P. 15

Diamars 7 Maart 2017                                                                                                              Pagina 15

                                          E  CRISIS  GRANDI  DEN  NOS  TURISMO


                                           2017 A BAHA CU 14.2%!!

       UNDA           NOS           FLAMANTE           Lucia  y  e  costa  Caribeño  di  Mexico  ta  e   known for its over-the-top luxuries unveiled
       MINISTER NOBO DI TURISMO A                      destinacionnan  favorito  di  inversionistanan   plans for a nearly $3 billion theme park that
       KEDA!?                                          grandi  di  Merca,  China,  Spaña  y  Medio     will make your childhood trips to the carnival
                                                                                                       look like, well, child’s play. The Dubai Parks
       Comunidad  Arubano  un  biaha  mas  a  ser                                                      & Resorts boasts a Taj Mahal-inspired the-
       tumá haci (a wordo “genaaid”) door di prome     E cambionan grandi den e producto hotelero      ater, a theme park based on Legoland, a wa-
       minister Mike Eman y su gobierno. Esun cu a     y den e empresanan cu ta maneha y dirigi        ter park, and so much more. After all, when
       kere cu Mike Eman a nombra Mike de Meza         hotelnan, a tuma lugar alrededor di aña 2008    you’ve got 9.5 square miles to work with, the
       como minister di turismo despues di e retiro    y despues di esaki; pero lamentablemente e      sky is effectively the limit.
       di Otmar Oduber, a wordo engañá.                desaroyonan (“trends”) nobo aki no a capta,

                                                       ni a haya atencion at all ni di Otmar Oduber,
       NO tin un minister di turismo nobo! Bo no ta    ni di Mike Eman, ni di ATA, e ultimo aki cu
       weita Mike de Meza at all, e no ta presente     toch  ta  esnan  cu  mester  ta  riba  nan  “qui-  “Dubai Parks and Resorts is where the best
       ningun  caminda  y  e  ta  laga  turismo  den   vive”.                                          of  the  East  meets  the  best  of  the  West  to
       man  di  ATA.    Den  otro  palabra  turismo  ta                                                create  a  world  of  fun  and  adventure  unlike
       completamente  sin  direccion  y  maneho,       E atencion tabata mas dirigí toch riba propio   any other,” the park’s website says. Included
       y p’esey tambe nos ta sintá cu e siguiente      enrikecemento mediante e “parkeer-meter”-       in this magnificent world will be a shopping
       resultadonan:  den  luna  di  Januari  2017     nan, e contract di “hedging”, financiamento     center and a hotel, so even if you tire of the
       Aruba a ricibi 14.25% menos turista compará     Panameño pa e Hard Rock Hotel, Roberto          three theme parks and adjacent water works,
       cu Januari 2016, na December 2016 turismo       Rincón,  Span  Ospino,  Francisco  Kiko         you’ll still be able to enjoy yourself.
       tabata  18.1%  menos,  na  November  2016       Gomez; pues nan no tabata tin tempo pa sigui
       28.7%, y na Oktober 2016 30%.                   e cambionan grandi den turismo pa e area di     And that’s certainly the hope of Dubai offi-
                                                                                                       cials, who say they want to bring 20 million
                                                       Caribe, tampoco pa corda riba e bienestar y     visitors by 2020, making the Dubai Parks &
       Cifranan pa ta orguyoso di nan??  Bon trabao,   prosperidad di e Pueblo di Aruba….no, cada
       AVP! Pabien Mike Eman, masha pabien Mike        dia di nobo nan tabata demasiado ocupa cu       Resorts “the ultimate year-round internation-
       de  Meza!!  Di  berdad  boso  ta  un  gobierno   e maneho di nan propio interesnan.  P’esey     al tourist destination.” Many of the attractions
       formidabel cu ministernan fabuloso!             turismo  di  Aruba  ta  bay  sigui  kibra  mas  y   are  based  on  popular  movies,  with  a  Hun-
                                                                                                       ger  Games  section  promising  to  be  catnip
                                                       mas. Aruba NO tin e producto hotelero nobo,     to Katniss fans. But if you’re not an American
       Y  AHATA?  Eseynan  tabata  acerca,  nan        al contrario nos a keda sinta cu cadenanan
       tabata para wak (“zij stonden erbij en keken    hotelero  inferior  manera  Holiday  Inn,  RIU,   movie fan, no need to worry — there’s a Bol-
       ernaar!”),  y  tabata  o.k.  cu  tur  cos.  Bo  ta   Hilton,  Barcelo,  y  si  Otmar  Oduber  a  haya   lywood park, too.
       corda cu e AHATA chistoso ey ainda riba 28      su kier, tambe cu un Bahia Principe, un di e
       di  December  2016  a  scirbi  den  corantnan   empresanan  hotelero  “budget”  all-inclusive
       local cu nan tabata spera un prome cuartal      mas barata y inferior den Caribe!               Already, in preparation for the park’s grand
       fuerte pa aña 2017?                                                                             opening, more than 400 dancers and sing-
                                                       MIENTRAS               ARUBA              TA    ers have been hired from across the world to
       E  realidad  duro  y  amargo  ta  cu  turismo  di                                               provide endless entertainment. The Resorts
       Aruba ta kibrá, bo por bisa hasta na filingrana;   CABANDO    NA    NADA    PA                  will have costumed characters, rappers, and
       e producto hotelero di Aruba, cu su Holiday  MOTIBO    DI    CORUPCION                          acrobatic trampoline artists so that the whole
       Inn  y  su  Hilton,  ta  un  concepto  di  añanan   Y      UN          GOBERNACION              family will stay amused. “What we are doing
       70 di siglo pasá; e monsternan aki na Palm      INCOMPETENTE,    RESTO    DI                    is truthfully extraordinary,” said Jason Rams-
       Beach ya no ta yena ni ta satisface ningun                                                      burg, the director of live entertainment at the
       necesidad  di  e  viahero  di  awendia,  sea  MUNDO    TA  SIGUI    DESAROYA                    park. “We have over 400 performers and re-

       hoben of rico; e producto hotelero di Aruba     NAN  INDUSTRIA  TURISTICO                       ally high-quality brands with the best of the
       ya no ta pas mas den e tempo moderno aki.       Anteriormente  den  otro  articulo,  ya  a  ser   best in the world.”
                                                       papiá di e desaroyonan na Mexico y riba e
       TURISMO  DEN  CARIBE                            isla  Hainan.  Awe  mi  por  lagabo  lesa  algo
       Tur destinacion turistico den e area di Caribe   tocante e “theme park” nobo na Dubai, unda     LOCUAL  NA  OTRO  PARTI  DI
       a ricibí na Januari 2017 mas turista compará    ta  wordo  invertí  casi  3biyon  dollar  den  un
       cu  Januari  2016,  y  nan  tur  na  aña  2016  a   “theme  park”  cu  teaternan,  un  “Legoland”,  MUNDO  SI  POR,  NO  POR  RIBA
       ricibí mas turista compará cu aña 2015.         parkenan  di  awa,  shopping  mallnan,          ARUBA….. PAKICO  ESAKI  NO
                                                       hotelnan,  un  theme  park  “Hunger  Games”,    POR  SOSODE  NA  SAN  NICO-
       Ta p’esey mes tambe e destinacionnan aki        bailarinnan,  cantantenan,  entretenimiento,    LAS……
       ta haci inversionnan miyonario (“mega”) den     shownan  acrobatico  cu  trampoline,  etc.,
       hotelnan nobo, esta den hotelnan di 5 strea     … mes lesa:
       y super luhoso, cu - di e manera aki - por                                                      E  CONTESTA:  E  MINISTERNAN
       ofrece un producto completamente nobo. E        Dubai  is  building  a  $2.8  billion           DI  AVP  TIN  NAN  MANNAN  YEN
       cadenanan di awendia, nobo y moderno, cu                                                        CU  E  MANEHO  DI  NAN  PRO-
       ta ofrece cambernan di hotel cu ta responde     theme park                                      PIO  INTERES.
       na e exigencianan nobo di e viahero hoben
       y rico, ta por ehempel Grand Vela, Royalton,    Dubai  is  about  to  bring  out  the  kid  in  you,
       Kimpton,  Zoëtry,  Sandals  y  Banyan  Tree;    and the effort is going to cost $2.8 billion. On
       ta  Jamaica,  Belize,  Turcs  &  Caicos  ,  St.   Tuesday,  the  small  but  mighty  city  already   Remigio A. R. Wever, ex-director A.T.A.
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