P. 24

                      Monday 10 June 2019

            Schools reckon with social stress: ‘I’m on my phone so much’

            By CAROLYN THOMPSON                                                                                                 shift  toward  constant  self-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    evaluation  that  he  asso-
            BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — High                                                                                           ciates  with  social  media,
            school   biology   teacher                                                                                          YouTube, and even school
            Kelly  Chavis  knew  smart-                                                                                         grade  portals  sometimes
            phones  were  a  distraction                                                                                        checked dozens of times a
            in  her  class.  But  not  even                                                                                     day — things students have
            her  students  realized  the                                                                                        never before had to man-
            psychological  toll  of  their                                                                                      age.
            devices until an in-class ex-                                                                                       Awareness  of  other  peo-
            periment  that,  of  course,                                                                                        ple’s  lives,  even  their  pri-
            was then spreading on so-                                                                                           vate  lives,  is  “kind  of  hy-
            cial media.                                                                                                         per right now,” Doyle said.
            For  one  class  period,  stu-                                                                                      “And I don’t think that usu-
            dents  used  a  whiteboard                                                                                          ally  leaves  most  people
            to tally every Snapchat, In-                                                                                        feeling good, because no-
            stagram, text, call or other                                                                                        body’s  perfect  and  most
            notification  that  popped                                                                                          kids feel very imperfect.”
            up.  Teachers  around  the                                                                                          But putting the genie back
            country have run similar ex-                                                                                        in  the  bottle  isn’t  easy.
            periments, typically record-                                                                                        In  Illinois,  Glenbrook  High
            ing  dozens  of  trips  to  the                                                                                     Schools  District  225  experi-
            board.                                                                                                              mented with limiting teens’
            “One  girl,  just  during  the                                                                                      access to their grades on a
            one hour, got close to 150                                                                                          digital portal. But for every
            Snapchat       notifications.                                                                                       student who said the grade
            150!”   marveled    Chavis,                                                                                         book  caused  them  anxi-
            who  teaches  honors-level                                                                                          ety, there was another who
            courses at Rock Hill Schools                                                                                        said  losing  regular  access
            in South Carolina.                                                                                                  created  even  more  stress,
            She’s  among  a  growing                                                                                            said  instructional  innova-
            number  of  teachers,  par-                                                                                         tion director Ryan Bretag.
            ents, medical professionals                                                                                         “I  definitely  feel  stress  with
            and researchers convinced                                                                                           online  profiles,  social  me-
            that  smartphones  are  now                                                                                         dia,  to  keep  up,  maintain
            playing a major role in ac-                                                                                         my  profiles  and  stuff,”  said
            celerating  student  anxiety                                                                                        Emily Mogavero, a 17-year-
            — a trend so pervasive that                                                                                         old student in Buffalo, New
            a National Education Asso-                                                                                          York. “It kind of worries me
            ciation  newsletter  labelled                                                                                       that  I’m  on  my  phone  so
            anxiety  a  “mental  health                                                                                         much.” Mogavero said she
            tsunami .”                                                                                                          sometimes  puts  her  phone
            Testing,    extracurricular-   In this Nov. 1, 2018, file photo, Laurel Foster, among teens involved in Stanford University research   out  of  reach  or  powers  it
            packed  schedules,  and      testing  whether  smartphones  can  be  used  to  help  detect  depression  and  potential  self-harm,   down  so  she  doesn’t  hear
            perpetual stressors like pov-  holds her phone in San Francisco.                                                    notifications.
            erty  can  all  weigh  on  stu-                                                                    Associated Press  Teaching  limits  at  an  ear-
            dents.  But  research  now  recommended  that  doc-       they worry about the influ-  When she first got a smart-  lier age might help. Deirdre
            points  to  smartphone-driv-  tors  ask  adolescent  pa-  ence  of  social  media  on  phone    around    seventh  Birmingham  of  Montclair,
            en social media as one of  tients about their social me-  their  child’s  physical  and  grade, all the posting, mes-  New  Jersey,  signed  onto
            the biggest drivers of stress.  dia  use  as  part  of  routine  mental health in the Ameri-  saging  and  liking  pushed  a  campaign  called  “Wait
            After  all,  that’s  where  col-  screening,  alongside  older  can Psychological Associa-  Nia Coates’ anxiety level to  Until  Eighth  “  because
            lege acceptance letters fill  questions  about  home  life  tion’s 2017 Stress in America  “probably  a  10,”  she  said.  she  didn’t  think  her  video
            Instagram, everyone knows  and drug and sexual activi-    survey .                     Now  a  high  school  junior,  game-loving   10-year-old
            where everyone else is go-   ty. “Aberrant and/or exces-  Schools  are  starting  to  re-  the Buffalo, New York, teen  son was ready to manage
            ing  for  spring  break,  and  sive  social  media  usage”  act. Many districts now hire  has figured out to manage  a smartphone’s pull.
            athletic  failures  and  awk-  could  contribute  to  teen-  outside companies to mon-  the distractions.           The idea, which got its start
            ward  social  moments  can  age  “feelings  of  isolation,  itor  students’  social  media  She’ll completely log out of  in Texas two years ago, is to
            live forever.                depressive  symptoms,  and  postings for signs of distress.  her  Snapchat,  Instagram  lessen the peer pressure of
            Jean  Twenge,  a  psychol-   anxiety,” three researchers  Others  invite  in  yoga  in-  and Twitter, and sometimes  being the only kid without a
            ogy professor at San Diego  wrote in the journal Pediat-  structors and comfort dogs  will  delete  an  app  alto-  phone by enlisting parents
            State  who  has  studied  the  rics.                      to  teach  even  the  young-  gether for a while.         of  classmates  to  agree  to
            issue,  said  it’s  no  coinci-  Researchers are still arguing  est  kids  to  keep  technol-  Anxiety  has  taken  over  as  hold off until at least eighth
            dence  that  youth  mental  whether  phones  drive  stu-  ogy  from  putting  them  on  the  most  significant  obsta-  grade. So far, almost 20,000
            health  issues  have  risen  dent depression or depres-   edge.                        cle to learning among Chris  people  have  signed  on,
            with the number of phones.  sion  drives  phone  use.  But  Belfast  Area  High  School  Doyle’s high school students  founder  Brooke  Shannon
            “What  a  lot  of  teens  told  70  percent  of  teens  view  in  Maine  even  staged  an  at  Avon  Old  Farms  School  said.
            me is that social media and  anxiety  and  depression  as  #unplugged  event  day  in  in Connecticut. Some rack  “I  had  a  gut  level  that  it
            their phones feel mandato-   major  problems  among  April — but it served to un-      up absences because they  would  be  difficult  for  my
            ry,” she said.               their  peers  ,  according  to  derline  the  technology’s  feel  overwhelmed  by  the  child to manage,” Birming-
            Last  year,  an  editorial  in  a  February  Pew  Research  pull when less than 20 per-  day ahead, Doyle said.     ham said. “As a grown-up, I
            the American Academy of  Center  report.  Nearly  60  cent  of  students  and  staff  A  teacher  for  30  years,  find it difficult sometimes to
            Pediatrics’  flagship  journal  percent  of  parents  said  took part.                 he  has  seen  a  profound  manage.”q
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