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a24 health
Wednesday 28 august 2019
Brain Attack
By: Dr Carlos Viana toms of a stroke are: TIAs are serious events that ing their food better and- ‘melt’ their bone spurs pre-
A “brain attack” happens Weakness or numbness of should not be ignored and stoplosing muscle. To send scribing K2.Insufficient vita-
when blood flow to a part the face, arm, or leg on can happen even in young the calcium in your veins min K2 leads to decreased
of your brain is cut off. The one side of the body adults. and arteries back into your bone mineral density, a key
brain cells, deprived of ox- Loss of vision or dimming All these problems in the bones,the supplements factor in osteoporosis, and
ygen and glucose needed (like a curtain falling) in one brain, I believe, start in the that I prescribe are: Mag- an excess of calcium in the
to survive, die. If a stroke is or both eyes liver. When the liver is not nesium citrate, Zinc citrate, arterial wall, which increas-
not caught early, or if it is a Loss of speech, difficulty producing good bile peo- Vitamin K2, and Vitamin D3. es the risk of heart disease.
large area, you can suffer talking, or understanding ple suffer from indigestion, This is my BONE SUPPORT Foods that are rich in vita-
permanent brain damage what others are saying what doctors call GERD, PACK. min K2 include:goose liver,
or die. There are two kinds Sudden, severe headache bloated stomach after eat- Magnesium citrate, be- cheese, egg yolks, dark
of strokes: a blood clot in with no known cause ing, constipation, hemor- sides being fantastic for chicken meat and butter.
the blood vessels of the Loss of balance or unstable rhoids, and weight gain. your heart, without enough Also known as the “sun-
brain is called an “ischemic walking usually combined Cholesterol, triglyceride, magnesium your body shine vitamin” because
stroke”. The second stroke with another symptom and fasting blood sugar cannot:absorb calcium; your body is designed to
is called a “hemorrhag- If you have a couple of become high and non- al- stimulate calcitonin, a hor- get the vitamin D3 it needs
ic stroke”, ‘hemorrhagic’ these symptoms, call 911 coholic fatty liver develops. mone that draws calcium by producing it when your
means ‘bleeding’ happens immediately. The digestion problems from the blood and tis- bare skin is exposed to sun-
when a blood vessel in the Many people have had mean you are not digest- sues back into the bones light. You would think, here
brain breaks or ruptures. small, or mini- strokes. The ing your food, not able to or convert vitamin D into in the tropics, with our in-
symptoms are the same metabolize then use your its active form for calcium tense sunlight we would
About 80% of all strokes as listed above, however, body’s building blocks, absorption. Unfortunately, be getting enough. Not
are ischemic where a clot symptoms may go away in amino acids. To obtain the many people are not eat- so, we wear too many
blocks blood carrying oxy- as little as a few minutes or much-needed amino ac- ing enough magnesium clothes and are not out-
gen and sugar to part of can last as long as 24 hours. ids, your body starts pulling rich foods like:green leafy side enough. Everyone I
the brain. Regular medicine About 40% of people who them out of your muscles. vegetables, like spinach, have tested, from teens to
thinks that block is plaque, have them will go on to Strong muscles = strong kale, and bok-choy; Fruit, seniors, has been deficient
made up of fatty (choles- have an actual stroke, and bones, but as your muscles figs, avocado, banana in vitamin D. Calcium and
terol) deposits which clog half of these strokes occur get smaller, your bones and raspberries; Nuts and phosphate in the intestinal
the brain’s blood vessels. within two days of the min- decide they do not need seeds; black beans, chick- tract, leads to elevated lev-
My Biocompatible Medi- stroke, according to the US to be as big and strong peas and kidney beans; els of calcium in your blood
cine protocol has identified National Stroke Associa- to support these “smaller” or Vegetables like peas, and lower bone resorption.
that it is actually, too much tion. muscles. They begin to re- broccoli, cabbage, green Vitamin D3 helps increase
free calcium causing the Mini- strokes are called lease calcium and other beans, artichokes, aspara- calcium reabsorb back
problem. medically, as transient minerals, that clog your ar- gus, brussels sprouts. into your bones. Foods that
The second type of stroke, ischemic attacks (TIAs). TIA teries. When we diagnose When you body is deficient provide vitamin D3 include:
a ruptured blood ves- means: Transient, ‘pass- a person who, probably in zinc, you lose your abil- Fatty fish, like tuna, mack-
sel in your brain is consid- ing especially quickly’; had a TIA, I ask for a blood ity to smell and your arter- erel, and salmon; Beef liver;
ered by regular medicine Ischemic, ‘deficient sup- test and, immediately start ies become stiff. Zinc also Cheese, and Egg yolk
to because of high blood ply of blood to a body them on dietary supple- is important for a strong Get The Point! Experiencing
pressure and a bulge that part’; and, Attack means ments to improve liver bile immune function, wound a TIA is a message from the
forms in the blood vessel of ‘causes something harmful production. The amino ac- healing, thyroid function, Healing Spirit urging you
your brain, like gnarled, en- or destructive to happen’. ids Taurine and Glycine are vision. The list of why your to seek medical advice to
larged leg veins. This bulge A TIA is a temporary drop needed by the liver to con- body needs zinc is long, regain your health. Hav-
in the head is called abrain in the blood supply, in this vert cholesterol into bile. yet, as important as zinc is, ing a TIA is a larger indica-
aneurysm. An aneurysm is case, to the brain. This can Lecithin Granules helps it is not stored in the body tor of early death for older
a weakness or thinness in cause temporary dam- your body burn fat that can and requires a regular di- patients than for younger
the blood vessel wall, that age to the brain because be used for energy and bile etary intake. Good dietary ones, with the event hav-
I believe was not caused brain cells aren’t getting production. Meanwhile, to sources of zinc include ing only a minimal effect on
initially by blood pressure. enough oxygen. However, help you better digest your red meats, seafood, dairy survival in patients younger
All blood vessels need to people who have TIA have food, natural Digestives are products, nuts, legumes, than 50. Your body can
be flexible and if lined with 20% lower life expectancy a great help. and whole grains. become stronger and
loose calcium, can be- than expected compared I’m sure to put our patients Vitamin K2 is the most im- healthier with some lifestyle
come stiff. to the general population. on their blood type food portant form of vitamin K for changes and taking di-
The most common symp- This highlights the fact that listalso. They begin digest- bone health. I help patients etary supplements.q