Page 6 - ATA
P. 6

                  Wednesday 31 May 2017

                                                  Cultural Parade                                  devotion  and  talent.  Gu-  and Youth in Action, Candi
               Continued from Page 13                                                              stage to be honored for their  Bernadina, NTG & NLG, Kids
                                                                      most  popular  songs,  “Un   cci Dancers, Zenovia,Fiesta  Licious, Rosea Cultural, Fo-
                                                                      Sono,” (A Dream) and “Pi-    den  Sabana,  Grupo  Ca-     foit,  FCCA  and  the  many
                                                                      lar,”  by  accomplished  vo-  duchi  Largo,  Daza  Aruba,  volunteers   who   cheer-
                                                                      calist  Raquel  Lampe;  they   W.E.S.C.E.T., Dazzling Danc-  fully  contributed  their  time
                                                                      were  dedicated  to  Chico   ing Divas, Flor di Brazil, Gru-  joined  together  in  a  final
                                                                      Harms.  Also  performing     po  di  Antano,  Fundacion  flourish to the night.q
                                                                      was Aruba’s entry into this
                                                                      year’s  inter-island  speech
                                                                      and  poetry  competition
                                                                      of the Netherlands Antilles,
                                                                      “Arte  di  Palabra”  (The  Art
                                                                      of  Words,)  Rafael  Garcia,
                                                                      reciting  his  original  work
                                                                      “Aruba  Nos  Deseo”  (Aru-
                                                                      ba, our Wish.)
                                                                      The  evening  ended  in  a
                                                                      most   spectacular    fash-
                                                                      ion  as  everything  in  Palm
                                                                      Beach  went  dark.  It  may
            The  first  year  was  entirely   The  final  program  on  the   have robbed the event of
            dedicated to the memory      main  stage  of  Paseo  Her-  sound  and  light,  but  did
            of  Aruba’s “Mother of Cul-  encia’s  Plaza  Padu  fea-   not  detract  from  the  spirit
            ture”  Sr.  Bernadina  Grow-  tured traditional dances by   and joy of the evening as
            ell,  (RIP),  who  was  again   dance groups NTG & NLG    all  the  participating  folk-
            honored  for  her  great     and touching renditions of   loric  dancing  and  singing
            contributions in music and   two of Bernadina Growell’s   groups were called to the
            dance, and particularly in
            preserving and passing on
            native  Aruban  culture  to
            succeeding generations.
            This year, Chico Harms, the
            head  of  the  board  of  the
            Centro  di  Bario  Brasil  was
            also honored for his stead-
            fast labors in organizing the
            annual cultural event, and
            his  unceasing  dedication
            to  promoting  the  quaint
            and admiral aspects of is-
            land culture.
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