Page 29 - AHATA
P. 29
Wednesday 12 december 2018
International Migrants Day
Do migrants have rights?
This new era has created challenges and op-
portunities for societies around the world. It has
also served to underline the clear link between
migration and development, as well as the op-
portunities it offers for co-development, that
is, the joint improvement of economic and so-
cial conditions at both origin and destination.
5-days to Connect
Friday, December 14th, Centro di Actividad
Rancho, will present an evening with interest-
ing lectures of several local artists focusing on
the topic of migrants in the Caribbean. Chando
Pietersz, Benjamin Romero, Clifford Rosa and
Linda Reijnders will elaborate upon this subject.
You are welcome between 6 and 8 PM.
The next day at the same time invited immi-
grants will take part in a panel discussion as well
as local professionals and artists from with dif-
ferent nationalities. Daniella Britten will be mod-
erator, Yakari Gabriel, Luis Villegas, Nelson Gon-
ORANJESTAD — Foundation Rancho & Centro The foundation informs that at the moment, zalez, Marelbis Redondo are the participating
di Actividad Rancho’S objective are to give the the refugee problem on the islands is increas- artists.
Aruban community knowledge about the Ran- ingly being brought to the surface by the me- Sunday offers the opportunity to watch a Film &
cho neighborhood in the heart of Oranjestad dia. Often in a negative way. The role of the Documentaries about the live of migrants be-
and its migrant community, creating aware- migrant and the cultural knowledge that it has tween 5.30 and 9 PM. Monday the foundation
ness on the theme and creating exchanges brought to the islands is not mentioned much. will take you on a walk through the multicultural
between different communities in Rancho and For this reason, Foundation Rancho will orga- neighborhood, starting from the foundation at
Aruba. In the light of International Migrants Day, nize 5 days of activities with the purpose to pro- 5.30 PM.
December 18th, the Foundation organizes a mote exchanges between communities and to International Migrants Day, Tuesday Decem-
multiple day’s program on the topic. highlight the role and impact of migrants on the ber 18th, will be celebrated at Pleinchi Coco
island of Aruba. Rancho, in front of foundation Rancho’s office
between 5.30 and 9.30 PM. There will be music,
International Migrants Day food, poetry, open mic and more. Music by DJ
Through the history of mankind, migration has and Producer Caleto, known for his impressive
been a courageous expression of the individu- collection of old merengue and salsa music to
al’s will to overcome adversity and lead a bet- which he added a modern touch.
ter life. Today, globalization, together with ad- This is your golden opportunity to mingle with lo-
vances in communication and transport, has cals and absorb some of the local culture that
significantly increased the number of people gives richness to our island. For more information
with the desire and ability to move to other please check Facebook Stichting Rancho and
places. website
Photography art by Paul van Driel on multicultural
face of Aruba