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LOCAL Saturday 10 december 2016
Aruba Aloe Celebrates the Holidays by Sharing with Those in Need
ORANJESTAD - This holiday give to Fundacion pa Hen-
season, Aruba Aloe is get- de Muhe den Dificultad,
ting into the true spirit of which works tirelessly to
the season with its cam- better the lives of women
paign “The Holidays Are for on Aruba suffering from do-
Sharing.” Through this spe- mestic violence. By shar-
cial campaign, the com- ing its products with these
pany gave away 3,500 of struggling women, Aruba
its nourishing, Aloe-infused Aloe will play a role in sup-
products to two local orga- porting their well-being
nizations, Red Cross Aruba during the holiday season.
and the Women’s Club of Not only will the products
Aruba, which will distribute meet the basic personal
the products to those in hygiene needs of people
need. in need in the community,
The primary motivation of but they will also serve as
Red Cross Aruba is to al- a special treat. The trav-
leviate human suffering el-sized products include
among the most vulner- shampoos, conditioners,
able members of the com- bath gels, and body lotions
munity. One way in which from Aruba Aloe’s signa-
the organization does this is ture Island Remedy Collec-
by assembling crisis pack- tion, made with carefully
ages, which it delivers to its selected herbal extracts,
emergency houses as well and of course, 100% Pure fort, more hope, and more that celebrates giving, Aruba and the Women’s
as to the homes of families Aloe Vera Gel from Aru- love during the holiday called “Taki’ tin: Fin di ana,” Club of Aruba at its Main-
in need. The Aruba Aloe ba. “The initiative is not season with a bit of extra featuring different events street store.
products will be lovingly just about providing the indulgence,” explained that also encourage giving Aruba Aloe wishes the en-
added to these crisis care necessities; it’s also about Jessica Posner, marketing to those in need. Aruba tire community a safe, hap-
packages. sharing our ultra-nourishing, manager for Aruba Aloe. Aloe carried out its cam- py, and healthy holiday
The Women’s Club of Aru- healing Aloe products with During the month of De- paign under the umbrella season, and hopes to help
ba will include their prod- those who need to be nur- cember, Mainstreet in of Mainstreet’s campaign, spread the message that
ucts in special care pack- tured the most. It’s about downtown Oranjestad is and handed over its haul “The Holidays are for Shar-
ages they are preparing to bringing them more com- also hosting a campaign of products to Red Cross ing” with its campaign.q
Special Friends of Aruba Honored as Emerald Ambassadors
PALM BEACH - Recently the most specially the house
Aruba Tourism Authority keeping department, they
had the great pleasure of are like a family to them.
honoring a very nice cou- Robert and Sylvia are look-
ple whom are loyal and ing forward to many more
friendly Visitors of Aruba, as visit to their beloved Aruba.
Honorary Emerald Ambas- A couple of years ago
sadors, at the Holiday Inn Robert was not feeling
Beach Resort. The symbolic well and was hospitalized.
honorary title is presented While in the hospital he
in the name of the Minister received an email from
of Tourism as a token of ap- the whole staff of the Holi-
preciation to guests who day Inn Resort wishing him
visit Aruba for 35 consecu- well, and that was the best
tive years and more. medicine he needed! He
The honorees were Mr. recovered so well and im-
Robert and Mrs. Sylvia mediately came to Aruba
Donahue from New York. much and are loyal guests climate, beaches, restau- to see his beloved friends. the Aruba Tourism Author-
Robert and Sylvia have from the Holiday Inn Beach rants, and Aruba is their The certificate and com- ity together with Kevin,
been visiting Aruba for 45 Resort. second home, but most of memorative Emerald Coin Adelle and staff members
consecutive years and They love the friendly peo- all they love the employees were presented by Mr. from the Holiday Inn Beach
they love the Island very ple of Aruba, the safety, working at the Holiday Inn, Ernest Giel representing Resort.q