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a24 health
Wednesday 3 april 2019
Deteriorating junction
ance. However, in the presence of inflamma- of albumin are often decreased in people with
tion, this material builds big painful joints. With active rheumatoid arthritis. We can check and
unrelenting inflammation the body’s immune monitor your amount of albumin by ordering a
system turns to attack itself. blood test.
Health care in Western countries today has a If your blood serum albumin is low, the syno-
major focus on disease, infection and their risk vial membrane will not have sufficient protein
factors; cholesterol, smoking, and blood pres- available to transfer into the joint. Our arthritis
sure. Although allopathic medicine recognizes protocol is to determine what is reducing your
indicators found in blood tests and thermagram blood albumin level. Albumin serves to sponge
reports, very little attention is given to them. up toxins produced by bacterial infections. We
Even less attention is placed on managing the always test to identify infection together with
risk of the body’s reaction to toxins and heavy albumin.
metals except in acute poisoning. Additionally, In our clinic we have found that periodon-
recognized but not addressed are oxidative tal disease, a bacterial infection of the gums,
stress, connective tissue breakdown, chronic in- causes byproducts to enter the bloodstream
flammation, anaerobic tendency, free calcium and trigger the liver to make proteins such as
By: Dr. Carlos Viana excess, and acid stress; all leading to degen- C - reactive protein (CRP) that inflames arteries,
erative diseases and accelerated aging.
joints and promotes blood clot formation. Peri-
In our clinic we have developed a protocol that Life expectancy for patients with any form of ar- odontal disease and heavy metal poisoning,
has been shown to be effective in the treatment thritis is shortened by 5-10 years. After 5 years of need to be considered as major contributors to
of hot, painful junctions between bones. Joints disease, approximately 33% of patients will not increased levels of CRP by the medical com-
problems are commonly called “arthritis” but it be working; after 10 years, approximately half munity. The treatment outcomes with people
is a group of different forms of joint inflammation will be wheelchair bound. Daily activities are being treated by physicians trained in biocom-
whose origin is not known. Traditional Chinese impaired in most patients. Spontaneous clini- patible dentistry and detoxification of heavy
Medicine calls the different conditions which cal remission, getting better, is uncommon with metals are very positive.
cause pain, stiffness, and in most cases, swell- allopathic medicine and only seen in 5-10% of We see definite co- relationships between joint
ing in the joints “steaming bones”. patients. problems and patient’s metabolic type. Gener-
In our patients with painful joints, we see many ally, we find that Blood Type A and AB tends to
In regular, allopathic medicine the initial treat- common features. The first is that they do not get a puffy, inflamed arthritis, while Blood Type
ment for joint pain is limited to the use of non- drink enough water. Painful stiff joint symptoms O tends to get a harder, more persistent type
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are present in the beginning of mild dehydra- of arthritis. At Viana Healing Center we put all
resulting in many patients eventually becom- tion. In moderate chronic dehydration we see patients on the blood type diet, which can ad-
ing wheelchair bound. Others have excess tis- most of the symptoms of Arthritis, including High ditionally be modified for the individual.
sue produced from the uncontrolled arthritis cholesterol, High blood pressure, Heart Prob- The sugar of wheat germ is highly specific to
removed. The result is progressive joint dam- lems, Diabetes, and Water Retention or Edema. Blood type A and O in causing joint pain. The
age making arthritis the number one cause of Chronic dehydration is a problem doctors nor- adoption of a wheat-free diet appears to have
physical disability. Arthritis affects both sexes, all mally do not address until it is life threatening. a positive effect. Type O individuals following
races, socioeconomic levels, and geographic Water plays a critical role in every single chemi- the type O diet have experienced beneficial
areas. cal reaction in the body. Next to oxygen, it is changes in their blood test results, including to-
Identical twins statistically do not both develop the most vital element of life. Yet, it seems to be tal cholesterol, HDL and Triglycerides, without
arthritis. Medical researchers realize there is virtually ignored by doctors and Public Health use of cholesterol lowering medications.
no genetic foundation to arthritis. Associations Departments. We have good results using co- Get The Point! A diagnosis of any type of arthritis
with the Epstein-Barr virus that causes mononu- lon hydro-therapy to help eliminate toxins and should be a wake up call. Allopathic medicine
cleosis, and testing on animals with the herpes re-hydrate the body. offers a health future that does not look bright.
simplex virus have pharmaceutical companies Joint cartilage is composed mainly of water We use blood, amino acid, hair testing and bio-
looking for the “something” that produces ar- (70-80%). The solid part of cartilage consists pri- compatible (natural/non-toxic) dental exams
thritis so a pill or vaccine can be developed. marily of collagen which is a protein. Problems to determine the source of your inflammation.
All 86 forms of arthritis have one thing in com- in the synovial membrane to transfer glucose Applying the science based results; we develop
mon; chronic inflammation that breaks down and protein will hinder the production of col- a natural health plan that can make positive
connective tissue. Connective tissue has the lagen. The most abundant circulating protein changes not only for your joints, but your overall
material to rebuild itself when the body is in bal- is found in the blood plasma is albumin. Levels wellbeing. Call to schedule an appointment. q