Page 19 - aruba-today-20161217
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                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 17 december 2016

             Continued  from page 17     to  first  and  originally  was  sued in free agency by the
                                         called  safe,  a  ruling  re-  Miami  Marlins,  who  made
            “But he’s the manager. He    versed  when  a  video  re-  a  back-loaded  offer  and
            knows  his  stuff.  He  man-  view concluded Chapman  do not offer no-trade provi-
            ages  the  way  he  knows,   beat him to the bag after  sions.
            the way he wants and the     catching  Anthony  Rizzo’s  “The Marlins were close on
            way he wants to win. It was   throw.                      signing me, but at the end
            his decision, and my duty is   “I  don’t  think  I  needed  my wish was to come back
            to be prepared. I prepare    to  come  into  the  game,”  to  the  Yankees,”  he  said.
            myself to be strong, so that   Chapman    said.   “Look-  “I  also  wanted  to  be  part
            my  arm  is  healthy.  Thank   ing forward, the important  of  a  young  team,  like  the
            God  I  was  able  to  do  the   game  was  going  to  be  Yankees have now and not
            job,  and  I  could  pitch  the   Game 7 because basically  go to the Marlins because
            way he wanted me to.”        we had that game almost  as  you  all  know  from  time
            The left-hander from Cuba    won. Then I had to pitch on  to  time  they  change  their
            threw  273  pitches  in  13   Game  7  and  I  was  a  little  team  a  lot,  and  I  wanted
            postseason  appearances,     tired. I felt a little different.  to  have  a  stable  team
            including 42 over 2 2/3 in-  It’s  not  the  same.  I  could  of  young  players  where  I
            nings in Game 5, when he     go out to pitch, do my job,  could feel at home.”
            got his first eight-out save in   but you’re not as efficient if  Chapman, who turns 29 in
            the Cubs’ 3-2 win.           you’re tired.”               February, was acquired by     In this Nov. 3, 2016, file photo, Chicago Cubs’ Aroldis Chapman,
            He threw 20 on one day’s     Maddon  did  not  immedi-    the  Yankees  from  Cincin-  left,  and  Kris  Bryant  celebrate  after  Game  7  of  the  Major
            rest  to  get  four  outs  in   ately  respond  to  a  mes-  nati  last  December  and   League Baseball World Series against the Cleveland Indians in
            Game  6,  then  35  more  in   sage  Friday  seeking  com-  was suspended for the first   Cleveland.
            Game 7 when he entered       ment.   Speaking    before  29  games  of  the  season                                             Associated Press
            with  a  6-3  lead  and  al-  Game  7,  he  said:  “Yester-  under  baseball’s  domestic   down by Barnea’s brother.  way  they  treated  me,  the
            lowed Brandon Guyer’s RBI    day that was a really clear-  violence  policy  stemming   Chapman said he eventu-     way  they  welcomed  me,
            double  and  Rajai  Davis’   cut decision for me how to  from an October 2015 dis-     ally  got  a  handgun  and  the  way  that  they  helped
            two-run homer.               work that inning. The threat  turbance  involving  his  girl-  fired eight shots into a wall  me, starting from the man-
            Asked  for  an  example  of   there, was that had we not  friend. According to a po-   and  window  while  locked  ager,  the  staff,  my  team-
            misuse,  Chapman  cited      done it, then Aroldis would  lice report, Cristina Barnea   in his garage.             mates, they made me feel
            Game 6, when he entered      have had a more stressful 1  told police he pushed and    Criminal charges were not  at  home,”  Chapman  said.
            with a 7-2 lead in the bot-  2/3 innings in the eighth or  choked  her.  Chapman       filed.                       “That  kind  of  support,  it’s
            tom  of  the  seventh  with   ninth inning.”              said  there  was  an  argu-  “I was coming to this team  something that you need in
            two on and two outs. Fran-   Chapman  also  was  pur-     ment  and  he  was  pushed   with  a  problem,  and  the  a moment like that.”q
            cisco Lindor hit a grounder
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