                                                                                                   2020 ready for an “incred-   ing grassroots voters before
                                                                                                   ibly tight, tough race” with  but failed to follow through.
                                                                                                   uncertainty  about  how  it  While  Republicans  were
                                                                                                   will play out.               dejected  after  Walker’s
                                                                                                   “The  sense  is  nobody’s  narrow defeat in 2018, they
                                                                                                   quite  sure  what’s  going  to  have  been  reenergized
                                                                                                   happen  next  year,”  Graul  by  the  win  last  month  by
                                                                                                   said.  To  win  in  2020,  more  conservative Wisconsin Su-
                                                                                                   work  needs  to  be  done  preme  Court  candidate
                                                                                                   to  organize  at  the  local  Brian Hagedorn.
                                                                                                   level,  said  state  party  ex-  “As  down  as  people  were
                                                                                                   ecutive  director  Mark  Jef-  after November statewide,
                                                                                                   ferson.  That  covers  things  the Hagedorn win has giv-
                                                                                                   as  rudimentary  as  making  en  us  a  great  amount  of
                                                                                                   sure  yard  signs  are  widely  hope,”  said  Walker,  who
                                                                                                   available  and  distributed  will  be  attending  a  Sun-
                                                                                                   and  as  advanced  as  us-   day  prayer  breakfast  at
                                                                                                   ing  data  analytics  to  tar-  the convention but not the
                                                                                                   get  likely  voters  and  get  bulk  of  the  gathering.  “To
                                                                                                   people  on  the  ground  to  win in 2020 we’re going to
                                                                                                   knock  on  their  doors,  Jef-  need that.”q
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