P. 7

AWEMainta Diamars, 16 Mei 2017                                                                                                               7

       Record nobo pa

       CITGO Aruba Refinery

                                                                                        ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba

                                                                                   THURSDAY JUNE, 22 2017

                                                                                On June 22, 2017, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the Chamber
                                                                                of Commerce,  Irausquin  Boulevard  10,  Aruba,  will be  auctioned in

                                                                                1.  A residential house locally known as:

       CITGO Aruba Refinery ta contento di por anuncia
       cu durante luna di april 2017 nan Departamento Ma-                                           NOORD 33-B
       rino y di Operacion a encarga di procesa un cantidad
       record di 42 barco cu a drenta y sali di nos haf.                        standing on a parcel of public land, 300 m2 size, situated at Noord in
       For di 2013 e cantidad di barco cu ta haci uso di nan                    Aruba, locally recorded as Second Division Section C number 646, and
                                                                                a parcel of public land, 498 m2 size, situated at Noord in Aruba, locally
       servicio di terminal a bin ta subi, pero e luna di april                 recorded as Second Division Section C number 2898.The lease rights
       2017 ta un luna record no solamente p’e 42 barco                         expire on November 2, 2059.
       cu nan a encarga di dje, pero tambe nan tabatin un
       suma di casi 10 miyon bari di petroleo cu a pasa den                     Starting price: to be announced
       nan area di terminal.
                                                                                2. A residential house locally known as:
       Esaki kiermen cu durante luna di april nan emplead-
       onan marino como tambe nan operadornan a percura                                           NOORD 100-Z
       pa move na un manera sigur e barinan di petroleo cu
       ta bin cu e barconan pa nan tankinan y tambe bek                         standing on full ownership land, 90 m2 size, situated at Noord in Aruba,
       p’e barconan.                                                            locally recorded as Second division Section D number 1841.
       Esaki ta un logro grandi den e mesun dinamismo di
       nos hendenan cu ta trahando incansabel riba e reha-                      Starting price: to be announced
       bilitacion di e refineria.
                                                                                3. A residential house, locally known  as

       Segun vocero di CITGO, “nos empleadonan y
       contratistanan ta dedica n’e proyecto y tur cos ta
       canando segun e plan inicial caminda aworaki nos                            RUDOLF ARENDSSTRAAT 42
       ta den e fase di inspeccion y definicion exacto di
       trabounan necesario cu start-up di e refinería den di                    standing on full ownership land, 727 m2 size, situated at Rudolf
                                                                                Arendsstraat in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section N
       dos mitar di 2018.                                                       number 307.
       Mientras  nos  ta  den  e  fase  aki  ya  caba  empleado
       y contratistanan a mobilisa y a cuminsa ehecuta e                        Starting price: to be announced
       evaluacion y ingenieria detaya cu mester tuma lugar
       riba e unidadnan di e refineria como parti di e reha-
       bilitacion.                                                              AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. Johnson, LL.M.

                                                                             •   The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and
       Ademas di esaki ya caba departamentonan encarga                          special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R.
       ta cumprando e materialnan necesario p’e fase aki di                     Johnson.
       e proyecto. Nos focus primordial n’e momentonan                       •   The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by
       aki ta pa planea y ehecuta e proyecto na un manera                    •   decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
                                                                                Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
       sigur y eficiente”.                                                   •   The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
       CITGO, cu oficina principal na Houston, ta refina,                    •   Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable
       transporta y mercadea combustibel di transporte,                         bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount
       lubricante, producto petrochemico y otro producto                        equal to the auction costs.
       industrial.                                                           •     A private written bid can be submitted until June 7, 5 P.M.
       E compania su doño ta CITGO Holding, Inc., un
       subsidiario indirecto cu doño principal Petróleos de                                                    For more information:
       Venezuela, S.A., e compania nacional di petroleo di
       e Republica Bolivariana di Venezuela. Pa mas infor-                      WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
       macion bishita
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