P. 18

                   Tuesday 13 augusT 2019
            Reed wins big events and now just needs to win more

            By DOUG FERGUSON                                                                                                    to 4 feet to a front pin and
            AP Golf Writer                                                                                                      made another birdie.
            JERSEY  CITY,  N.J.  (AP)  —                                                                                        Then,  it  was  a  matter  of
            Patrick  Reed  still  hasn't                                                                                        holding  off  Abraham  An-
            reached  top  five  in  the                                                                                         cer, and Reed was holding
            world.                                                                                                              another trophy.
            He  is  a  Masters  champi-                                                                                         Winning  is  hard.  Winning  is
            on.  He  won  a  World  Golf                                                                                        what  matters.  What  keeps
            Championship  five  years                                                                                           Reed from the elite in golf
            ago,  when  he  first  said  he                                                                                     — no matter how much he
            felt he was among the top                                                                                           pumps  his  fists  when  play-
            five in golf. He now has two                                                                                        ing for the flag in the Ryder
            victories  in  the  opening                                                                                         Cup or Presidents Cup — is
            FedEx  Cup  playoff  event,                                                                                         winning with more regular-
            which can make a case as                                                                                            ity.
            having one of the strongest                                                                                         That's what makes the top
            fields of the year this side of                                                                                     five in the world stand out.
            a major.                                                                                                            Brooks  Koepka  has  won
            It's  what  happens  in  be-                                                                                        each  of  the  last  six  years,
            tween these big wins that is                                                                                        including four of the last 10
            holding him back.                                                                                                   majors. Dustin Johnson has
            A lot of golf. Not a lot of tro-  Patrick Reed tips his cap on the 18th hole as he wins on the Northern Trust golf tournament at Lib-  gone only one year without
            phies.                       erty National Golf Course, Sunday, Aug. 11, 2019, in Jersey City, N.J.                 winning  on  the  PGA  Tour
            Dating to his victory at Ka-                                                                       Associated Press  since  he  turned  pro.  Justin
            palua  in  the  Tournament                                                                                          Rose  is  on  his  10th  straight
            of  Champions  to  start  the  The   victory   ended   a  win a golf tournament than  on  the  par-3  14th,  which  year  winning  on  the  PGA
            2015  season,  Reed  had  drought of 41 tournaments  have eight second places."        he  hit  so  perfectly  that  it  Tour. Rory McIlroy only had
            played  148  times  world-   over  16  months  since  the  Reed  showed  the  kind  of  caught  the  ridge  and  fed  one drought, and one year
            wide with just two victories.  2018  Masters,  his  most  re-  game  at  Liberty  National  down to 8 feet for a birdie.  without  a  title  starting  in
            One of those came with a  cent victory. It wasn't from  that makes him believe so  That  was  important  be-        2009.  Rahm  is  just  starting
            green jacket from Augusta  a lack of effort.              much in what he can do.      cause Jon Rahm, who had  out, but he has six wins in his
            National. That makes up for  "I don't like long gaps," Reed  He  lost  an  early  lead  Sun-  a  two-shot  lead,  and  just  three full years as a pro.
            a lot.                       said  after  his  one-shot  vic-  day  at  The  Northern  Trust.  made bogey on the 14th.  For  Reed,  this  is  the  next
            Reed  ended  another  long  tory. "It's not fun, you know  Even with his caddie chas-  Reed  said  his  caddie  —  step. "The longer that time
            drought  Sunday  when  he  what  I  mean?  I've  always  ing  off  geese  from  the  brother-in-law Kessler Kara-   period  is  in  between  wins,
            rallied  from  a  two-shot  played  to  win  golf  tourna-  13th  fairway,  he  failed  to  in — told him, "You have to  it  just  makes  it  tougher,"
            deficit  in  the  final  hour  to  ments. I've always wanted  birdie  the  par  5  and  was  have him feel that bogey."  he said. "I was pushing too
            win  The  Northern  Trust.  It  to compete to win. I'm not  two shots behind with time  On  the  next  hole,  Reed  hard and was trying harder
            was  timely  because  it  as-  really  satisfied  with  a  sec-  running out and not many  kept  the  momentum  and  and all of a sudden, it was
            sured him a spot in the Tour  ond,  third,  fourth,  10th.  ...  birdie  holes  left.  And  then  the lead by saving par with  going  the  wrong  direc-
            Championship  and  raised  You'll have good finishes in  he seized control with a lit-  a 10-foot putt. And then he  tion.  My  team  was  smart
            his odds of having a shot at  there, but as a competitor,  tle imagination and plenty  drilled his tee shot about 25  enough to tell me to back
            the $15 million prize for the  you ask any of the guys out  of grit.                   yards short of the 296-yard  off, shut it down and reset
            FedEx Cup.                   here in the top 10, 15 in the  It  started  with  a  pitching  16th hole with water down  and get clear, because we
            It also was overdue.         world,  they  would  rather  wedge to a back right pin  the right side, pitched that  can finish the year right. q

                                                                      Suzann Pettersen handed

                                                                      Solheim Cup wild card

                                                                      ropean  captain  Catriona  both  times  the  event  has  in competition ... It's a mas-
                                                                      Matthew's vice-captains.     been  staged  in  Scotland,  sive  honor  for  me  to  be
                                                                      "I was honored to be a vice-  at  Dalmahoy  in  1992  and  here and I can't wait, this is
                                                                      captain  but  I  would  much  Loch Lomond in 2000.        what I love. I feel like I was
                                                                      rather  play,"  the  38-year-  Pettersen,  a  two-time  ma-  born for this."
                                                                      old Pettersen said.          jor  winner,  took  time  off  in  The eight automatic quali-
                                                                      Matthew  also  gave  wild  2018  to  have  a  baby.  She  fiers  for  the  Europe  team
             In this Thursday, July 13, 2017 file photo, Suzann Pettersen, of   cards  to  France's  Celine  only returned to action last  —  Anne  Van  Dam,  Char-
            Norway, watches her tee shot on the ninth hole during the first   Boutier  and  English  pair  month, partnering Matthew  ley Hull, Georgia Hall, Car-
            round of the U.S. Women's Open Golf tournament, in Bedminster,
            N.J.                                                      Bronte Law and Jodi Ewart  in the Dow Great Lakes Bay  lota     Ciganda,    Caroline
                                                     Associated Press  Shadoff  to  complete  the  Invitational   in   Michigan  Hedwall,  Azahara  Munoz,
                                                                      12-strong  team  which  will  where they missed the cut.  Caroline Masson and Anna
            GLENEAGLES,       Scotland  November 2017.                try to avoid a third straight  "It's  been  a  different  role  Nordqvist — were finalized
            (AP)  —  Norway's  Suzann  Pettersen  will  make  her  defeat to the United States.    for  me  the  last  two  years,"  after  last  week's  Scottish
            Pettersen  was  given  a  Sol-  ninth  appearance  in  the  The Americans have domi-   Pettersen said. "My life has  Open.
            heim  Cup  wild  card  Mon-  Solheim Cup at Gleneagles  nated  the  Solheim  Cup,  changed a lot, for the bet-      U.S. captain Juli Inskter is set
            day despite having played  next month. She was origi-     winning  10  out  of  15  edi-  ter, but I've missed golf and  to  name  her  team  at  the
            just two tournaments since  nally appointed one of Eu-    tions,  but  Europe  has  won  am very happy to be back  end of the month.q
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