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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 16 November 2018

            Sri Lankan lawmakers fight in Parliament over PM dispute

            By    BHARATHA     MALLA-                                                                                           Amunugama  was  taken
            WARACHI                                                                                                             to a hospital with injuries to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    his hand incurred while try-
            COLOMBO,  Sri  Lanka  (AP)                                                                                          ing to take the microphone
            —  As  Sri  Lanka’s  president                                                                                      from the speaker’s table.
            met  with  opposition  law-                                                                                         Several dozen lawmakers in
            makers  over  a  no-confi-                                                                                          white robes in the 225-mem-
            dence  vote  against  his                                                                                           ber house engaged in the
            newly  appointed  prime                                                                                             melee, some throwing wa-
            minister,  thousands  rallied                                                                                       ter  bottles,  pitching  trash
            in  support  of  the  prime                                                                                         cans  and  landing  kicks.
            minister he ousted, burning                                                                                         Those opposed to Rajapak-
            coffins  representing  what                                                                                         sa  surrounded  Jayasuriya
            they  called  the  death  of                                                                                        to  protect  him.  The  com-
            democracy  in  the  Indian                                                                                          motion  went  on  for  about
            Ocean nation.                                                                                                       half an hour before Jayas-
            Earlier  Thursday,  rival  law-                                                                                     uriya adjourned the house.
            makers  exchanged  blows                                                                                            “The  speaker  was  under
            in  Sri  Lanka’s  Parliament                                                                                        complete  siege,  he  came
            after  disputed  Prime  Min-  In  this  image  made  from  video,  Sri  Lanka’s  lawmakers  scuffle  at  the  parliament  in  Colombo,   very  close  to  being  physi-
            ister  Mahinda  Rajapaksa    Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018.                                                               cally assaulted by MPs sup-
            claimed  the  speaker  had                                                                         Associated Press  porting  Rajapaksa,”  said
            no authority to remove him  told the chamber that the  He accused the speaker of  The brawl erupted after the  Chandani  Kirinde,  a  senior
            from office by a voice vote.  country  had  no  govern-   partiality  toward  his  party,  opposition asked for a vote  correspondent  of  the  Sun-
            That  happened  Wednes-      ment  and  there  was  no  the  United  National  Party,  on  Rajapaksa’s  statement,  day Times, a weekly paper
            day when lawmakers con-      prime minister.              led by Wickremesinghe.       with  some  lawmakers  sup-  in Sri Lanka. “While clashes
            vened for the first time since  Rajapaksa  disagreed,  say-  Rajapaksa  also  repeated  porting him gathering in the  have  happened  in  the
            a political crisis began Oct.  ing  “a  vote  should  have  his  call  for  new  elections,  middle  of  the  house  while  house,  this  is  probably  the
            26 with Prime Minister Ranil  been  taken.  Such  impor-  suggesting  that  it  was  the  others  rushed  Jayasuriya,  first time the speaker came
            Wickremesinghe’s ouster.     tant motions should not be  best way to resolve the cri-  tussling for his microphone.  under so much intimidation
            Speaker  Karu  Jayasuriya  passed  by  a  voice  vote.”  sis.                          Rajapaksa     ally   Dilum  and abuse.”q

            Thousands demand resignation of Czech PM over fraud scandal

                                                                      Associated Press             in  the  case.  Babis  denies   dence vote in Parliament’s
                                                                      PRAGUE (AP) — Thousands  that, saying his son — who       lower house over the scan-
                                                                      of  Czechs  are  rallying  in  lives  in  Switzerland  and  is   dal.
                                                                      Prague to demand the res-    mentally ill — was there vol-  Parliament’s  upper  house
                                                                      ignation  of  Prime  Minister  untarily.                  on Thursday asked Babis to
                                                                      Andrej  Babis  over  a  fraud  More  protests  are  sched-  step down until the investi-
                                                                      scandal.                     uled for Saturday.           gation is completed.q
                                                                      Babis  faces  charges  that  Babis’  coalition  govern-
                                                                      he has misused EU subsidies  ment  will  face  a  confi-
                                                                      for a farm he transferred to
                                                                      his family members, includ-
                                                                      ing his son, Andrej Babis, Jr.
                                                                      Babis denies wrongdoing.
                                                                      The Czech leader been un-
                                                                      der increased pressure this
             Several  thousands  of  demonstrators  gathers  to  demand
             resignation of Czech Republic’s Prime Minister Andrej Babis at   week  after  his  son  told  an
             the  Wenceslas  square  in  Prague,  Czech  Republic,  Thursday,   online  news  portal  he  was
             Nov. 15, 2018.                                           deliberately kept in Crimea
                                                     Associated Press  to avoid being questioned
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