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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Friday 16 November 2018
            Mana honored as Latin Grammys' Person of the Year

            By REGINA GARCIA CANO                                                                                               where members of a cara-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    van of Central Americans
            LAS  VEGAS  (AP)  —  Mexi-                                                                                          attempting  to  reach  the
            can rock band Mana be-                                                                                              U.S.  border  were  resting.
            came the first group ever                                                                                           He  offered  them  words
            to be honored as the Latin                                                                                          of  encouragement  and
            Recording Academy's Per-                                                                                            sang "Rayando el Sol" y "El
            son  of  the  Year  Wednes-                                                                                         Muelle de San Blas."
            day,  when  its  four  mem-                                                                                         "I went to see them. We've
            bers were recognized dur-                                                                                           been supporting the immi-
            ing  a  star-studded  tribute                                                                                       grants  here  in  the  United
            concert  for  their  creative                                                                                       States  for  more  than  20
            accomplishments        and                                                                                          years," Olvera said.
            philanthropic efforts.                                                                                              "At the end of the day, we
            Lead vocalist Fher Olvera,                                                                                          are  brothers,  we  are  hu-
            drummer  Alex  González,                                                                                            man beings... We shouldn't
            guitarist  Sergio  Vallín  and                                                                                      be  afraid  of  them...  I  told
            bass  player  Juan  Calleros                                                                                        them be careful. I saw ba-
            received  a  crystal  tro-                                                                                          bies, I saw children. It was
            phy before artists, industry                                                                                        sad,  but  they  have  a  lot
            leaders  and  others  in  an                                                                                        of  hope."  González  add-
            event the day before the                                                                                            ed  that  the  immigrants
            Latin Grammy Awards cer-                                                                                            wouldn't be on this journey
            emony in Las Vegas.                                                                                                 "if  there  wasn't  so  much
            "Mana is a band that has                                                                                            corruption in the countries
            given its all always — heart   Fher Olvera, of Mana, performs at the Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year gala   they're coming from."
            and  soul,"  Olvera  said  on   honoring Mana at the Mandalay Bay Events Center on Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018.        "Nobody  wants  to  leave
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            stage before recalling the                                                                                          their  country,"  González
            band's humble beginnings  More  than  a  dozen  Latin  "Mariposa Traicionera."         through its songs, concerts  said  on  the  red  carpet.
            and  the  years  in  which  artists  honored  the  band  The  academy  bestowed  and, more recently, social  "These people are running
            they all slept in a van. "We  with renditions of its great-  the  honor  on  the  band  media. It has also promot-  away  from  a  lot  of  very
            were working a lot, a lot, a  est  hits.  Gilberto  Santa  for  its  achievements  and  ed  the  Latino  vote  in  the  drastic situations.
            lot until we reached what  Rosa  sang  a  salsa  version  contributions  to  the  Latin  U.S.  and  has  denounced  It's  a  humanitarian  crisis,
            we  have  been  sowing...  .  of  "Bendita  tu  Luz,"  Pablo  community and support of  what  it  deems  as  social  but we have to help these
            We never thought, for ex-    Alborán performed a pop  environmental  protection  injustices in countries such  people one way or anoth-
            ample,  that  we  were  go-  rendition  of  "Rayando  el  and human rights causes.     as  Venezuela,  Nicaragua  er.  Yes, it's illegal to enter
            ing to play in Israel or that  Sol," and Pepe Aguilar ac-  Mana has highlighted en-    and Bolivia.                 a country, but as Fher says,
            we were going to be play-    companied by the Maria-      vironmental,  social,  po-   Olvera on Monday visited  brothers  and  sisters,  hu-
            ing  two  years  ago  in  the  chi Sol de México de José  litical and human rights is-  a temporary shelter in the  manitarian crisis, we have
            White House."                Hernández      interpreted  sues for more than 30 years  Mexican  state  of  Jalisco  to help them."q

            Marie Antoinette pearl reaps record $36 million, with fees

            By JAMEY KEATEN                                                                                                     up  for  sale,  the  pendant
            Associated Press                                                                                                    obliterated  the  pre-auc-
            GENEVA  (AP)  —  A  large,                                                                                          tion estimate — in its case,
            drop-shaped natural pearl                                                                                           $1 million to $2 million.
            pendant  sold  for  more                                                                                            It sold for a hammer price
            than  $36  million  Wednes-                                                                                         of  32  million  Swiss  francs
            day  at  a  rare  auction  of                                                                                       ($32  million),  but  with  the
            jewelry  that  once  be-                                                                                            buyer's premium and fees,
            longed  to  French  Queen                                                                                           the total sale rose to more
            Marie  Antoinette,  which                                                                                           than $36.1 million.
            Sotheby's  is  calling  a  re-                                                                                      The  buyer  wanted  to  re-
            cord  price  for  a  pearl  at                                                                                      main    anonymous,     the
            auction.                                                                                                            auction house said.
            The  "Queen  Marie  Antoi-                                                                                          All  told,  the  Marie  Antoi-
            nette's Pearl," a diamond-                                                                                          nette pieces reaped near-
            and-pearl  pendant,  was                                                                                            ly $43 million.
            among  the  highlight  of-                                                                                          The  diamond  and  pearl
            ferings on the block at the                                                                                         jewelry  of  Marie  Antoi-
            Sotheby's  sale  of  jewelry                                                                                        nette that went under the
            from  the  Bourbon-Parma                                                                                            hammer  epitomized  the
            dynasty in Geneva.                                                                                                  aloof,   pre-Revolutionary
            Sotheby's  billed  the  sale                                                                                        opulence of French royals
            as  a  once-in-a-lifetime                                                                                           brought  down  by  the  up-
            chance to scoop up heir-     In this Friday, Oct. 12, 2018 file photo, the Queen Marie Antoinette Pearl and diamond pendant,   rising.
            looms  and  jewels  that     from the 18th century, is displayed at Sotheby's, in New York.                         The  wife  of  King  Louis
            have  been  held  in  the                                                                          Associated Press  XVI,  she  was  executed  in
            Bourbon-Parma      dynasty  Some  of  the  Marie  Antoi-  seen in public for 200 years  Like many of the 10 former  France's  revolutionary  fer-
            for generations.             nette jewelry hadn't been  — until now.                   Marie  Antoinette  pieces  vor in 1793.q
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