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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Friday 16 November 2018

            Democrat flips U.S. House seat in Maine ranked balloting

            By MARINA VILLENEUVE                                                                                                A computer algorithm real-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    located  the  second-place
            UGUSTA,  Maine  (AP)  —  A                                                                                          votes,  giving  Golden  a
            Democrat  who  trailed  a                                                                                           lead of nearly 3,000 votes.
            Republican      incumbent                                                                                           Poliquin  questioned  the
            in  a  costly  U.S.  House                                                                                          election  results  Thursday
            race  came  from  behind                                                                                            under   Maine’s    ranked-
            to  emerge  as  the  victor                                                                                         choice  voting  law.  He  re-
            Thursday  following  extra                                                                                          peated  his  claim  he  “won
            rounds of tabulations under                                                                                         the constitutional ‘one-per-
            Maine’s new voting system                                                                                           son,  one-vote’  first-choice
            that’s  facing  a  legal  chal-                                                                                     election” on Election Day.
            lenge.                                                                                                              Poliquin  also  said  he  isn’t
            Election  officials  declared                                                                                       abandoning a federal law-
            Jared  Golden  the  winner,                                                                                         suit  in  which  he  seeks  to
            flipping  the  seat  held  by                                                                                       have Maine’s new ranked-
            two-term  Rep.  Bruce  Poli-                                                                                        choice  voting  system  de-
            quin, after a federal judge                                                                                         clared unconstitutional.
            declined  to  halt  tabula-                                                                                         The legal challenge by Poli-
            tions in the state’s ranked-  In this Nov. 6, 2018 file photo, Democrat Jared Golden, left, joined by wife Isobel, right, speaks  quin and three GOP activ-
            choice voting system used    to supporters as they wait for results in the 2nd Congressional District election in Lewiston, Maine.   ists served as the backdrop
            in  last  week’s  election.  It                                                                    Associated Press  for the dramatic finale of a
            was the first time an incum-  The  outcome  was  a  dra-  ranked-choice  voting  sys-  es.  Golden’s  election  fur-  hard-fought battle that be-
            bent  has  lost  that  seat  in  matic  reversal  in  the  na-  tem used for the first time in   ther strengthens a majority  came  the  most  expensive
            more than 100 years.         tion’s  only  test  of  the  U.S. House and Senate rac-   for  Democrats  who  swept  congressional race in state
                                                                                                   into power in the House. His  history.
                                                                                                   election leaves Sen. Susan  The  lawsuit  remains  alive
                                                                                                   Collins,  of  Maine,  the  lone  even  though  U.S.  District
                                                                                                   Republican  member  of  Judge  Lance  Walker  de-
                                                                                                   Congress in New England.     clined Poliquin’s request to
                                                                                                   Golden,  a  Marine  Corps  stop tabulations.
                                                                                                   veteran,  declared  himself  In  his  decision,  however,
                                                                                                   the  “majority  consensus  the  judge  said  it  doesn’t
                                                                                                   winner”  and  told  reporters  appear  the  Constitution
                                                                                                   he wants to bring to Wash-   prohibits  an  election  pro-
                                                                                                   ington,  D.C.,  the  type  of  cess  with  more  than  one
                                                                                                   leadership  he  saw  in  the  round  of  ballot  counting.
                                                                                                   Marines.                     He  also  said  it’s  plausible
                                                                                                   “The  best  leaders  were  the     Constitution   allows
                                                                                                   the ones who didn’t worry  states “sufficient leeway to
                                                                                                   about  who  got  credit  for  experiment  with  the  elec-
                                                                                                   getting  the  job  done,”  he  tion process.”
                                                                                                   said.  “Imagine  what  Con-  Golden  said  he  didn’t
                                                                                                   gress  could  do  if  we  had  think the ongoing litigation
                                                                                                   more  leaders  like  that  in  would  prevent  him  from
                                                                                                   Washington?” he added.       being seated in January.
                                                                                                   The ranked-choice system,  During a press conference,
                                                                                                   approved in 2016, lets vot-  Golden said he’s willing to
                                                                                                   ers  rank  all  candidates  work with Republicans and
                                                                                                   from first to last on the bal-  that his focus will be on get-
                                                                                                   lot. If no one gets a major-  ting things done, not in the
                                                                                                   ity,  then  last-place  candi-  ongoing  investigations  of
                                                                                                   dates  are  eliminated  and  President  Donald  Trump.
                                                                                                   their  second-place  votes  He  also  said  he  wouldn’t
                                                                                                   are reallocated.             vote  for  Democratic  Cali-
                                                                                                   In  this  case,  Poliquin  and  fornia Rep. Nancy Pelosi to
                                                                                                   Golden  both  collected  46  serve as House speaker.
                                                                                                   percent of first-place votes,  For now, the ranked-choice
                                                                                                   with Poliquin maintaining a  voting system is used only in
                                                                                                   slim  edge  of  about  2,000  federal races and in state-
                                                                                                   votes. But additional tabu-  wide  primary  elections  in
                                                                                                   lations  were  triggered  be-  Maine.  It  cannot  be  used
                                                                                                   cause no one collected a  in  the  governor’s  race  or
                                                                                                   majority.                    legislative  races  because
                                                                                                   On Thursday, Golden over-    of concerns it runs afoul of
                                                                                                   took  Poliquin  after  state  the state constitution.
                                                                                                   election  officials  eliminat-  Democratic Gov.-elect Ja-
                                                                                                   ed  two  independent  can-   net Mills has said she will try
                                                                                                   didates  who  trailed,  col-  to amend Maine’s constitu-
                                                                                                   lectively gathering about 8  tion  so  the  system  can  be
                                                                                                   percent of first-place votes.  used in all elections.q
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