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A4   U.S. NEWS
                   Wednesday 3 april 2019

            Democrats reject Trump’s domestic spending cuts

            By ANDREW TAYLOR                                                                       and  even  the  stripped-    to  set  more  realistic  caps.
            Associated Press                                                                       down  plan  released  Tues-  The  most  recent  catch-
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —                                                             day exposed rifts between  all  spending  bill,  passed  in
            Democrats  controlling  the                                                            party  liberals  and  more  February  to  end  a  35-day
            House  are  proposing  to                                                              pragmatic lawmakers.         partial  government  shut-
            cut back President Donald                                                              At issue is the roughly one-  down,  marked  the  end  of
            Trump’s  budget  hikes  for                                                            third of the federal budget  the  most  recent  agree-
            the  Pentagon  while  signifi-                                                         called discretionary spend-  ment.
            cantly increasing spending                                                             ing  that  Congress  passes  Republicans  immediately
            on the domestic programs                                                               each  year,  which  is  com-  blasted  Tuesday’s  mea-
            they favor.                                                                            prised  of  Cabinet  agency  sure,  which,  unlike  prior
            Tuesday’s  move  ramps  up                                                             budgets.  Larger  “manda-    spending      agreements,
            a  battle  with  Trump  and                                                            tory”  programs  like  Medi-  doesn’t included offsetting
            puts the Democratic House                                                              care  and  Social  Security  spending  cuts  elsewhere
            on  a  collision  course  with                                                         mostly run on autopilot.     in the budget to limit its im-
            the  GOP-held  Senate  as     In this Feb. 11, 2019, file photo House Appropriations Committee   Without a deal signed into  pact on the deficit.
                                         Chair Nita Lowey, D-N.Y., speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in
            the two chambers consider    Washington.  In this Feb. 11, 2019, file photo House Appropriations   law  by  Trump,  crunch-  “House Democrats are not
            separate paths forward on    Committee  Chair  Nita  Lowey,  D-N.Y.,  speaks  to  reporters  on   ing  budget  limits  —  called  focused  on  doing  a  bud-
            the  12  annual  spending    Capitol Hill in Washington.                               spending  “caps”  in  Wash-  get,  nor  are  they  focused
            bills. Work on the legislation                                        Associated Press  ington-speak — would kick  on addressing  our nation’s
            is sure to consume lawmak-   turn  of  automatic  budget  from  $716  billion  now  to  in,  whacking  the  defense  mountainous  debt,”  said
            ers for months.              cuts  known  as  sequestra-  $733  billion  under  the  budget  down  to  $576  bil-   Rep. Steve Womack of Ar-
            Trump’s  budget  promised  tion.                          Democratic  plan,  cutting  lion and nondefense agen-     kansas, the top Republican
            a  5%  defense  budget  in-  The  Democratic  proposal  Trump’s  planned  Penta-       cies  down  to  $543  billion.  on the Budget Committee.
            crease  to  $750  billion  next  is  by  Budget  Committee  gon  increase  of  $34  billion  Lawmakers  set  the  pain-  “This  bill  doesn’t  include
            year,  while  cutting  day-to-  Chairman John Yarmuth of  in half.                     ful limits back in 2011 as a  offsets  or  bipartisan  input
            day operating budgets for  Kentucky and powerful Ap-      Yarmuth failed in his efforts  deficit-cutting  backstop  in  — key components of past
            domestic  agencies  by  $62  propriations  Chairwoman  to  develop  a  more  tradi-    case a budget “supercom-     caps deals.”
            billion, or 10%.             Nita Lowey of New York.      tional — but nonbinding —  mittee” failed to come up  Both House Speaker Nancy
            Trump’s  proposal  is  a  non-  The plan would boost fund-  congressional budget plan  with an alternative.         Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate
            starter   with   Democrats  ing  for  nondefense  agen-   that  would  put  lawmak-    The  supercommittee  col-    Majority  Leader  Mitch  Mc-
            and Republicans alike, but  cies to $639 billion, up from  ers  on  the  record  on  tax  lapsed  in  failure  and  law-  Connell,  R-Ky.,  would  like
            there’s  been  no  progress  $605  billion  now,  with  $7.5  increases,  Medicare  and  makers  have  been  deal-  to  forge  another  biparti-
            on  forging  a  bipartisan  billion on top of that to cov-  agency spending. Divisions  ing  with  the  hangover  san  agreement  to  estab-
            agreement  that  would  be  er costs for the U.S. Census.  among Democrats proved  ever  since,  passing  three  lish  higher,  more  realistic
            required to stave off the re-  Defense would get a boost  too  difficult  to  overcome,  different  two-year  deals  spending levels.q

            Panel approves subpoenas on census citizenship question

            By KEVIN FREKING             question.  They  say  the  but  cooperative  with  the  Democratic chairman.           sus  investigation  is  an  ex-
            Associated Press             Trump  administration  has  committee’s       expansive  Democratic       lawmakers  ample  of  “partisan  over-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  declined  to  provide  those  and  detailed  requests  for  said  Ross  considered  add-    sight of the Trump adminis-
            Democratic-controlled  documents despite repeat-          records.”                    ing  the  citizenship  ques-  tration.”
            House  panel  voted  Tues-   ed requests. The vote is the  Ross  said  the  department  tion from his first days in the  “Why   don’t   Democrats
            day  to  subpoena  docu-     latest example of the ways  has  turned  over  11,500  administration.  They  fear  it  want to know whether you
            ments and a  witness  relat-  Democratic lawmakers are  pages  of  documents  and  will  reduce  census  partici-   are a citizen or not?” asked
            ed  to  the  Trump  adminis-  using  their  majority  to  ag-  noted that he testified at a  pation  in  immigrant-heavy  Ohio  Rep.  Jim  Jordan,  the
            tration’s decision to add a  gressively  investigate  the  recent hearing. But Demo-   communities, harming rep-    top  Republican  on  the
            citizenship  question  to  the  inner  workings  of  President  crats countered that many  resentation  and  access  to  panel.
            2020 census.                 Donald Trump’s administra-   of the pages were so heav-   federal  dollars.  They  want  Two  federal  judges  have
            The  vote  was  23-14,  with  tion.                       ily redacted that they pro-  more  information  about  already  ruled  against  the
            Rep. Justin Amash of Michi-  Ross  said  the  decision  in  vided  little  or  no  useful  in-  the   back-and-forth   be-  question and the Supreme
            gan being the only Repub-    March  2018  to  add  the  formation.                     tween  administration  of-   Court  is  expected  to  rule
            lican to join with Democrat-  question  was  based  on  “We don’t want thousands  ficials  before  the  decision  on  the  issue  before  survey
            ic lawmakers in the vote.    a  Justice  Department  re-  of  pieces  of  paper.  We  was made.                     forms are printed.
            Democrats  say  they  want  quest to help it enforce the  want  the  specific  priority  Trump  recently  tweeted  It  would  be  the  first  time
            specific  documents  that  Voting Rights Act.             documents  we  asked  for  the  census  will  “be  mean-  since  1950  that  the  full,
            will  determine  why  Com-   In  response  to  Tuesday’s  — unredacted and in full,”  ingless” without the citizen-  once-a-decade     census
            merce  Secretary  Wilbur  vote,  he  said  his  depart-   said  Rep.  Elijah  Cummings  ship question.              asked  people  about  their
            Ross  decided  to  add  the  ment  “has  been  nothing  of  Maryland,  the  panel’s  Republicans  said  the  cen-   citizenship.q
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