Page 16 - aruba-today-20161217
P. 16
Saturday 17 december 2016
At Renaissance Marketplace:
Bake and Decorate Your Own Holiday Gingerbread Cookie!
dients that gives you that will be full of surprises, ac-
warm Christmas feeling. tivities, cookie decoration
Kids are invited to attend and picture opportunities
this event to decorate their with Santa, his elves and
own Gingerbread Cookie Mr. Gingerbread. Renais-
with the help of Mr. Ginger- sance Marketplace invites
bread himself. you to come together with
You are invited on Wednes- the Aruban community
day, December 21st, start- and their families to enjoy
ing from 6PM till 8PM; bring this festive open event. For
the kids when attending more information, please
this event at Renaissance call 523-6115 or visit Renais-
ORANJESTAD - This season Cookie Decoration Event. ebration, the flavor and
would not be complete The popular gingerbread smell of the ginger, brown Marketplace, the area will sance Aruba’s Facebook
be decorated in the Christ-
without Renaissance Mar- cookie is a must have dur- sugar, vanilla and cinna-
ketplace Gingerbread ing every Christmas Cel- mon are just a few ingre- mas ambiance. Take a pic- com/RenaissanceAruba/
ture with Santa! The event events. q