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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 17 december 2016

            Catalan leader mulls early vote on break with Spain

            ARITZ PARRA                  cession motion this year.
            JOSEPH WILSON                A  thousand  Catalan  pro-
            Associated Press             independence  supporters,
            BARCELONA, Spain (AP) —  including Puigdemont and
            Separatist leaders in Cata-  hundreds  of  town  mayors,
            lonia  plan  to  seek  Spanish  turned  out  Friday  to  sup-
            government  support  for  a  port   Forcadell.   Waving
            referendum on the region’s  pro-independence       flags
            independence, but a lack  and  chanting  slogans,  the
            of consent from Madrid will  crowd  accompanied  her
            not stop them from staging  from  the  local  parliament
            the  vote,  the  president  of  to a nearby regional court.
            the  regional  government  Other  officials,  including
            said Friday.                 a  former  president  of  the
            Carles  Puigdemont,  Cata-   region,  Artur  Mas,  have
            lonia’s  pro-independence  also  been  questioned  or
            leader, told The Associated  are  being  called  to  tes-
            Press in an interview that he  tify  for  organizing  votes  in
            may  seek  to  push  forward  and  outside  of  parliament
            his  original  plan  to  hold  a  about  Catalonia’s  future
            binding  vote  in  Septem-   within Spain.
            ber 2017. “We would need  Spanish Prime Minister Mari-
            to  have  everything  ready,  ano  Rajoy  recently  put  his
            but  it  could  be  earlier,  of  second-in-command   of   Catalonia’s regional president, Carles Puigdemont speaks during an interview with The Associ-
            course,”  Puigdemont  said,  his  newly-formed  govern-   ated Press in Barcelona, Spain, on Friday, Dec. 16, 2016. Puigdemont plans to go ahead with a
                                                                      new referendum on independence by September despite a ruling by Spain’s Constitutional Court
            when  asked  if  his  govern-  ment, Soraya Saez de San-  banning the vote.
            ment  would  hasten  the  tamaria, in charge of thaw-                                                                 (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)
            timetable  to  prevent  the  ing relations with the Cata-
            referendum  from  becom-     lans, but both sides blames   lution  expressing  its  intent  tack  separatist  lawmakers,  Polls consistently show that
            ing mired in legal and po-   each  other for the  lack  of   to press ahead with seces-  but  Spanish  government  Catalonia’s  7.5  million  resi-
            litical  proceedings.  “The  formal negotiations.         sion.                        spokesman  Inigo  Mendez  dents  are  roughly  equally
            welfare of Catalonia is only  Friday’s  display  of  support   “I made clear that no court  de  Vigo  said  Friday  “in  divided  on  breaking  from
            possible outside of Spain.”  for  Forcadell  was  aimed,   can  stop  the  parliament  Spain  the  justice  system  Spain, although a vast ma-
            Spain’s constitution doesn’t  partially,  at  putting  pres-  from  debating  indepen-  is  independent  and  does  jority supports a vote.
            permit a referendum or the  sure on Madrid.               dence  or  any  other  issue  not respond to any type of  Separatist  sentiment  be-
            secession of a region. Ear-  A  leading  figure  in  the  in-  that  affects  the  people  of  pressure.”           gan to swell five years ago
            lier Friday, Catalonia Parlia-  dependence  movement,     this country,” she said after  “Nobody can have a blank  at  the  height  of  Spain’s
            ment  Speaker  Carme  For-   Forcadell  is  accused  of   answering  a  judge’s  ques-  check to disobey laws and  economic  crisis  as  seces-
            cadell  appeared  before  disobeying  Spain’s  Consti-    tions for half an hour.      act  with  impunity,  and  sionists  claimed  Catalonia
            a  judge  to  be  questioned  tutional  Court  by  recently   Catalan authorities accuse  much less so when they are  paid more in taxes than the
            about allowing the body’s  allowing  the  regional  Par-  the  Spanish  government  holding  public  office,”  the  region  received  back  in
            lawmakers to debate a se-    liament to approve a reso-   of  using  the  courts  to  at-  spokesman added.         investments.q
                2 ex-UK soldiers face murder charges in 1972 Belfast killing

             S. POGATCHNIK                soldiers who opened fire on  city, Londonderry.          McCann’s slaying had their  tectives  continue  to  re-
             Associated Press             25-year-old  Joe  McCann,  But  a  2012  fact-finding  re-  names  concealed  Friday  examine  records  of  more
             DUBLIN (AP) — Two retired  a  commander  of  the  out-   port  by  a  cold-case  unit  to  protect  them  from  po-  than 3,000 unsolved killings.
             British  soldiers  who  fatally  lawed Official IRA faction.  found that the soldiers had  tential retaliation and were  Charges  are  expected,  in
             shot  an  unarmed  Irish  Re-  The  initial  police  probe  used unjustified lethal force  identified only as Soldier A,  particular,  against  former
             publican  Army  member  in  1972  found  no  basis  to  against  an  unarmed  man  67, and Soldier C, 65.          Parachute  Regiment  sol-
             outside his Belfast home in  charge  any  of  the  soldiers  running away from them. It  British  soldiers  committed  diers  who  opened  fire  on
             1972 will be prosecuted for  who  fired  at  McCann  in  also concluded that inves-   more than 300 of the near-   unarmed protesters on Jan.
             murder in a rare case of its  the Markets district, an Of-  tigators  never  interviewed  ly 3,700 slayings during four  30, 1972, killing 13 people in
             kind,  Northern  Ireland  au-  ficial  IRA  power  base  dur-  key  witnesses,  including  decades  of  Northern  Ire-  what  became  known  as
             thorities announced Friday.  ing what was the bloodiest  undercover  officers  tailing  land  strife,  but  rarely  have  Bloody Sunday.
             The   Public   Prosecution  year of the entire Northern  McCann at the time.          been  charged  with  mur-    The  lawyer  representing
             Service  in  Belfast  said  in  Ireland conflict.        Northern  Ireland  Attorney  der.                         the  McCann  family,  Kevin
             a  statement  that  “all  the  His death provoked days of  General  John  Larkin  re-  The most recent conviction  Winters,  said  Friday’s  deci-
             available  evidence”  mer-   rioting in Irish nationalist ar-  ferred the findings to pros-  was in 1993.          sion  offers  “some  measure
             its murder charges against  eas of Belfast and Northern  ecutors in 2014.             That  could  change  as  of  justice  after  all  these
             two  Parachute  Regiment  Ireland’s      second-largest  The  two  men  charged  in  teams  of  cold-case  de-     years.”q
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