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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Friday 16 November 2018
            Roy Clark, country guitar virtuoso, 'Hee Haw' star, has died

            By KRISTIN M. HALL                                                                                                  Clark was born in Meherrin,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Virginia,  and  received  his
            Country star Roy Clark, the                                                                                         first guitar on his 14th Christ-
            guitar  virtuoso  and  singer                                                                                       mas.  He  was  playing  in
            who  headlined  the  corn-                                                                                          his  father's  square  dance
            pone  TV  show  "Hee  Haw"                                                                                          band at age 15.
            for nearly a quarter century                                                                                        In  the  1950s,  Clark  played
            and  was  known  for  such                                                                                          in  bands  in  the  Washing-
            hits  as  "Yesterday  When  I                                                                                       ton, D.C., area. In 1960, he
            was  Young"  and  "Honey-                                                                                           got  the  chance  to  front
            moon  Feeling,"  has  died.                                                                                         the band of country singer
            He was 85.                                                                                                          Wanda  Jackson.  He  also
            Publicist  Jeremy  Westby                                                                                           performed  regularly  in  Las
            said  Clark  died  Thursday                                                                                         Vegas.  He  got  his  first  re-
            due to complications from                                                                                           cording   contract,   with
            pneumonia at home in Tul-                                                                                           Capitol Records, in 1962.
            sa, Okla.                                                                                                           He  appeared  on  Jimmy
            Clark  was  "Hee  Haw"  host                                                                                        Dean's TV show "Town and
            or  co-host  for  its  entire  24-                                                                                  Country  Time"  and  took
            year run, with Buck Owens                                                                                           over the show when Dean
            his best known co-host. The                                                                                         left.
            country  music  and  com-                                                                                           In  1997  he  released  "Roy
            edy  show's  last  episode                                                                                          Clark's  Christmas  Memo-
            aired in 1993, though reruns   In this May 17, 2009, file photo, country music star Roy Clark performs after being inducted into the   ries."
            continued  for  a  few  years   Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville, Tenn.                                      Clark  and  Owens  worked
            thereafter.                                                                                        Associated Press  together for years, but they
            "'Hee Haw' won't go away.                                                                                           had  very  different  feelings
            It brings a smile to too many  terday When I Was Young"  Was  Young"  had  "opened  Young" and for years made  about  "Hee  Haw."  Owens,
            faces,"  he  said  in  2004,  (1969), "Come Live With Me"  a  lot  of  people's  eyes  not  Clark  promise  to  sing  it  at  who  left  the  show  in  1986,
            when the show was distrib-   (1973)  and  "Honeymoon  only to what I could do but  his  memorial  —  a  request  later  referred  to  it  as  a
            uted  on  VHS  and  DVD  for  Feeling" (1974). He was also  to  the  whole  fertile  and  granted  after  Mantle  died  "cartoon  donkey,"  one  he
            the first time.              known  for  his  instrumental  still  largely  untapped  field  in 1995.               endured for "that big pay-
            Clark  played  the  guitar,  versions of "Malaguena," on  of country music, from the  Beginning in 1983, Clark op-  check."  Clark  told  The  As-
            banjo,  fiddle,  mandolin,  12-string guitar, and "Ghost  Glen  Campbells  and  the  erated  the  Roy  Clark  Ce-   sociated Press in 2004 that
            harmonica  and  other  in-   Riders in the Sky."          Kenny  Rogerses,  right  on  lebrity  Theatre  in  Branson,  "Hee Haw" was like a fam-
            struments.  His  skills  brought  He  was  inducted  into  the  through to the Garth Brook-  Missouri,  and  was  one  of  ily  reunion."We  became  a
            him gigs as guest performer  Country Music Hall of Fame  ses and Vince Gills."         the  first  country  entertain-  part of the family. The view-
            with  many  top  orchestras,  in  2009,  and  emotionally  Clark  was  guest  host  on  ers to open a theater there.  ers were sort of part owners
            including  the  Boston  Pops.  told the crowd how moving  "The  Tonight  Show"  sev-   Dozens followed him.         of the show. They identified
            In 1976 he headlined a tour  it was "just to be associated  eral times in the 1960s and  He  was  a  touring  artist  as  with these clowns, and we
            of the Soviet Union, break-  yourself  with  the  members  1970s  when  it  was  rare  for  late as the 2000s. Over the  had good music."
            ing  boundaries  that  were  of  the  Country  Music  Hall  a  country  performer  to  years, he played at venues  Clark  said  the  hour-long
            usually  closed  to  Ameri-  of Fame and imagine that  land  such  a  role.  His  fans  around  the  world:  Carn-  program  of  country  music
            cans.And  of  course,  he  your name will be said right  included not just musicians,  egie  Hall  in  New  York,  the  and  corny  jokes  capped
            also was a member of the  along with all the list."       but  baseball  great  Mickey  Sporting  Club  in  Monte  off  his  career."This  was
            Grand Ole Opry.              In  his  1994  autobiography,  Mantle.  The  Yankees  out-  Carlo,  the  Grand  Palace  the icing on the cake. This
            His  hits  included  "The  Tips  "My Life in Spite of Myself,"  fielder was moved to tears  in  Brussels  and  the  Rossiya  put  my  face  and  name
            of My Fingers" (1963), "Yes-  he said "Yesterday, When I  by  "Yesterday  When  I  Was  Theatre in Moscow.          together."q

              Baldacci introduces readers to Atlee Pine in new thriller

              By JEFF AYERS               trusting  people,  but  have  a loud incident, nobody in  has to overcome her loner
              Associated Press            also given her the strength  the  nearby  camp  heard  mentality  and  work  with
              "Long  Road  to  Mercy:  an  to  become  an  excellent  anything.  The  man  who  others  to  stop  a  horrible
              Atlee  Pine  Thriller"(Grand  agent.  She  has  taken  the  rode the mule down to the  conspiracy.  Hopefully  she
              Central Publishing), by Da-  most  remote  assignment  bottom has vanished.          has the time.
              vid Baldacci                imaginable,  running  the  When  she  starts  asking  Baldacci excels as a story-
              David  Baldacci  introduc-  Shattered  Rock,  Arizona,  questioning  the  camp-      teller when it comes to FBI
              es  readers  to  FBI  Special  office of the FBI. Part of its  ers and the rangers in the  agents  with  baggage.  He
              Agent Atlee Pine in his lat-  jurisdiction involves working  area,  Atlee  is  removed  also knows how to craft a
              est  thriller,  "Long  Road  to  with  National  Park  rang-  from  any  further  inquiry.  complex  and  compelling
              Mercy,"  that  hopefully  is  ers  to  protect  the  Grand  Two  potential  ranger  wit-  case for his stellar heroes to
              the  start  of  a  new  series  Canyon.  When one of the  nesses  are  suddenly  trans-  solve. Baldacci is at the top
              featuring her adventures.   mules  used  to  transport  ferred  to  another  park.  It  of his game here. The final
              Atlee  Pine  has  a  tumultu-  riders  down  the  canyon  is  becomes  clear  that  if  she  reveal is both exciting and
              ous past, but the memories  found  stabbed  to  death,  continues  to  pursue  the  shocking. Readers will fall in   This cover image released
              of  a  particular  day  when  Atlee is called in to investi-  truth,  her  career  will  be  love with Atlee, and hope-  by Grand Central Publishing
              she  was  6  years  old  have  gate.                     over.  Her  supervisors  don't  fully Baldacci will bring her   shows "Long Road to
              not  only  isolated  her  from  For what should have been  know Atlee Pine at all. She  back soon.q               Mercy," by David Baldacci.
                                                                                                                                           Associated Press
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