Page 12 - aruba-today-20161217
P. 12

             Saturday 17 december 2016

            Pope Francis seeks to unite divided Colombians                                          State plays middleman in exchange
                                                                                                    of captives between citizens, cartel
            J. GOODMAN                   excused himself from a de-   ing  one  last  year  by  the
            Associated Press             bate in the Senate, saying  Obama        administration,   MARK STEVENSON
            BOGOTA,  Colombia  (AP)  he  had  to  rush  to  Rome  and  there  is  no  indication    Associated Press
            — Pope Francis is doing his  to attend a last-minute re-  the  Vatican  can  succeed    MEXICO CITY (AP) — A state government in southern
            part  to  unite  Colombians  quest  for  a  meeting  with  where others have failed.    Mexico found itself playing middleman Thursday in ne-
            divided  by  a  peace  deal  the pontiff that came in a  Uribe said he was attending    gotiations involving a gang of drug traffickers who al-
            with  leftist  rebels  by  spon-  phone  call  from  Cardinal  the meeting out of respect   ready released a kidnap victim and a band of armed,
            soring  a  surprise  meeting  Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s  for  the  first  Latin  American   angry  citizens  who  briefly  held  a  crime  boss’  mother
            on  Friday  between  Presi-  secretary  of  state.  He  said  pope.  He  gave  no  indica-  seeking to take back control of their lawless, opium-
            dent  Juan  Manuel  Santos  timing  was  tight  and  he  tion  that  he  was  ready  to   country town.
            and his harshest critic.     wasn’t sure he could arrive,  make  amends  with  Santos   The  Guerrero  state  government  sent  police  to  spirit
            The  government  said  the  so he accepted a Vatican-     or  drop  his  argument  that   away Maria Felix de Almonte Salgado, the mother of
            meeting at the Vatican be-   chartered private flight.    the accord promotes impu-     drug gang boss Raybel Jacobo de Almonte, known as
                                                                                                    “El Tequilero,” after residents of the town of Totolapan
                                                                                                    got a kidnapped businessman back from the gang in
                                                                                                    The strange standoff emerged after townspeople tired
                                                                                                    of kidnapping, extortion and killings formed an armed
                                                                                                    vigilante group and seized Mrs. de Almonte Salgado
                                                                                                    and about 20 suspected gang members on Monday,
                                                                                                    then posted videos offering them in exchange for Isau-
                                                                                                    ro de Paz Duque, a construction engineer abducted
                                                                                                    the previous day in an apparent extortion attempt.
                                                                                                    Dozens of townspeople greeted a worried-looking de
                                                                                                    Paz Duque with cheers as he was released Wednes-
                                                                                                    day night in the town square. They then turned de Al-
                                                                                                    monte Salgado over to state police, who apparently
                                                                                                    handed the humbly dressed woman over to the gang.
                                                                                                    The exchange was recorded on a video shot by Guer-
                                                                                                    rero state human rights officials.
                                                                                                    The state government publicly denied negotiating with
                                                                                                    the gang, but it was clear there had been contact.
                                                                                                    “The state government intervened as a mediator, not
                                                                                                    a  negotiator.  We  didn’t  negotiate  anything,”  Gov.
                                                                                                    Hector Astudillo told local media.
                                                                                                    On Thursday night, a spokesman for a government co-
            Pope Francis meets Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, center, and former President Al-  ordination group, said officials were still discussing with
            varo Uribe, left, during a meeting at the Vatican, Friday, Dec. 16, 2016. Pope Francis brought Co-  the vigilantes about the release of the 20 or so suspect-
            lombia’s president and his main political opponent together to discuss the country’s rebel peace   ed gang members taken prisoner. Roberto Alvarez He-
            deal Friday, making a remarkable personal intervention to seal an accord ending Latin America’s
            longest-running conflict.                                                               redia,  the  spokesman,  also  said  the  220  soldiers  and
                                                           (L’Osservatore Romano/Pool photo via AP)  police sent to the area after the confrontation were
                                                                                                    conducted an intensive search for the gang boss.
                                                                                                    The state government’s willingness to act as an inter-
            tween Santos and his right-  There  was  no  immediate  nity by sparing rebel com-      mediary  was  unusual,  especially  since  it  announced
            wing  predecessor  in  the  comment  from  the  Vati-     manders time in jail and in-  last  week  that  hundreds  of  police  and  soldiers  were
            presidency,  Alvaro  Uribe,  can.                         stead awarding them seats     searching  for  El  Tequilero  in  the  mountains.  Astudillo
            came at Francis’ request.    Santos, who is on a tour of  in congress.                  also has complained bitterly about the proliferation of
            “We celebrate this new op-   European  capitals  after  Still,  the  Vatican  has  con-  such  armed  vigilante  groups  and  the  problems  they
            portunity  for  dialogue,”  In-  receiving  this  year’s  No-  siderable  leverage  in  the   pose.
            terior Minister Juan Fernan-  bel  Peace  Prize  in  Oslo,  staunchly  Roman  Catholic   “One way to see this is as an act of realism,” said Mex-
            do  Cristo  said.  “Polariza-  already  was  scheduled  to  country, especially among   ico  City  security  expert  Alejandro  Hope.  “Given  the
            tion  doesn’t  help  peace;  meet  with  Francis  on  Fri-  Uribe’s  conservative  base,   (government’s) inability to control these illegal groups,
            radicalism  doesn’t  help  day and receive a peace  and  the  pope  has  been           the best it can do is to mediate between them.”
            peace.”                      medal at the basilica in As-  careful not to appear to be   Besides trafficking opium paste, El Tequilero’s gang has
            Uribe,  the  country’s  most-  sisi  from  Franciscan  monks  taking  sides  in  the  peace   kidnapped, killed and collected ransom and protec-
            popular  politician,  led  the  on Saturday.              process.                      tion payments from residents.
            campaign  against  San-      Santos  was  defense  minis-  Although   Parolin   deliv-  The vigilante seizure of the gang leader’s mother ap-
            tos’  peace  accord  with  ter under Uribe, when they  ered  a  Mass  at  the  Sep-     peared to violate an unwritten rule of Mexico’s drug
            the  Revolutionary  Armed  joined  forces  with  the  U.S.  tember  signing  ceremony   war — that the families of top criminals are generally
            Forces  of  Colombia  that  to  beat  back  the  FARC  that  Uribe  had  protested,     viewed as off-limits. A recent attack on the home of
            resulted  in  in  the  deal’s  rebels.  Uribe  helped  elect  the  Vatican  rejected  a   the mother of imprisoned drug lord Joaquin “El Cha-
            shock  rejection  in  an  Oc-  him president, but the two  government  invitation  to   po” Guzman occurred when the woman apparently
            tober  referendum.  Santos  angrily  split  shortly  after  serve  on  a  panel  naming   wasn’t home. That, and the unusual abduction of two
            then  introduced  several  Santos  took  office  in  2010  judges  to  special  peace   of Guzman’s sons a few months ago, have been as-
            changes  to  appease  his  and Uribe accused his for-     tribunals  that  are  to  judge   cribed to internal disputes in the drug cartel.
            critics  and  even  sat  down  mer  ally  of  betraying  his  war  crimes  by  both  rebels   Townspeople  may  have  been  emboldened  by  the
            for a meeting with Uribe for  law-and-order  agenda  by  and  state  security  forces.   fact that the Tequileros gang is one of several small,
            the first time in six years but  seeking  negotiations  with  The pope has also held off   relatively rag-tag gangs that dominate the mountains
            still  failed  to win  his  former  the  rebels  to  end  Colom-  traveling to Colombia until   of Guerrero state, and not one of the top-level cartels.
            boss’ support when the re-   bia’s half-century conflict.  the peace process is com-    The leader’s mother was humbly dressed in a simple
            vised  accord  was  ratified  There have been attempts  plete, although Santos has      skirt and blouse and wore a long braid.q
            this month by congress.      in  the  past  to  bring  the  said  he  expects  Francis  to
            Earlier  on  Thursday,  Uribe  two  men  together,  includ-  visit in early 2017. q
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