P. 15
LOCAL Tuesday 13 augusT 2019
Island curiosities and anecdotes of the 18th century Episode XXX
Continued from Page 14
Discover an Aruba
A woman lodged a complaint with the which no other could
commander against some of her neigh- share with you. Discover
bors who had thrown stones at her cot- and explore and
tage. She had taken “the corpus delict take your experience
along”, a basket full of big stones of the home with you. Our
kind that is to be found in the environs of renowned indigenous
the bay by the thousand”. and educative session
has been entertaining
“Another time I heard the commander curious participants
chides somebody and tells him that the for decades. Mail us
commandments said a child should hon- at etnianativa03@
ors its parents. I did not rightly understand to confirm
this allusion believing the man in question your participation. Our
to be the parent for he was over fifty years facilities and activities
old, but somebody else was fetched, a takes place close
man of seventy or over, who, however, to your hotels area.
was agile and strong. This was the real fa-
ther, who had lodged a complaint with
the commander against his fifty-two or
fifty-three ear old son- master of a vessel-
for having called him bad names. After
plaintiff and accused had been heard in
due form, they were both sent away with a
reprimand. The father, as it turned out, was
not entirely free from blame himself; during
that quarrel with his son he had been in his
cups, which was of rather frequent occur- Pic. 4. When rum, the
rence as his craving for rum was increas- sugarcane champagne of
ing rather than decreasing with advancing pirates and sailors was in
years”. q abundance