P. 8
8 AWEMainta Diamars, 16 Mei 2017
Parlamentario mr. Juan E. Thijsen (MEP):
Gobierno di AVP no ta transparente cu pueblo y esaki ta
trece incertidumbre, corupcion y tapamento di corupcion
TA conoci cu Gobierno di Aruba no ta transparente cu pueblo y E di tres caso ta awor un noticia di riba un retraso di e proyecto
esaki ta trece incertidumbre, corupcion y tapamento di corupcion, di Citgo.
segun Parlamentario mr. Juan E. Thijsen, kende a tuma nota di “The launch of work to revamp Aruba’s mothballed 280,000 b/d
casonan ultimamente cu ta a traves di canalnan internacional e refinery has been delayed by eight months to July 2017, pushing
pueblo y oposicion ta bin haya informacion. back a planned restart to 2020 from an original target date of 2018,
the Dutch-controlled island’s central bank said today”.
Algun tempo pasa tabatin e caso di Setar na unda Miami Herald E noticia aki a bin di Argus media for di Kingston. Minister Arends
a publica informacionnan cu Gobierno tabatin y no a comparti cu a desmenti e noticia di retraso, pero di otro banda Argus media ta
pueblo ni cu oposicion: un compania di media serio.
“The release of the Panama Papers exposed an elaborate kickback “Argus is an independent media organisation with more than
scheme whose tentacles spread from the Caribbean island of Aruba 800 staff. It is headquartered in London and has 21 offices in the
to warehouses in Doral to the offshore banking haven of Panama world’s principal commodity trading and production centres. Argus
City, according to a lawsuit filed in Miami federal court”. produces price assessments and analysis of international energy
and other commodity markets, and also offers bespoke consulting
E segundo caso, segun Parlamentario Thijsen, ta trata di e criminal services and industry leading conferences.”
fugitivo di Canada.
The Toronto Sun a informa: “A suspected killer tied to a Regent Parlamentario Thijsen ta desaproba totalmente e mal manera di
Park gang feud that has left a trail of bodies in its wake has been Gobierno di no duna informacion y tapa cos. Ainda ta andando e
nabbed in a gunpoint takedown in Aruba.” caso di quickscan di e refineria na unda Parlamento Hulandes si
Te na e momento ey no tabata conoci cu un criminal asina pisa ta haya informacion cu Mike Eman y su Gobierno ta nenga Parla-
tabata biba na Aruba sin problema. mento di Aruba.
Den Parlamento mes Gobierno y Ministernan ta nenga oposicion
documentonan y informacion cu ta ser pidi pa oposicion. Minister-
nan ta bay contra nan obligacion constitucional di duna informacion
y documento. Pio ainda e Parlamento mes ta acepta e comportacion
aki especialmente pa medio di un presidente di Parlamento debil.
Parlamentario mr. Juan E. Thijsen ta sigura pueblo cu den un
siguiente gobernacion di MEP lo tin transparencia y contacto cu
pueblo manera debe ser. Aruba merece miho. Hunto p’e cambio!