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                  Friday 16 November 2018

            Walk for Angels

            ORANJESTAD  —  Micky’s  Walk  for  Angels  is  a  fun  influence  of  alcohol.  Both
            Foundation,  together  with  walk  for  the  entire  family.  children  of  the  founders
            Zinnia  Foundation,  will  be  The purpose of the event is  of  both  foundations  have
            holding the Walk for Angels  to collect enough funds for  been  victims  of  drivers  un-
            this   Sunday,   November  Micky’s Foundation to con-     der  the  influence  of  alco-
            18th,  2018.  The  proceeds  tinue  providing  free  thera-  hol.    They  want  to  shine  a
            from  the  Walk  will  contrib-  py for the children with spe-  spotlight  on  the  lifetime
            ute to the foundation in or-  cial  needs  in  Aruba.  They  of  damage  and  hurt  this
            der  to  provide  the  special  have partnered with Zinnia  brings to families.
            needed little angels of Aru-  Foundation for this event to
            ba with a better life.       also bring awareness of the  Micky’s Foundation
                                         danger of driving under the  Micky’s Foundation aims to
                                                                      reach  out  to  parents  with
                                                                      children in need of special
                                                                      care and education. It is an  is about: Free therapy, spe-  The  event  will  be  held  on
                                                                      initiative by and for parents  cialized  therapy,  and  in-  Sunday,  November  18th
                                                                      of Aruba.                    tensive  therapy,  continuity  2018  in  Linear  Park.  This  is
                                                                      Their  objective  as  parents  of  therapy,  home  therapy  the  walk  way  along  the
                                                                      is  to  organize  specialized  and  transmitting  knowl-  fence  of  the  airport.  The
                                                                      and  intensive  therapy  in  edge.                        event  starts  at  5  PM.  So
                                                                      the homes of the children,                                please take time and make
                                                                      for free.                    Zinnia Foundation            a donation to this wonder-
                                                                      The  foundation,  to  date,  The  foundation  was  cre-   ful cause, and at the same
                                                                      has  provided  therapy  for  ated  with  the  purpose  of  time;  enjoy  some  quality
                                                                      72 children. Since their start  bringing  awareness  to  the  time with your loved ones.
                                                                      in December of 2014, they  dangers  of  driving  under
                                                                      have  managed  to  orga-     the  influence  of  alcohol.  For  more  information  on
                                                                      nize  11  projects  with  the  Zinnia, who was the daugh-  this  event  visit  the  Face-
                                                                      help  of  specialized  thera-  ter  of  the  founders,  was  book  pages  Micky's  Foun-
                                                                      pist  from  the  Netherlands.   killed  by  a  drunken  police  dation Aruba or Fundacion
                                                                      In short, Micky’s Foundation  officer.                    Zinnia.q

            1st Annual “Linking Orange” Conference

                                                                                                   no single definition. It is an
                                                                                                   evolving  concept  which
                                                                                                   builds  on  the  interplay  be-
                                                                                                   tween  human  creativity
                                                                                                   and  ideas  and  intellectual
                                                                                                   property,  knowledge  and
                                                                                                   technology.  Essentially  it  is
                                                                                                   the knowledge-based eco-     Commission for UNESCO
                                                                                                   nomic activities upon which   Anky  Vrolijk-  Director  at
                                                                                                   the ‘creative industries’ are   Fundacion Museo
                                                                                                   based. Today, the creative   Renwick Heronimo- Curator
                                                                                                   industries  are  among  the   at Fundacion Museo
                                                                                                   most  dynamic  sectors  in   Isha  Tapias-Kock-  Aruba
                                                                                                   the  world  economy  pro-    Product Specialist at A.T.A.
                                                                                                   viding  new  opportunities   Gerald  Kock  PH.  D-  Data
                                                                                                   for  developing  countries   advocate  for  sustainable
                                                                                                   to  leapfrog  into  emerging   Development Goals
                                                                                                   high-growth  areas  of  the   Thais  Franken-  Bachelor  of
                                                                                                   world  economy.  Especially   Arts
                                                                                                   the  Latin  American  and    Edward  Erasmus-  Head  of
                                                                                                   Caribbean region.
                                                                                                                                Operations  as  Free  Zone
            ORANJESTAD — Are you an  This  annual  conference  sign,  publishing,  research        During this conference they   Aruba
            artist? A creative? A person  will  be  the  most  important  and  development,  games   will be providing empower-
            that  has  passion  for  Arts  &  gathering  for  leaders  in  and  toys,  fashion,  music,   ing  and  inspirational  infor-  Be  part  of  the  movement
            Culture?  Are  you  looking  the  Cultural  and  Creative  advertising,  software,  TV,   mation about how you can   that  is  pioneering  the  ef-
            to  gain  more  knowledge  Industry,  decision-makers,  radio and video games are      take  action  and  use  Arts,   forts to spark and stimulate
            about the Cultural and Cre-  policy-makers,  artistic  and  some  of  the  sectors  that   Culture  and  Creativity  to   a booming creative econ-
            ative Industry and its socio-  creative amateurs and pro-  make up the Orange Econ-    develop  a  new  economic    omy  for  Aruba.    Find  out
            economic  impact  on  our  fessionals,  those  who  are  omy,  as  defined  by  John   pillar for Aruba.            more  about  this  event  at
            society? Then this fantastic  active  on  the  cultural,  so-  Howkins,  one  of  the  most               
            conference  is  for  you!  This  cial  and  educational  field  influential  researchers  on   The inspirational and knowl-  ference/
            year’s  topic:  Placing  Cul-  and   also   entrepreneurs  the topic.                  edgeable  local  speakers    Tickets Available at Go Cul-
            ture  and  Creativity  at  the  from the private sector. Ar-                           are:                         tura  Foundation’s  Office
            heart of the Aruban sustain-  chitecture,  visual  and  per-  The “Orange Economy” or   Zetsia  Ponson-  Secretary   J.G.  Emanstraat  24  or  call
            able development.            forming arts, crafts, film, de-  “Creative  Economy”  has   General to Aruba National   +297 583 0808 q
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