Page 4 - ATA
P. 4

                  Wednesday 31 May 2017

             It’s a wrap: Soul Beach Music Festival comes to a close

            Oranjestad – The Memorial
            Day  weekend  brings  out
            the best
            Every  queen  has  a  king-
            dom and Mary J. Blige has
            ruled  the  kingdom  of  Hip
            Hop  Soul  for  over  two  de-
            cades,  but she is also the
            queen  of  the  Soul  Beach
            Music Festival.
            Stokely  is  the  music  indus-
            try’s go-to guy. To sum him
            up he is the time-honored
            tradition  “something  old,
            something    new,   some-
            thing borrowed, something
            blue.”  The  ultra-talented   On the road promoting his
            Mint  Condition  front  man   first solo project Stokley.
            is doing it alone and he is   He is a first class-showman.
            doing it.                    q
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