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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 16 November 2018

            Snowstorm slows evening commute in New York City

            NEW YORK (AP) — The first  er’s  side,  coming  to  rest
            snowstorm of the season to  in  an  interstate  median,
            hit the New York City area  Mississippi  Highway  Patrol
            brought  several  inches  of  spokesman  Capt.  Johnny
            snow,  slowing  Thursday’s  Poulos said. The crash hap-
            evening  commute  to  a  pened  about  35  miles  (55
            crawl, after contributing to  kilometers)  southeast  of
            at least seven deaths as it  downtown  Memphis,  Ten-
            swept across the country.    nessee.
            From St. Louis to the South  “All  of  a  sudden  the  bus
            and  into  the  Northeast,  started  swerving  then  it
            snow, freezing rain, and  in  spun around two times, hit
            some  parts,  sleet,  made  the  rail  and  then  flipped
            driving  tricky  and  closed  over,”  bus  passenger  Ve-
            schools Thursday.            ronica Love told news out-
            In  New  York  City,  the  wet  lets as she left a hospital af-
            snowfall  and  wind  gusts  ter the wreck. “The second
            Thursday  downed  numer-     spin,  it  started  picking  up
            ous  tree  branches.  Police  speed. It was, I mean, what   A couple take shelter under an umbrella from snowfall in front of a mural while another man walks
            advised people to stay in-   could you do?”               past them in lower Manhattan on Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018, in New York.
            doors and avoid the roads.  Later  Wednesday  night,                                                                           Associated Press
            Commuters  also  were  ad-   near  Little  Rock,  Arkansas,   to  the  International  Space  The  unmanned  Cygnus  Eastern Shore carrying sup-
            vised to avoid the Port Au-  three  people  were  killed   Station had to be resched-  cargo  craft  is  now  sched-  plies  and  research  materi-
            thority Bus Terminal - which  in  separate  crashes  on   uled by one day because  uled  to  lift  off  early  Friday  als for the astronauts at the
            is  also  used  by  some  to  icy  roads.  The  interstate   of the weather, NASA said.  from Wallops Island on the  space station.q
            travel to New Jersey - due  was closed and reopened
            to overcrowding. The poor  shortly  before  daybreak
            weather  made  it  difficult  Thursday,  but  officials  said
            for buses to reach the ter-  traffic  was  slow-going  be-
            minal,  officials  said.  And  a  cause  some  drivers  had
            multi-vehicle  accident  on  fallen asleep.
            the  George  Washington  Officials  in  Ohio  reported
            Bridge  added  to  the  traf-  at  least  one  traffic  death
            fic  nightmare.  There  were  that  was  likely  weather-
            scattered  delays  on  the  related.  Indiana  State  Po-
            Long Island Rail Road and  lice also reported a death
            New Jersey Transit reported  early Thursday, which they
            30-minute  delays  system  said  was  caused  by  the
            wide.  Flight  delays  of  up  60-year-old woman driving
            to  an  hour  were  reported  too fast on a slick road.
            at  JFK,  LaGuardia  and  In  Philadelphia,  a  meteo-
            Newark  airports.  Forecast-  rologist  told  the  Allentown
            ers  said  the  snow  should  Morning Call that this storm
            turn  to  mostly  sleet  and  is “an overperformer.” By 3
            rain    before  changing  to  p.m. Thursday, parts of sub-
            rain overnight. As much as  urban  Philadelphia  had  5
            8  inches  (20  centimeters)  inches  of  snow.  The  freez-
            of  snow  blanketed  the  St.  ing  rain  turned  to  ice  on
            Louis area, and forecasters  roads  around  the  state,
            predicted  up  to  6  inches  leading  to  a  number  of
            (15  centimeters)  in  parts  crashes and reports of cars
            of  southern  New  England  sliding off roads.
            as the storm made its way  In  North  Carolina,  the  Na-
            east.  They  also  predicted  tional  Park  Service  closed
            northern New Jersey could  a portion of the Blue Ridge
            see  4  to  8  inches  of  snow  Parkway to traffic Thursday
            before the system exits the  because    of   dangerous
            region  early  Friday,  while  road  conditions  stemming
            parts of suburban Philadel-  from snow, sleet and freez-
            phia had 5 inches (12 cen-   ing  rain,  the  Asheville  Citi-
            timeters ) of snow by Thurs-  zen Times reported .
            day afternoon.               Schools closed or sent stu-
            In  neighboring  Mississippi,  dents  home  early  across
            a tour bus bound for a ca-   the lower Great Lakes and
            sino overturned, killing two  the Northeast, including at
            people and injuring 44 oth-  the  University  of  Connecti-
            ers  Wednesday  afternoon.  cut  where  classes  were
            Witnesses  said  the  driver  canceled in the afternoon.
            lost  control  after  crossing  In  Virginia,  the  planned
            an  icy  overpass  and  the  launch early Thursday of an
            bus  rolled  over  on  its  driv-  unmanned  cargo  rocket
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