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                  Friday 16 November 2018
            Sinterklaas is on his way to Aruba

            Continued from Page 13                                                                                              we  are  all  so  familiar  with.
                                                                                                                                Additionally, his lithe frame
                                                                                                                                gave  way  to  a  well-pad-
            Zwarte Piet                                                                                                         ded potbelly, and his trusty
            Sinterklaas  is  assisted  by                                                                                       white  steed  was  traded  in
            many  mischievous  help-                                                                                            for a troupe of reindeer. Ei-
            ers  with  black  faces  and                                                                                        ther  way,  both  Sinterklaas
            colourful  Moorish  dresses.                                                                                        and  Santa  Claus  stand  for
            These    companions     are                                                                                         the generosity of spirit and
            called  Zwarte  Piet  (“Black                                                                                       kindness to children.
            Pete”).  Zwarte  Piet  first                                                                                        Sinterklaas will be arriving in
            appeared  in  print  as  the                                                                                        Aruba  on  Sunday  Novem-
            nameless  servant  of  Saint                                                                                        ber 18th 2018 at the Cruise
            Nicholas in Sint-Nikolaas en                                                                                        Terminal of the Aruba Ports
            zijn  knecht  (“St.  Nicholas                                                                                       Authority  at  9  AM.  He  will
            and  His  Servant/Appren-                                                                                           continue in a caravan go-
            tice”), published in 1850 by                                                                                        ing  down  the  L.G.  Smith
            Amsterdam  schoolteacher                                                                                            Boulevard  till  the  Plaza
            Jan  Schenkman;  however,                                                                                           Libertador  Betico  Croes
            the  tradition  appears  to                                                                                         where a big welcome par-
            date back at least as far as                                                                                        ty awaits.
            the early                                                 bischopswijn,  is  also  en-  Claus.  Historians  believe  There  will  be  lots  of  sing-
                                         The Foods of Sinterklaas     joyed.                       that  Dutch  and  German  ing,  dancing,  storytelling,
            19th Century.[4]             At  the  Feast  of  Sinterk-                              settlers  took  the  tradition  a  show  presented  by  Sin-
            Zwarte Piet’s colourful dress  laas,  the  Dutch  indulge  Waving a Carrot             with  them  to  America.  terklaas’ helpers and much
            is  based  on  16th-century  in  a  variety  of  sweets  in-  Dutch children believe that  There, his Catholic garb was  much  more.  Come  and
            noble attire, with a ruff (lace  cluding  cookies,  candies,  Sinterklaas   writes   down  gradually  transformed  into  enjoy a family day and let
            collar)  and  a  feathered  and     bread.    Traditional  whether   they’ve   been  the  jolly  non-sectarian  red  your children meet Sinterk-
            cap. He is typically depict-  recipes   are   speculaas  naughty  or  nice  in  his  red  suit  with  the  white  fur  trim  laas and his Black Piets. q
            ed  carrying  a  bag  which  (spiced  cookies),  kruidno-  book.  Sinterklaas  rides  a
            contains candy for the chil-  ten  (mini  spiced  cookies,  white  horse,  and  the  chil-
            dren. The Zwarte Pieten toss  also  called  ginger  nuts),  dren  put  carrots  in  their
            their candy around, a tradi-  pepernoten(small  aniseed  shoes  for  his  horse,  hoping
            tion supposedly originating  flavored  honey  cookies),  St.  Nicholas  will  exchange
            in the story of Saint Nicho-  taai-taai   (aniseed   and  them  for  presents  if  they
            las saving three young girls  honey  flavored  figurines),  were good.
            from prostitution by tossing  almond    filled   pastries,
            golden  coins  through  their  chocolate  letters,  and  du-  Sinterklaas Vs. Santa
            window  at  night  to  pay  ivekater  (a  festive  sweet  It  is  said  that  Sinterklaas
            their dowries.               bread). Mulled wine, called  was the precursor of Santa

            A Wisdom Tidbit

             In  our  pursuit  of  money,  power,  making  always by your side for your own maturity,
             ends  meet,  happiness,  etc.,  we  may  be  maybe we can recognize this to be true
             just  going  too  fast  and  there  may  be  a  after getting hit over our head through the
             need to slow down. When one recognizes  darkest of days in order for our awakening
             this type of insanity that we may be living,  to commence.
             one may have a chance to transform their  The track that we run on is made for us, no
             lives,  and  this  is  a  divine  choice  that  we  one else can run on our track, we alone
             only can make.                             need  to  experience  whatever  comes
                                                        along this track which has been made for
             Our  circumstances  that  we  experience  our  spiritual  maturity.  Nothing  is  a  coinci-
             has been arranged by life for us to awaken  dence  but  a  synchronicity.  The  biggest
             into our most productive and joyous self.  mistakes that we make is actually for one’s
             Truly whatever arises in life has been tailor  own benefit. Everything is turned to one’s
             made for you and within each experience  advantage when they meet seemed fail-
             is a hidden blessing that needs to emerge  ure,  turning  or  transforming  it  to  success.
             from the inner chaos onto our lives. All of  Life is shaped from inside out and not from
             life is here to greet you as a faithful friend,  outside in.q

              Suresh Mirchumal is a spiritual writer. “Well, you can categorize it like that, although I don’t call
              myself one. These thoughts come in effortlessly.” His aim is in a way to reach out to whoever
              gets inspired or has an eye opening event within them that may transcend their current state
              of consciousness. “Or let’s say current emotional state too. If one in a thousand benefits, that
              is already great.” Due to the current world state, lots of struggles and stresses, we seem to
              lose touch with that inner peace that we long for, Suresh explains. “I wish to ease that through
              these small articles or tidbits.” You will find his tidbits in Aruba Today, like a sunray of the day.
              If you wish to make use of Suresh his services like meditation or just a talk, please email to:
     You can also like his Facebook page Dimension of Silence.
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