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CLASSIFIED Monday 13 May 2019
More than a scent: Cyprus promoting its perfume past HEALTH
By M. HADJICOSTIS proven so successful that DOCTOR ON DUTY
Associated Press distillers identical to those Oranjestad
KORAKOU, Cyprus (AP) found in Tepe Gawra are
— Before Cyprus gained now producing rose water Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
fame as the mythical in Iran, said Belgiorno. Tel. 527 4000
birthplace of the goddess Although the perfume park San Nicolas
of love Aphrodite nearly was inaugurated late last IMSAN 24 Hours
three millennia ago, Cy- year and is still a work in Tel.524 8833
prus was known around progress, word is spread- Women in Difficulties
the Mediterranean for its ing. PHARMACY ON DUTY
perfumes, scents that the A group of University of Cy- Oranjestad:
mighty queens of Egypt prus archaeology students Oduber Tel. 582 1780
coveted. led by the university’s ar- San Nicolas:
What appears to have dis- chaeological research Seroe Preto Tel. 584 4833
tinguished the Cypriot fra- unit head Vasiliki Kassiani- Women in Difficulties
grances was the quality of In this photo taken on Saturday, April 4, 2019, Yiannoula Lazarou dou visited the park for OTHER
the rich olive oil in which puts herbs into a clay pots before tending to a fire boiling perfume a hands-on demonstra- Dental Clinic 587 9850
the ancient perfumers inside a 2nd millennium B.C. distiller discovered in Cyprus at an tion on ancient distillation Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
captured the musky scent ancient perfume theme park and museum in Korakou, Cyprus. techniques.q Urgent Care 586 0448
Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
of indigenous oak moss, cit- Associated Press +297 588 0539
rusy bergamot and labda- near the city of Mosul in that bears the name of a Women in Difficulties
num or rockrose. This was modern-day Iraq turned up place. The Italian Research EMERGENCY
done through a distillation the first evidence of such National Council, along Police 100
process using clay vases of activity. with Belgiorno, has teamed Oranjestad 527 3140
exacting dimensions. From there, perfume-mak- up with the Lazarou family Noord 527 3200
“Perfume is the symbol of ing migrated to Anatolia that runs a successful herb- Sta. Cruz 527 2900
life,” said Maria Rosaria Bel- and then to the Mediter- al business to build the park San Nicolas 584 5000
giorno, a retired professor ranean and beyond, with which rests on a parcel of Police Tipline 11141
with Italy’s National Coun- perfumeries discovered in the family’s farmland near Fire Dept. 115
cil for Research whose own such diverse places as Sar- the village of Korakou. Red Cross 582 2219
archaeological digs on the dinia and Slovakia. The park puts on display a
east Mediterranean island For thousands of years, range of working replicas TAXI SERVICES
15 years ago unearthed Cypriots — from the high- including those from the Taxi Tas 587 5900
the oldest perfumery of the est echelons of nobility to earliest known perfumery Prof. Taxi 588 0035
Bronze Age. the average commoner in the Mesopotamian Tepe Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
Perfumes hide the smell of — produced and used per- Gawra settlement, from Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
280 2828
A1 Taxi Serv.
the dead and of decay. fumes. The popularity of the Minoan era on Crete — Women in Difficulties
They, according to Belgior- those fragrances carried of Minotaur fame — and of TRAVEL INFO
no, have a “spiritual con- through the ancient Egyp- course from Cyprus.
nection” to life. tians to the Templars, me- Distillers hailing from dif- Aruba Airport 524 2424
And that connection is one dieval Venetian merchants ferent areas vary, but are American Airlines 582 2700
of the motivations behind a and up to the present. identical in their simplicity Avianca 588 0059
new perfume theme park Early on in the last century, and ingenuity. The herbs Jet Blue 588 2244
nestled in Cyprus’ verdant famed French perfumer boil at the bottom with the Surinam 582 7896
Solea valley, which allows Francois Coty created the steam rising to the domed
visitors to recreate those perfume Chypre — French top where it condenses Women in Difficulties
ancient perfumes in the for Cyprus — which is one into a liquid that flows
traditional way, with repli- of the seven main perfume through a bamboo reed
cas of the ancient clay dis- groups and the only one into vases. The design has
tillers extracting the scents
from the locally grown
herbs over an open fire. May 15
Belgiorno says evidence to Monarch
the popularity of Cyprus’ May 21
fragrances is found in a Freedom of the Seas
reference to a Cypriot per- Women in Difficulties
fume merchant inscribed AID FOUNDATIONS
on 4,000 year-old tablets FAVI- Visually Impaired
found in the ancient Greek Tel. 582 5051
city of Thebes. That refer- Alcoholics Anonymous
ence pre-dates the emer- Tel. 736 2952
gence of the deity Aphro- Narcotics Anonymous
dite, meaning Cyprus was Tel. 583 8989
famous for its perfumes Women in Difficulties
before it gave birth to the Tel. 583 5400
ancients’ love goddess. Centre for Diabetes
Tel. 524 8888
The origins of perfume- Child Abuse Prevention
making are believed to Tel. 582 4433
date back to 5,000 B.C. Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
in ancient Mesopotamia, Women in Difficulties
where archaeological digs General Info
in the early 20th century Phone Directory Tel. 118