P. 28

                      Monday 10 June 2019

            Scientists feel chill of crackdown on fetal tissue research

            By  LAURAN  NEERGAARD,                                                                                              human  organ,  said  Emory
            MALCOLM  RITTER  and  RI-                                                                                           University researcher Mehul
            CARDO ALONSO-ZALDIVAR                                                                                               Suthar.  For  example,  the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    specific  type  of  placental
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  To                                                                                             cell  where  Zika  can  lurk  in
            save  babies  from  brain-                                                                                          humans isn’t thought to be
            damaging  birth  defects,                                                                                           present  in  mouse  placen-
            University  of  Pittsburgh  sci-                                                                                    tas.
            entist Carolyn Coyne stud-                                                                                          And because the placenta
            ies  placentas  from  fetuses                                                                                       continually changes as the
            that  otherwise  would  be                                                                                          fetus that created it grows,
            discarded  —  and  she’s                                                                                            first-trimester  tissue  may
            worried this kind of research                                                                                       show  a  very  different  vul-
            is headed for the chopping                                                                                          nerability  than  a  placenta
            block.                                                                                                              that’s  expelled  during  full-
            The  Trump  administration                                                                                          term birth, when it’s no lon-
            is  cracking  down  on  fetal                                                                                       ger  defined  as  fetal  tissue
            tissue  research  ,  with  new                                                                                      but as medical waste.
            hurdles  for  government-                                                                                           Suthar  recently  submitted
            funded  scientists  around   In this Tuesday, May 23, 2017 file photo, activists dressed as characters from “The Handmaid’s   a  new  grant  application
            the  country  who  call  the   Tale” chant in the Texas Capitol Rotunda as they protest SB8, a bill that would require health care   to  study  first-  and  second-
                                         facilities, including hospitals and abortion clinics, to bury or cremate any fetal remains whether
            special cells vital for fighting   from abortion, miscarriage or stillbirth, and they would be banned from donating aborted fetal   trimester  placental  tissue,
            a  range  of  health  threats.   tissue to medical researchers in Austin.                                           and is worried about its fate
            Already, the administration                                                                        Associated Press  under  the  still  uncertain
            has shut down one univer-    Human  Services  Depart-     elimination of federal fund-  Zika offers a glimpse at the  ethics provision.
            sity’s work using fetal tissue  ment abruptly announced   ing  for  research  that  uses  difficulty.  Somehow,  the  It  “sounds  a  bit  murky  as
            to test HIV treatments, and  on  Wednesday  the  new      fetal  tissue,  regardless  of  Zika  virus  can  sneak  from  to  what  the  impact  could
            is  ending  other  fetal  tissue  restrictions  on  taxpayer-  how  necessary  it  is,”  said  the  mother’s  bloodstream  be,”  he  said.  It  could  be
            research at the National In-  funded  research,  but  not   University  of  Wisconsin  law  across the placenta, which  small,  “or  it  could  be  an
            stitutes of Health.          privately funded work.       professor Alta Charo, a na-  protects and nourishes the  outright ban on what we’re
            “I  knew  this  was  some-   Aside  from  the  cancel-    tionally recognized bioeth-  fetus, and target the fetus’  doing.”
            thing that’s going to trickle  lation  of  an  HIV-related   ics expert.               brain.  It’s  something  re-  Anti-abortion  groups  ar-
            down to the rest of us,” said  project at the University of   Necessity  is  the  crux  of  a  searchers hope to learn to  gue there are alternatives,
            Coyne.  She  uses  the  pla-  California,  San  Francisco,   fierce  debate  between  block.                        such as stem cells, growing
            centa,  which  people  may  university-led  projects  that   abortion foes and scientists  Studying  the  placentas  of  organ-like  clumps  of  cells
            not  think  of  as  fetal  tissue  are  funded  by  the  NIH  —   about  whether  there  are  small animals or even mon-  in lab dishes, or using tissue
            but technically is classified  estimated to be fewer than   alternatives  to  fetal  tissue  keys  isn’t  a  substitute  be-  taken  from  newborns  as
            as such because the fetus  200 — aren’t affected right    for research.                cause  they  differ  from  the  they have heart surgery.q
            produced  it,  to  study  how  away.
            past that protective barrier  renew their funding or pro- Bioengineered salmon won’t come
            viruses  such  as  Zika  get  But  as  researchers  seek  to
            early in pregnancy.          pose new studies, HHS said
            “It seems to me what we’re  it will have to pass an extra   from U.S.’s biggest farm state
            moving  toward  is  a  ban,”  layer of review, beyond to-
            she  added.  If  so,  when  it  day’s  strict  scientific  scru-  By PATRICK WHITTLE
            comes  to  unraveling  what  tiny. Each project will have   Associated Press
            happens in pregnancy and  a federal ethics board ap-      PORTLAND,  Maine  (AP)  —
            fetal development, “we’re  pointed  to  recommend         Genetically    engineered
            going to stay ignorant to a  whether  NIH  should  grant   salmon  is  heading  to  store
            lot of things.”              the money.                   shelves  in  the  U.S.,  but  it
            Different types of tissue left  HHS  hasn’t  offered  details   won’t be coming from the
            over  from  elective  abor-  but under the law authoriz-  biggest  salmon  farming
            tions  have  been  used  in  ing the review process, that   state in the country.
            scientific  research  for  de-  board must include not just   Massachusetts-based Aqu-
            cades,  and  the  work  has  biomedical  experts  but  a   aBounty  Technologies  has
            been credited with leading  theologian,  and  the  na-    said  American  supermar-
            to  lifesaving  vaccines  and  tion’s health secretary can   kets  could  begin  selling
            other advances. Under or-    overrule its advice.         the  much-debated  fish  by   This 2009 photo provided by AquaBounty Technologies shows
                                                                                                   a juvenile salmon raised at the company s hatchery in Fortune,
            ders  from  President  Don-  “I  predict  over  time  we   the end of next year. Its fish   Prince Edward Island, Canada.
            ald Trump, the Health and  will see a slow and steady     are  modified  with  added                                            Associated Press
                                                                      genes  from  other  fish  to  than 35 million pounds (15.9  Maine  Aquaculture  Asso-
                                                                      grow about twice as fast as  million kilograms) of salmon  ciation.
                                                                      conventional salmon.         per year, and its industry is  Numerous conditions would
                                                                      The  company  modifies  At-  poised to grow.              have to be met before that
                                                                      lantic  salmon,  a  species  Two  new  major  salmon  would  change,  including
                                                                      that  forms  the  backbone  farms  are  in  the  approvals  customers  requesting  the
                                                                      of  the  worldwide  salm-    process in the state.        fish in stores, he said.
                                                                      on  aquaculture  industry.  But  fish  farmers  in  Maine  The  group  also  feels  the
                                                                      Maine  is  the  biggest  pro-  are  not  considering  using  environmental  assessment
                                                                      ducer  of  conventional  At-  the genetically engineered  of  the  fish  conducted  by
                                                                      lantic  salmon  in  the  U.S.,  fish,  said  Sebastian  Belle,  regulators was not rigorous
                                                                      sometimes producing more  executive  director  of  the  enough, Belle said. q
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