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                  Friday 16 November 2018
            Electronic driving systems don't always work, tests show

             By TOM KRISHER                                                                                                     said  researchers  expected
              AP Auto Writer                                                                                                    the vehicles to see stopped
             DETROIT  (AP)  —  Testing  by                                                                                      vehicles and react in time.
             AAA shows that electronic                                                                                          Automakers  generally  say
             driver assist systems on the                                                                                       that  the  systems  are  de-
             road  today  may  not  keep                                                                                        signed to supplement a hu-
             vehicles  in  their  lanes  or                                                                                     man driver and they make
             spot  stationary  objects  in                                                                                      it  clear  the  vehicles  don't
             time to avoid a crash.                                                                                             drive themselves.
             The  tests  brought  a  warn-                                                                                      Nissan said its system name
             ing from the auto club that                                                                                        contains  the  word  "assist,"
             drivers  shouldn't  think  that                                                                                    showing  that  it's  designed
             the  systems  make  their                                                                                          to help the driver.
             vehicles  self-driving,  and                                                                                       "Mercedes-Benz  has  al-
             that they should always be                                                                                         ways stressed that this tech-
             ready to take control.                                                                                             nology is designed to assist
             AAA  also  said  that  use  of                                                                                     the  driver,  not  to  encour-
             the  word  "pilot"  by  auto-                                                                                      age  customers  to  ignore
             makers in naming their sys-   In this March 23, 2018 file photo provided by KTVU, emergency personnel work a the scene   their responsibilities as driv-
             tems can make some own-     where a Tesla electric SUV crashed into a barrier on U.S. Highway 101 in Mountain View, Calif.   ers," the automaker said in
             ers  believe  the  vehicles                                                                       Associated Press   a statement.
             can drive themselves.       Board is investigating some  tested  included  the  2018  four  would  have  failed  to  Tesla  says  that  it  reminds
             "These systems are made as  of the crashes, including a  Mercedes-Benz S Class, the  avoid  a  crash  when  the  drivers to keep their hands
             an aid to driving, they are  March fatality that involved  2018 Nissan Rogue, a 2017  vehicle  ahead  of  them  on the wheel. "Tesla has al-
             not  autonomous,  despite  a  Model  X  that  struck  a  Tesla  Model  S  and  a  2019  changed lanes and a simu-  ways  been  clear  that  Au-
             all of the hype around ve-  freeway barrier near Moun-   Volvo  XC40.  In  addition  to  lated stopped vehicle was  topilot  doesn't  make  the
             hicle autonomy," said Greg  tain View, California.       Tesla's Autopilot, Volvo calls  ahead.                    car  impervious  to  all  acci-
             Brannon,  AAA's  director  of  The  AAA  findings  are  the  its system "Pilot Assist," while  "As a result we had to take  dents,"  the  company  said
             automotive    engineering.  second  tests  showing  that  Nissan's  is  named  "ProPilot  evasive  action,"  said  Bran-  in  a  statement  earlier  this
             "Clearly having 'pilot' in the  the  systems  can't  handle  Assist."                 non.                         year.
             name may imply a level of  every situation in real-world  Automakers  generally  say  Only  the  Tesla  system  A  message  was  left  Thurs-
             unaided  driving,  which  is  driving, including some that  they  tell  drivers  that  their  brought  the  vehicle  to  a  day   seeking   comment
             not  correct  for  the  current  are  relatively  common.  In  cars  aren't  fully  self-driving  complete  stop  in  all  five  from Volvo.
             state  of  the  development  August,  the  Insurance  In-  and  that  they  should  al-  track test runs, but driver in-  Brannon  said  that  despite
             of these systems."          stitute  for  Highway  Safety  ways be alert and ready to  tervention was needed for  their shortcomings, the sys-
             The  test  results  released  released tests that showed  intervene.                  the others, the AAA report  tems  have  great  poten-
             Thursday  come  after  sev-  similar problems to the AAA  AAA  says  the  vehicles  said.                          tial  to  save  lives  and  stop
             eral   highly   publicized  study.The auto club tested  drifted  out  of  lanes  and  The vehicles' owner's man-   crashes from happening.
             crashes  involving  Tesla  ve-  the systems on four vehicles  hugged   lane   markers,  uals say that spotting a sta-  "Anything that can serve as
             hicles  that  were  operating  that  had  adaptive  cruise  struggling   with   moder-  tionary vehicle after a lead  a backstop to a good driv-
             on  the  company's  system  control,  lane-keeping  as-  ate  traffic,  curved  roads  vehicle changes lanes is a  er is going to enhance the
             named "Autopilot." The Na-  sist  and  automatic  emer-  and  streets  with  busy  in-  design limitation for the sys-  safety of the system, of the
             tional Transportation Safety  gency  braking.  Vehicles  tersections.  Three  of  the  tems, Brannon said. But he  driver," he said.q

            Facebook says it's getting better at removing hate speech

            By BARBARA ORTUTAY           ence, hate speech and in-    Facebook's strategy as "de-
            AP Technology Writer         citement to violence in the  lay, deny and deflect."
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Face-    U.S.,  Myanmar,  India  and  Facebook  said  Thursday  it
            book said it's making prog-  elsewhere.                   has cut times with a Wash-
            ress  on  detecting  hate  The  company  also  said  it  ington public relations firm,
            speech,  graphic  violence  disabled more than 1.5 bil-   Definers,  which  the  Times
            and  other  violations  of  its  lion  fake  accounts  in  the  said  Facebook  hired  to
            rules, even before users see  latest   six-month   period,  discredit opponents. Face-
            and report them.             compared  with  1.3  bil-    book  CEO  Mark  Zucker-
            Facebook said that during  lion  during  the  previous  six  berg said during a call with
            the April-to-September pe-   months.  Facebook  said  reporters  that  he  learned
            riod, it doubled the amount  most of the fake accounts  about the company's rela-
            of hate speech it detected  it  found  were  financially  tionship  with  Definers  only
            proactively,    compared  motivated,       rather   than  when  he  read  the  Times
            with the previous six months.  aimed  at  misinformation.  report.On     community
            The  findings  were  spelled  The  company  has  nearly  guidelines,  Facebook  also   In this Jun 7, 2013, file photo, the Facebook "like" symbol is
            out Thursday in Facebook's  2.3 billion users.            released  metrics  on  issues   illuminated on a sign outside the company's headquarters in
            second report on enforcing  Facebook's  report  comes  such  as  child  nudity  and    Menlo Park, Calif.
            community  standards.  The  a  day  after  The  New  York  sexual exploitation, terrorist                                      Associated Press
            reports come as Facebook  Times  published  an  exten-    propaganda,  bullying  and  measure  how  prevalent  of  bullying  in  the  July-Sep-
            grapples with challenge af-  sive  report  on  how  Face-  spam.  While  it  is  publish-  these  things  are  on  Face-  tember  period,  this  does
            ter challenge, ranging from  book  deals  with  crisis  af-  ing  how  many  violations  it  book  overall.  For  instance,  not mean there were only 2
            fake  news  to  Facebook's  ter crisis over the past two  is  catching,  the  company  while  Facebook  took  ac-   million instances of bullying
            role  in  elections  interfer-  years. The Times described  said it can't always reliably  tion  on  2  million  instances  during this time.q
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