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                Wednesday 19 april 2017
                                             New Beginning

                                                                                           By: Dr. Carlos Viana

            Belief  in  rebirth  is  not  con-  the  same  but  the  psycho-  In  science  decay  has  whole  person,  not  a  list  of
            fined  to  Buddhism.  Few  physical  organism  it  takes  come to be recognized as  symptoms. After a consulta-
            Christians realize the impor-  up differs from life to life.  the  Second  Law  of  Ther-  tion we might continue the
            tance  of  the  concept  of  Reincarnation is a very old  modynamics.  This  Law  is  investigation  with  science
            reincarnation  or  rebirth  in  belief and a large fraction  now  recognized  as  a  uni-  based testing as necessary.
            Judaism.  The Buddhist and  of  the  world  population  versal  law  of science, with  With the information we re-
            Jewish  beliefs  are  similar  believes  it.  For  example  no  known  exception  ever  ceive we begin to help you
            in that it is the very subtle,  Rene   Descartes’   state-  observed. It says, quite sim-  clean house, removing the
            non-material  mind  which  ment  “What  I  have  said  is  ply that every system tends  useless or harmful materials
            survives  death.  Since  this  sufficient  to  show  clearly  to  become  disordered,  to  from you body.  Cleansing
            is  the  only  thing  that  we  enough that the extinction  run  down  and  eventually  procedures  offered  at  our
            can take with us to the fu-  of the mind does not follow  to die. Its entropy, which is  clinic  such  as  colon  hydro   revival.
            ture, we need to make the  from  the  corruption  of  the  a  measure  of  disorder,  al-  therapy  provides  a  good
            best use of our present life  body and also to give men  ways tends to increase.       sanitizing!  We then recom-  CARLOS  VIANA,  Ph.  D.    is
            to improve its state. One of  the hope of another life af-       True, true, yet on a  mend  fresh  live  food  and   an  Oriental  Medical  Doc-
            the  objectives  of  Buddhist  ter death.” in 1641 confirms  daily  basis  in  our  clinic  we  quality supplements to en-  tor  (O.M.D.)  having  stud-
            meditation is to stabilize the  his  belief  in  reincarnation.  see  patients  slowing  down  hance  your  body’s  recov-  ied  in  China;  a  US  Board
            mind and remove negative  About  twenty  percent  of  even  reversing  this  disor-    ery.  Finally lifestyle coach-  Cert.  Clinical  Nutritionist
            imprints  in  order  to  avoid  those in the Western World  der.  Lack  of  energy,  low  ing  completes  the  healthy   (C.C.N.), an Addiction Pro-
            uncontrolled,  unbalanced  whose  religions  reject  rein-  sex drive, not sleeping well,  picture.                 fessional (C.Ad.), Chairper-
            rebirths.                    carnation nevertheless be-   loosing your enthusiasm for  With every patient who de-   son  of  the  Latin  American
            In  the  Christian  tradition,  lieve it. According to opin-  your  work  and  an  active  clares  that,  indeed,  they   Committee of the Interna-
            there are a number of ref-   ion polls this percentage is  home life with children and  are  feeling  better  we  are   tional  Academy  of  Oral
            erences to past lives in the  rising.                     spouse  is  a  warning.  Even  experiencing a revival; a re-  Medicine  and  Toxicology
            New  Testament.    It  is  likely  There are  two  parts  to  the  more serious are the major-  turn to a balanced, healthy   (IAOMT),  a  Rejuvenating
            that the early church, espe-  definition  of  rebirth;  the  ity  of  people  who  fall  into  state. Instead of accepting   Cell  Therapist  specializing
            cially  the  Celtic  Christians,  first  means  ‘reincarnation’  one or more of categories  the consequences of aging   in  Age  Management,  has
            believed  in  reincarnation.  while the second part of the  where  they  are  suffering  and  the  disorder  caused   a  weekly  radio  program,
            Unfortunately  Celtic  Chris-  definition means ‘a revival’.  from:   Overweight,   High  by  degenerative  diseases,   writes  and  lectures  exten-
            tianity  was  suppressed  by  The word ‘revival’ is similarly  blood  pressure,  High  cho-  people are choosing to be   sively.    For  information:
            the authoritarian continen-  interesting  having  no  less  lesterol,  Diabetes,  or  arte-  reborn,  now,  into  a  more   VIANA  HEALING  CENTER,
            tal church at the Synod of  than seven meanings. One  riolosclerosis.                  healthy life.                Kibaima 7, St Cruz TEL: 585-
            Whitby  in  664,  which  con-  of  the  explanations  is  the  Just  as  your  garage,  your  Get The Point! The resurrec-  1270 Web Site: www.viana-
            firmed  the  triumph  of  for-  recovering  of  life.  Sounds  child’s  room  or  our  desks  tion  caught  the  disciples
            mal religion over spirituality.   like  the  process  of  getting  could  be  in  complete  dis-  completely   by   surprise.   “Prescriptions  from  Para-
            Rebirth  as  understood  in  your health back.            order, with some time and  There  is  no  indication  that   dise”  -  Dr.  Viana’s  Award
            Hinduism involves a perma-   In many parts of the world  energy  focused  on  the  they  had  any  hope  after      Winning  BOOK:  Prescrip-
            nent soul, a conscious enti-  Easter  heralds  spring  as  mess, it can be cleaned up  Christ’s death. In fact, as re-  tions  from  Paradise,  Intro-
            ty which transmigrates from  well  as  the  resurrection  of  to  function  better.    How-  ported in Luke 24:37 when   duction  to  Biocompatible
            one  body  to  another.  The  Christ.  Resurrection  is  the  ever,  some  of  us  need  a  they did see Him, they were   Medicine  –  Available  at
            soul  inhabits  a  given  body  rising again from the dead,  little  help  from  our  friends  frightened,  thinking  they   local Bookstores, Hotel Gift
            and at death, the soul casts  the resumption of life. Many  to get started on the path.   were  seeing  a  ghost.  Our   shops and Boticas. Signed
            that body off and goes on  people believe death is our  Our clinic offers a holistic or  best advertisement are the   copies  at  Viana  Healing
            to  assume  another  body  greatest  enemy  that  has  whole-body  approach  to  many patients revivals seen        Center,  EBooks:  Amazon
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            off one suit of clothing and  Christ. The universal reign of  Using biocompatible or life-  and  work  collogues  who   for  Events  at:  facebook.
            put  on  another.  The  man  decay and death is called  friendly medicine, we help  would  like  to  experience     com/vianahealingcenter.
            remains  the  same  but  the  in  the  Bible  “the  bondage  you understand the causes  the  same  benefits.  Make   Join  the  discussion:  www.
            clothing  is  different.  In  the  of  corruption”  as  found  in  of discomfort and sickness.   an appointment so we can
            same way the soul remains  Romans 8:21.                   We  first  evaluate  you  as  a  help  you  plan  your  health   tionsformparadise q
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