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                  Friday 16 November 2018

            Senate lets Bahrain weapon sale proceed; Yemen unease grows

            By KEVIN FREKING and LISA  Congress  authorizes  such     Rep.  Tulsi  Gabbard,  D-Ha-  pledge  to  block  a  pend-  New   Jersey   Sen.   Bob
            MASCARO                      support.                     waii. “We must end all U.S.  ing U.S. arm sales to Saudi  Menendez,  the  top  Dem-
            Associated Press             “It is long overdue that we   support  for  Saudi  Arabia’s  Arabia,  saying  he  has  the  ocrat  on  the  committee,
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  end U.S. complicity in Sau-     genocidal  war  in  Yemen  votes to stop it.              said  he  is  opposing  the
            Senate  rejected  an  effort  di Arabia’s atrocities,” said   now.”                    A  previous  effort  against  Saudi  arms  sale  because
            Thursday  to  block  $300                                                                                           he’s concerned the weap-
            million  in  weapon  sales  to                                                                                      ons  are  being  used  inap-
            Bahrain,  but  there’s  grow-                                                                                       propriately  in  the  Yemen
            ing  unease  in  Congress                                                                                           conflict.  But  he  took  issue
            about the U.S. role support-                                                                                        with  Paul’s  effort  because
            ing  the  Saudi  Arabia-led                                                                                         the particular arms sale to
            coalition’s  military  cam-                                                                                         Bahrain  is  “not  part  of  a
            paign in Yemen.                                                                                                     comprehensive     strategy
            Sen.  Rand  Paul,  R-Ky.,                                                                                           to end the civil war in Ye-
            forced the vote to send a                                                                                           men.”
            message to President Don-                                                                                           GOP  Sen.  Bob  Corker  of
            ald  Trump  that  the  United                                                                                       Tennessee,  the  commit-
            States  is  “done  with  the                                                                                        tee chairman, also sought
            war in Yemen.”                                                                                                      to  differentiate  between
            Facing  a  veto  threat  from                                                                                       Bahrain and what is taking
            the White House, the reso-                                                                                          place in Yemen and Saudi
            lution failed 77-21.                                                                                                Arabia.
            But  Paul,  who  remains                                                                                            He  said  he  has  asked  for
            close to Trump, is not alone                                                                                        a  high-level  briefing  with
            in  raising  concern  about                                                                                         Pentagon  officials  over
            the  toll  the  war  is  taking                                                                                     the war and the death of
            in  Yemen.  In  the  House,                                                                                         Khashoggi.
            Democratic      lawmakers                                                                                           “I’m  obviously  very  upset
            voiced frustration Wednes-                                                                                          with  what  has  happened
            day after Republican lead-                                                                                          with the journalist. I think a
            ers  blocked  consideration                                                                                         price  needs  to  be  paid,”
            of  a  resolution  from  Rep.                                                                                       Corker said.
            Ro  Khanna,  D-Calif.,  that                                                                                        But  Corker  said  Bahrain  is
            would direct the president                                                                                          home to a naval base with
            to  end  the  U.S.  military’s                                                                                      7,800 U.S. service members
            support of Saudi-led forces   In this July 17, 2018 file photo, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., talks during a television interview on Capitol   protecting  U.S.  interests
            within  30  days,  and  until   Hill in Washington.                                                                 and  serving  as  a  buffer
                                                                                                               Associated Press
                                                                                                                                against  Iran.  He  said  that
                                                                                                                                blocking  an  arms  sale  to
                                                                      Bahrain is a member of the  Saudi  arm  sales  last  year  an  ally  over  “something
                                                                      Saudi-led  coalition  at  war  fell just a few votes short.   that has nothing to do with
                                                                      with  Iran-aligned  rebels  in  The  Trump  administration  them,  but  has  something
                                                                      Yemen  since  March  2015.  has  not  yet  notified  Con-  to do with another country
                                                                      The conflict in Yemen, the  gress it’s ready to proceed  is  not  a  pragmatic,  nor  a
                                                                      Arab world’s poorest coun-   with the next sale of Saudi  sensible step.”
                                                                      try,  began  with  the  2014  arms,  averting  a  show-   Paul  said  he  would  like  to
                                                                      takeover  of  the  capital,  down  over  the  issue,  for  vote  directly  on  the  U.S.’s
                                                                      Sanaa, by the Houthis who  now.                           involvement  in  the  war  in
                                                                      toppled the internationally  On  Thursday,  the  White  Yemen, but he could only
                                                                      recognized    government.  House issued a veto threat  get  an  indirect  vote  on  a
                                                                      The Saudi-led coalition has  against the Bahrain resolu-  coalition partner.
                                                                      been  fighting  the  rebels  tion, saying the sales of 120  “I’m  not  asking  that  we
                                                                      since 2015 in an attempt to  Guided  Multiple  Launch  end  our  alliance,”  Paul
                                                                      restore that government to  Rocket  System  pods  and  said. “I’m only saying stop
                                                                      power.                       110  Army  Tactical  Missile  one  sale  of  arms  to  send
                                                                      The  focus  on  the  Yemen  System pods are intended  the  message  that  we  are
                                                                      conflict  comes  amid  fresh  for the defense of Bahrain,  done  with  the  war  in  Ye-
                                                                      scrutiny of Saudi Arabia af-  which  is  home  to  various  men.” Paul, a leading non-
                                                                      ter  the  death  of  journalist  U.S. military forces.    interventionist, said it’s folly
                                                                      Jamal Khashoggi.             “The   utilization   of   this  for Americans to think that
                                                                      He was killed during a visit  ground-based       system  their  support  for  Bahrain
                                                                      to the Saudi Consulate last  would  enhance  Bahrain’s  doesn’t  translate  into  sup-
                                                                      month in Istanbul.           ability  to  protect  itself  port  for  a  war  that  Con-
                                                                      Turkey  alleges  the  Saudis  against  threats  to  territo-  gress  has  not  specifically
                                                                      were  responsible  for  his  rial sovereignty, particularly  authorized.
                                                                      death  and  the  U.S.  an-   from Iran,” the White House  Lawmakers have discussed
                                                                      nounced  Thursday  it  was  wrote. Members of the Sen-    updating  the  war  powers
                                                                      imposing  sanctions  on  17  ate Foreign Relations Com-   authorizations  that  were
                                                                      Saudi  officials  who  it  said  mittee  largely  sided  with  approved in the aftermath
                                                                      were  responsible  for  or  the administration even as  of the attacks of Sept. 11,
                                                                      complicit in the killing.    they  expressed  concern  2001, but Congress has yet
                                                                      Paul’s  effort  followed  his  over the Yemen conflict.   to do so.q
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