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                  Friday 16 November 2018

            Saudi prosecutor seeks death penalty in Khashoggi killing

            By AYA BATRAWY                                                                                                      be put on trial in Turkey.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    The  death  of  Khashoggi,
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-                                                                                         a  Washington  Post  colum-
            ates (AP) — Saudi Arabia's                                                                                          nist  who  had  been  criti-
            top  prosecutor  said  Thurs-                                                                                       cal  of  the  crown  prince,
            day  he  would  seek  the                                                                                           sent  shock  waves  around
            death penalty for five men                                                                                          the world and led analysts
            charged  with  the  killing  of                                                                                     and  officials  to  believe  a
            journalist  Jamal  Khashoggi                                                                                        sensitive  operation  of  this
            in  Turkey,  while  the  United                                                                                     magnitude could not have
            States  moved  to  sanction                                                                                         been  carried  out  without
            17  Saudi  officials  it  said                                                                                      the prince's knowledge.
            were  involved  in  the  slay-                                                                                      Hours after the prosecutor's
            ing.                                                                                                                announcement,  Saudi  For-
            The  Saudi  announcement                                                                                            eign Minister Adel al-Jubeir
            appeared  aimed  at  dis-                                                                                           told  reporters  the  crown
            tancing the killers and their                                                                                       prince  had  nothing  to  do
            operation  from  the  king-                                                                                         with the killing.
            dom's leadership, including                                                                                         "His  royal  highness  the
            Crown  Prince  Mohammed                                                                                             crown  prince  has  nothing
            bin  Salman,  amid  a  glob-                                                                                        to  do  with  this  issue,"  he
            al  outcry  over  the  writer's                                                                                     said.
            death.                                                                                                              Al-Jubeir said the kingdom
            Also  on  Thursday,  Saudi                                                                                          is  investigating  and  hold-
            Arabia's  foreign  minister   In this Friday, Nov. 2, 2018 file photo, a video image of Hatice Cengiz, fiancee of slain Saudi   ing  those  responsible  to
                                         journalist Jamal Khashoggi, is played during an event to remember Khashoggi, who was killed
            said the crown prince had    inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul on Oct. 2, in Washington.                       account "to make sure this
            "absolutely"  nothing  to  do                                                                      Associated Press  doesn't happen again."
            with Khashoggi's death.                                                                                             "Sometimes  mistakes  hap-
            The  U.S.  Treasury  Depart-  but  stopped  short  of  ac-  saw  that  he  would  not  be  laborator. The body has not  pen  ...  sometimes  people
            ment,    meanwhile,     an-  cusing  them  of  ordering  able to force Khashoggi to  been found.                    exceed their authority," he
            nounced  it  was  imposing  Khashoggi's  killing.  Those  return, "so he decided to kill  It's not unusual for a Saudi  said.Through a series of or-
            sanctions  on  17  Saudi  of-  closest to the prince are in-  him in the moment."      prosecutor  to  announce  chestrated leaks, including
            ficials  who  it  said  were  re-  stead accused of ordering  This  appears  to  contradict  he  would  seek  the  death  audio  of  the  killing  shared
            sponsible  for  or  complicit  Khashoggi's forced return in  a previous Saudi statement  penalty before a trial.    with  Western  intelligence,
            in the killing. Among those  an operation that the Sau-   quoting Turkish intelligence  The  latest  Saudi  account  Turkey  has  tried  to  keep
            targeted  for  sanctions  are  dis allege went awry.      as  saying  the  killing  had  failed  to  appease  officials  pressure  on  the  crown
            Saud al-Qahtani, who was  In  a  news  conference,  been premeditated.                 in Turkey, who insist the kill-  prince, who sees Turkey as
            one  of  the  crown  prince's  Sheikh  Shalan  al-Shalan,  Chief  prosecutor  Saud  Al-  ing  and  its  cover-up  were  a regional rival.
            closest aides, and Moham-    the  deputy  attorney  gen-  Mojeb  said  that  of  the  21  carried  out  by  the  highest  Turkey alleges that among
            med  al-Otaibi,  the  diplo-  eral,  said  the  killing  was  people in custody, 11 have  levels of government.     those sent to Istanbul was a
            mat in charge of the Saudi  ordered  by  an  individual  been indicted and referred  "We did not find some of his  forensics expert.
            Consulate in Istanbul where  whom  he  did  not  identify  to trial, and that he would  explanations to be satisfac-  In  an  apparent  reference
            Khashoggi  was  killed  Oct.  but said was responsible for  seek  the  death  penalty  tory," Turkey's Foreign Minis-  this  specialist,  al-Shalan
            2.    Also  named  is  Maher  negotiating Khashoggi's re-  against five of the suspects.  ter  Mevlut  Cavusoglu  said  said  the  organizer  of  the
            Mutreb,  who  was  part  of  turn  back  to  Saudi  Arabia  Khashoggi's  killers  set  their  after the Saudi announce-  operation  called  on  a
            the  crown  prince's  entou-  from Istanbul. The individual  plans in motion on Sept. 29,  ment.                    specialist to be part of the
            rage on trips abroad.        was part of a 15-man team  the  prosecutor  said,  add-   "Those who gave the order,  team  to  erase  evidence  if
            With  the  kingdom  fac-     that was made up of nego-    ing that the killers drugged  the real perpetrators need  Khashoggi  needed  to  be
            ing  mounting  internation-  tiators,  intelligence  officers  and  killed  the  writer  in  the  to be revealed. This process  forcibly  returned  to  Saudi
            al  pressure,  prosecutors  and logistics officials.      consulate  before  dismem-   cannot be closed down in  Arabia.  Prosecutors  said
            have  pointed  the  finger  Al-Shalan  said  that  on  the  bering the body and hand-  this way," he added.         this  specialist  was  working
            at  some  members  of  the  morning of Oct. 2, the lead-  ing  it  over  for  disposal  by  The  Turkish  government  is  without  the  direct  knowl-
            crown  prince's  inner  circle  er of the negotiating team  an  unidentified  local  col-  demanding  the  suspects  edge of his boss.q

               Morocco unveils Africa's first ever high speed train line

               By AMIRA EL MASAITI               ers  boarded  the  train  in  Tangier  and  the  remaining  21  percent  6 million passengers on the line in
               Associated Press                  after they were handed tickets by  was  provided  by  Saudi  Arabia,  the first three years of operation.
               RABAT,  Morocco  (AP)  —  French  Director  General  of  the  National  Kuwait and the United Arab Emir-  While the Moroccan government
               President Emmanuel Macron and  Railway  Office  Mohamed  Rabie  ates.                                   and  businesses  praised  the  proj-
               Morocco's  King  Mohammed  VI  Khlie, according to State agency  Macron's  office  said  the  Moroc-    ect as a key achievement in de-
               have inaugurated Morocco's first  MAP.                               can line is an international show-  veloping  the  country's  infrastruc-
               high-speed rail line, the first ever  They were expected to reach the  case  for  the  French-made  high-  ture, the line has sparked contro-
               such line in Africa.              country's  capital,  Rabat,  1  hour  speed train. Morocco bought 12  versy for its high cost.
               Known as the LGV, it will connect  and 15 minutes later.             such trains from French manufac-   Critics  say  that  Morocco  should
               the  economic  hubs  of  Tangier  The   $2   billion   project   was  turer Alstom.                     be  investing  in  education  and
               and  Casablanca  in  2  hours  10  launched  in  September  2011  by  The king named the first line Al Bo-  health instead.
               minutes at a speed of up to 320  the  king  and  Nicolas  Sarkozy,  raq after a mythical winged crea-   The criticism gained strength mid-
               kph (199 mph) instead of almost 5  then president of France.         ture  that  transported  the  proph-  October when a train derailed,
               hours on a regular train.         France  financed  51  percent  of  ets to the heavens.                killing seven people and injuring
               The Moroccan and French lead-     the project, Morocco 28 percent  Morocco's railway office expects  more than 100.q
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