Page 25 - aruba-today-20161217
P. 25

BUSINESS                 Saturday 17 december 2016

                Chinese leaders pledge stable currency, less financial risk

            JOE McDONALD                 Responding  to  concern  faster on pledges to make  Foreign  companies  com-           tions could hurt Chinese ex-
            AP Business Writer           about possible threats from  the  world’s  second-largest  plain  Chinese  regulators  port industries that support
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China’s  rapidly  rising  debt,  the  of-  economy more productive  are trying to squeeze them  millions of jobs.
            leaders  pledged  Friday  to  ficial Xinhua News Agency  by  giving  market  forces  a  out of technology and oth-  The  Economic  Work  Con-
            keep  its  currency  stable  said  leaders  at  the  three-  bigger role.              er promising industries.     ference,  attended  by  Xi
            and trim bloated heavy in-   day meeting also promised  There  was  no  indication  Trump,  who  takes  office  and other Communist Party
            dustry as they wrapped up  to reduce financial risks.     of  concessions  to  pres-   in  January,  has  vowed  to  leaders,  is  a  throwback  to
            an  annual  planning  meet-  The reports suggested Presi-  sure  from  Washington  and  press  Beijing  for  action  by  China’s era of central plan-
            ing amid pressure from U.S.  dent  Xi  Jinping’s  govern-  Europe,  which  complain  imposing  45  percent  tar-    ning but still plays a key role
            President-elect     Donald  ment  plans  no  significant  Beijing blocks access to its  iffs on Chinese goods. Few  in  directing  development
            Trump and European lead-     changes  despite  calls  by  markets  in  violation  of  its  economists  expect  him  to  of  the  state-dominated
            ers over trade.              reform advocates to move  free-trade      commitments.  go  that  far  but  any  sanc-  economy.q

                $2.6B contract awarded for Sandia National Labs management

            SUSAN BRYAN                                                                                                         and the health and safety
            Associated Press                                                                                                    of yourselves and your col-
            ALBUQUERQUE,  N.M.  (AP)                                                                                            leagues.  It  is  our  phenom-
            —  A  subsidiary  of  Honey-                                                                                        enal workforce that makes
            well International has won                                                                                          Sandia  special,”  Jill  Hruby
            a  contract  worth  $2.6  bil-                                                                                      wrote.
            lion to manage the sprawl-                                                                                          The  Energy  Department
            ing  New  Mexico-based                                                                                              first  announced  its  inten-
            Sandia National Laborato-                                                                                           tion  to  put  the  contract
            ries weapons and research                                                                                           up for bid in 2011. A series
            laboratory  that  specializes                                                                                       of  extensions  followed,  in-
            in national security, nucle-                                                                                        cluding one in 2014 as fed-
            ar  weapons  and  other                                                                                             eral  officials  conducted  a
            projects  deemed  vital  for                                                                                        review of management at
            the  U.S.,  federal  officials                                                                                      Sandia, Los Alamos and its
            announced Friday.                                                                                                   other defense laboratory in
            The  U.S.  Energy  Depart-                                                                                          Livermore, California.
            ment’s  National  Nuclear                                                                                           A  report  from  the  Energy
            Security     Administration                                                                                         Department’s  Office  of
            identified the winning bid-                                                                                         Inspector  General  in  2014
            der  as  National  Technol-  This photo shows the Honeywell Specialty Materials plant in Metropolis, Ill. A subsidiary of Honey-  found that Lockheed Mar-
            ogy and Engineering Solu-    well International has won a contract worth $2.6 billion to manage the sprawling New Mexico-  tin  used  taxpayer  money
            tions  of  Sandia,  a  division   based Sandia National Laboratories weapons and research laboratory                in  lobbying  for  its  no-bid
            of  Honeywell.  Northrup                                                  (Steve Jahnke/The Southern Illinoisan via AP)  contract  extension  sev-
            Grumman  and  Universities                                                                                          eral  years  ago.  Lockheed
            Research  Association  will   bidders that lost out to Hon-  istration.                provide stability for the lab-  Martin  and  its  subsidiary,
            support the Honeywell sub-   eywell.                      Besides  Lockheed  Martin,  oratory’s thousands of em-    Sandia  Corp.,  paid  a  $4.8
            sidiary in managing Sandia   “The  Sandia  bid  gener-    losing   bidders   included  ployees and operations.      million fine. With an annual
            National Laboratories .      ated  unprecedented  in-     Boeing Co. and a team of  The lab’s director told em-     budget  of  close  to  $3  bil-
            Bidding  began  earlier  this   terest  from  across  industry,  higher  education  institu-  ployees  Friday  in  an  email   lion,  Sandia  is  one  of  the
            year, marking the first time   demonstrating   that   our  tions  made  up  the  Univer-  that there will be changes   Albuquerque  area’s  larg-
            in years that there was any   improved  acquisitions  pro-  sity of New Mexico, the Uni-  in the leadership team but   est  employers  with  more
            competition  for  the  lucra-  cess is attracting high-qual-  versity  of  Texas  and  Texas  that  officials  are  commit-  than  10,500  workers.  Most
            tive  contract.  Lockheed    ity  competition  and  the  A&M University.               ted to making the transition   are based in Albuquerque,
            Martin  has  operated  San-  best talent to serve NNSA’s  The  current  contract  ex-  seamless. “We ask that you   but  Sandia  also  operates
            dia,  located  in  Albuquer-  mission,”  said  Frank  Klotz,  pires April 30. There will be  continue  the  remarkable   sites at Livermore and test-
            que,  for  the  past  two  de-  administrator of the Nation-  a four-month transition pe-  job you have done at stay-  ing facilities in Nevada and
            cades  and  was  among       al Nuclear Security Admin-   riod  that  officials  said  will  ing  focused  on  your  work   Hawaii.q

                   Bank of England holds rates as it monitors Brexit impact

            DANICA KIRKA                 mittee  predicted  inflation  land in August to cut rates  committee  noted  that  the  Carney,  has  said  in  the
            Associated Press             would rise more slowly than  for  the  first  time  in  more  path  of  monetary  policy  past  that  volatility  and  un-
            LONDON  (AP)  —  The  Bank  last forecast. That suggests  than  seven  years  and  ex-  following  the  referendum  certainty  would  govern
            of  England  decided  to  the bank will be under less  pand its economic stimulus  on  EU  membership  would  the process of Brexit, even
            keep  its  main  interest  rate  pressure  to  raise  rates  any  program. But at this week’s  depend on the evolution of  though  negotiations  have
            at a record low of 0.25 per-  time soon.                  meeting,  the  policymakers  the prospects for demand,  yet to begin.
            cent this week as it capped  Britain’s economy has held  decided to refrain from go-   supply, the exchange rate,  Traders in currency markets
            a volatile year in the wake  up much better so far to a  ing further.                  and   therefore   inflation.  have fretted since the June
            of the country’s decision to  Brexit vote than many fore-  The  vote  was  unanimous  This remains the case,” the  23  vote  and  the  pound
            leave the European Union.    casters  expected,  though  and  the  minutes  reflect  committee  said  in  minutes  has lost almost a fifth of its
            Though  the  decision  was  the outlook remains gloomy  the  monetary  policy  com-    released after the meeting.  value.  The  lower  pound  is
            expected,     the   pound  for  the  coming  months.  mittee’s  wait-and-see  at-      “Monetary  policy  can  re-  expected to stoke some in-
            dropped     because     the  Fears  over  the  impact  titude.                         spond, in either direction.”  flation by raising the cost of
            Monetary     Policy   Com-   prompted the Bank of Eng-    “Earlier  in  the  year,  the  The bank’s governor, Mark  imports like food.q
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