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             Saturday 10 december 2016
             World’s Elite Athletes Celebrate with “Suite” Escape to Aruba

            ORANJESTAD     -   As   the  these  legendary  athletes  sports-oriented, active side
            world’s  elite  athletes  and  for  some  well-deserved  that  makes  our  island  the
            stars  aligned  recently  for  rest  and  relaxation,”  said  perfect  escape  for  stars
            the  ESPYS  earlier  this  year,  Ronella  Tjin  Asjoe-Croes,  seeking both R&R and ad-
            Aruba invited them to cele-  CEO  of  Aruba  Tourism  Au-  venture,”  said  Tjin  Asjoe-
            brate with a “suite” escape  thority (ATA).               Croes.
            to  the  One  Happy  Island.  Arubans are active partici-  ESPYS  nominees  and  win-
            Von Miller,                  pants  in  the  international  ners who enjoyed a “suite”
            Alexander  Rossi,  Derrick  sports  craze,  as  the  island  escape to Aruba include:
            Henry  and  Danica  Pat-     is home to seven qualifying  Breanna Stewart — Best Fe-
            rick are a few of the many  Olympians for 2016 summer  male  Athlete  and  Best  Fe-
            champions planning to en-    games and Boston Red Sox  male College Athlete.
            joy  a  star-studded  vaca-  Star Xander Bogaerts, who  Von Miller — Best Champi-
            tion in Aruba.               was  selected  as  the  start-  onship Performance.
            “While  Aruba  is  beloved  ing  shortstop  for  the  2016  Sgt. Elizabeth Marks — Pat
            as  the  sunniest  island  in  MLB All-Star Game.         Tillman Honors.
            the  Caribbean,  we  also  “Aruba is famous for beau-     Kermit  Davis,  Middle  Ten-
            love  our  stars,  and  it  gives  tiful  beaches  and  friendly  nessee — Best Upset.
            us  great  pleasure  to  host  locals,  but  there’s  also  a  Eric  Berry  —  Best  Come-

                                                                                                   back Player.                 Nikko  Landeros  —  Best
                                                                                                   Von  Miller  and  Demaryius  Male Athlete with a Disabil-
                                                                                                   Thomas of the Denver Bron-   ity.
                                                                                                   cos — Best Team.             Joe  Berenyi  —  Best  Male
                                                                                                   Alexander  Rossi  —  Best  Athlete with a Disability.
                                                                                                   Driver.                      Tatyana McFadden — Best
                                                                                                   Derrick Henry — Best Male  Female Athlete with a Dis-
                                                                                                   College Athlete.             ability.
                                                                                                   Gus  Kenworthy  —  Best  Kei  Kamara  —  Best  MLS
                                                                                                   Male Action Sports Athlete.  Player.q
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