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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 16 November 2018

            VA seeks to reduce GI Bill

            payment delays after IT woes

            By HOPE YEN                  campus where they attend     ence.
             Associated Press            the  most  classes,  rather   “The  average  claim  takes
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  than defaulting to the main     approximately  15  days  to
            Department  of  Veterans  campuses.  That  meant  a       process — this is very close
            Affairs  on  Thursday  prom-  change  to  the  IT  systems   to  VA’s  historic  processing
            ised to try to speed up pay-  for  hundreds  of  thousands   goal of 14 days or fewer for
            ments to thousands of vet-   of GI Bill recipients.       supplemental  claims,”  the
            erans  after  delays  caused  According to VA data pro-   VA said in a statement.
            by information technology  vided  to  The  Associated     The  department  stressed    Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie places a wreath at the
            problems.                    Press, as of this week, about   that any delay in payments   Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during a ceremony at Arlington
            “We  are  working  diligently  56,500  veterans  had  out-  is  unacceptable,  but  ac-  National Cemetery on Veterans Day, Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018, in
            to  minimize  these  delays  standing claims for their GI   knowledged that payment    Arlington, Va.
            affecting  GI  Bill  students,”  education  benefits,  down   of GI benefits could still ex-                                    Associated Press
            Paul  Lawrence,  VA’s  un-   from 82,000 last week. The   perience  problems  in  the  ing  on  restoring  benefits  2015 and 2016.
            dersecretary  for  benefits,  numbers  include  claims    months  ahead  until  IT  sys-  for students whose college  “I will tell you that the pay-
            said in a statement.         recently  received,  so  not   tems are fixed.            closed down mid-program,  ments  are  flowing,”  Wilkie
            Last  year,  President  Don-  all  represent  a  backlog  or   Last  week,  VA  Secretary  Wilkie said. That is the case  said last week.
            ald Trump signed off on the  delayed  payment.  Out  of   Robert  Wilkie  expressed  for  thousands  of  veterans  The  VA  said  students  can
            biggest boost in GI benefits  the 56,500, about 825 were   hope that upgraded IT sys-  who  were  hurt  by  the  col-  contact  its  call  center  at
            in  a  decade,  but  the  leg-  claims pending more than   tems could be put in place  lapse  of  for-profit  college  1-888-442-4551  if  they  are
            islation  did  not  take  into  60 days, the VA said.     sometime “early next year.”  giants ITT Technical Institute  encountering   problems
            account  the  additional  Veterans  were  being  paid     The  agency  is  also  work-  and Corinthian Colleges in  with their GI benefits.q
            time  or  finances  needed  at  the  2017  level  until  IT
            to  upgrade  VA’s  aging  IT  problems were fixed.
            systems in order to process  It  said  students  who  were
            claims. The expanded ben-    underpaid  would  receive
            efits took effect this fall.  the   remaining   amount
            Among the GI Bill changes  once  IT  upgrades  are
            was  a  provision  that  of-  completed.   Those   who
            fered  monthly  housing  sti-  were  overpaid  due  to  the
            pends  to  veterans  based  change  in  law  would  be
            on  the  ZIP  codes  of  the  able  to  keep  the  differ-

            Corrected study:

            Building, mining have

            high suicide rates

            In  this  Monday,  April  21,  2008  file  photo,  a  U.S  soldier  looks
            through  the  scope  of  his  weapon  during  a  night  patrol  in
            Mandozai, in Khost province, Afghanistan, seen through night
            vision equipment.                            Associated Press
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  U.S.  included  the  misclassifica-
            health  officials  say  the  tion  of  some  workers  as
            workers with the highest sui-  farmers instead of manag-
            cide  rates  have  construc-  ers.  The  study  looked  at
            tion,  mining  and  drilling  22,000 people who died of
            jobs.  That  was  the  finding  suicide  in  2012  and  2015,
            of  a  report  correcting  an  and  what  jobs  they  held.
            earlier study that mistaken-  Men  had  the  highest  sui-
            ly said farmers, lumberjacks  cide rates. The 2015 suicide
            and fishermen killed them-   rate for men in construction
            selves most often.           and extraction jobs was 53
            The  Centers  for  Disease  per  100,000.  The  second
            Control and Prevention re-   highest  rate  was  seen  in
            leased  a  corrected  study  men  who  worked  in  arts,
            Thursday. CDC officials said  design, entertainment and
            the  2016  study  ‘s  mistakes  media.q
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