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                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Saturday 17 december 2016
            California, Uber still negotiating self-driving car legality

            JUSTIN PRITCHARD                                                                                                    nal  background  checks
             Associated Press                                                                                                   and  whether  those  drivers
            Negotiations  over  whether                                                                                         should  be  treated  as  con-
            Uber  must  stop  its  newly                                                                                        tractors  ineligible  for  em-
            launched  self-driving  car                                                                                         ployee benefits.
            service  in  San  Francisco                                                                                         Both the California Depart-
            have concluded without a                                                                                            ment of Motor Vehicles and
            clear resolution, according                                                                                         its  parent  transportation
            to California transportation                                                                                        agency insist Uber is wrong
            regulators.                                                                                                         — and hours after the self-
            The state has threatened le-                                                                                        driving service’s launch the
            gal action if the ride-hailing                                                                                      state  sent  a  letter  saying
            company continues to pick                                                                                           the  service  was  illegal  be-
            up  passengers  in  a  hand-                                                                                        cause it lacked the permits.
            ful  of  cars  without  having                                                                                      “If  Uber  does  not  confirm
            gone through a permitting                                                                                           immediately  that  it  will
            process. Uber says the cars                                                                                         stop  its  launch  and  seek
            are exempt from the permit                                                                                          a  testing  permit,  DMV  will
            requirement  because  they                                                                                          initiate  legal  action,”  DMV
            have  a  backup  driver  be-                                                                                        Chief Counsel Brian Soublet
            hind  the  wheel  who  must                                                                                         wrote  the  company.  He
            monitor  the  car’s  perfor-                                                                                        referenced the possibility of
            mance.                         In this photo taken Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2016, an Uber driverless car is displayed in a garage in   taking Uber to court.
            State officials had a “posi-   San Francisco.                                                                       San  Francisco  Mayor  Ed
            tive conversation” Thursday                                                                        Associated Press  Lee  joined  the  chorus  of
            with  Uber  about  “how  the   same  day  the  company  day  drive  far  more  safely  not need a permit.           officials  denouncing  the
            company plans to comply      launched the pilot program  than humans.                  Though the cars are tricked   move,  calling  it  unlawful
            with  state  regulations  for   with several Volvo SUVs.  “This  is  why  we  believe  so  out  with  sensors  so  they   and  ill-advised  in  a  state-
            self-driving vehicles,” Melis-  On Thursday, Uber said in a  much in making the roads  can steer, accelerate and    ment. Lee said he was wor-
            sa Figueroa, a spokeswom-    written  statement  that  the  safer  by  building  self-driv-  brake,  and  even  decide   ried about the safety of the
            an  for  California’s  State   driver  was  suspended  and  ing  Ubers,”  the  company  to change lanes, Uber says   city’s  cyclists  and  pedes-
            Transportation     Agency,   attributed  the  infraction  in  said in a written statement,  they  are  not  nearly  good   trians,  especially  with  the
            told  The  Associated  Press.   front  of  the  San  Francisco  which  said  the  red  light-  enough  to  drive  without   experiment  launching  in  a
            Talks  will  resume  Friday   Museum  of  Modern  Art  to  running  car  was  not  one  human  monitoring.  And,    week when streets are slick
            morning, she said.           “human  error.”  That  was  of those in its pilot program  according  to  Uber’s  read-  with rain.
            Uber  did  not  immediately   an  apparent  reference  to  and was  not carrying pas-  ing of state law, that means   Meanwhile, the company is
            reply  to  requests  for  com-  the company’s policy that  sengers.                    they are not, legally speak-  sending  another  message
            ment.                        employees     behind   the  Getting  a  permit  is  not  a  ing, “autonomous vehicles”   to California: Other places
            Meanwhile, the cars could    wheel of the cars must con-  complicated  or  lengthy  that  need  special  state      want us if you don’t.
            be seen traveling San Fran-  stantly  monitor  them  and  process,  and  regulators  permission.                    In a blog post Wednesday,
            cisco’s   streets   Thursday   be prepared to take over if  would likely approve Uber’s                             the leader of its self-driving
            evening.                     the technology stops work-   application,  as  they  have  PUSHING THE LEGAL LIMIT     efforts,   Anthony   Levan-
                                         ing, or is about to do some-  permits  for  20  other  com-  Pushing legal boundaries is   dowski, warned that “com-
            RED LIGHT WARNING            thing dangerous or illegal.  panies.                      a  proud  tradition  at  Uber.   plex rules and requirements
            The two sides met privately   Far  from  playing  defense,  Instead,  Uber  has  insisted  During its meteoric rise into   could have the unintended
            in  Sacramento  the  same    Uber  offered  the  driver’s  it will not apply out of prin-  a multibillion dollar compa-  consequence  of  slowing
            day  that  dash  cam  video   failure  as  evidence  of  the  ciple, saying its cars do not  ny,  Uber  has  argued  with   innovation”  and  named
            posted  online  showed  a    need  to  continue  pushing  meet the state’s legal defi-  authorities in California and   several places outside Cali-
            self-driving  Uber  run  a  red   ahead  a  technology  that  nition  of  an  “autonomous  around the world about is-  fornia  he  characterized  as
            light  on  Wednesday,  the   proponents  say  will  one  vehicle”  and  therefore  do  sues  including  driver  crimi-  being “pro technology.”q

             Pew: Majority of U.S. says

             fake news is creating confusion

             BARBARA ORTUTAY             swayed  the  U.S.  presiden-  news.  Another  45  percent
              AP Technology Writer       tial  election.  Separately  was  “somewhat”  confi-
             NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  A  new  on  Thursday,  Facebook      dent.
             survey  from  the  Pew  Re-  announced  that  it’s  tak-  —  People  are  definitely
             search  Center  has  found  ing  new  measures  to  curb   sharing  fake  news  stories
             that two-thirds of U.S. adults  the  spread  of  fake  news   online,  and  some  do  it
             say  fake  news  stories  are  on  its  social  network. Here   knowingly.  Nearly  a  quar-
                                                                      ter  of  respondents  said
             causing  “a  great  deal  of  are some key findings from   they have shared a made-
             confusion” about the basic  the survey :                 up story. Fourteen percent
             facts of current events.    — Nearly a third of respon-  shared  a  story  they  knew    In this May 16, 2012, file photo, the Facebook logo is displayed
                                                                                                   on an iPad in Philadelphia.
             Fake  political  stories  have  dents in the Pew survey said  was fake, while 16 percent                                       Associated Press
             drawn    outsized   atten-  they “often” see made-up  realized a story was fake af-
             tion  recently  because  of  political news stories online.  ter sharing it. Since the sur-  stories  they  never  realized  cians have a “great deal”
             the  possibility  that  they  Less  than  a  half  said  they  vey relied on self-reporting,   were fake.          of  responsibility  for  pre-
             influenced   public   per-  were “very confident” that   it’s  unclear  how  many      —  Forty-five  percent  said  venting  made-up  stories
             ceptions  and  could  have  they could spot fabricated   people  shared  fake  news    the government and politi-  from getting attention. q
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