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May 20, 2019
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Pot 'legalization 2.0': Social equity becomes a key question
In this May 5, 2015 photo, marijuana plants grow at a Minnesota Medical Solutions greenhouse in Otsego, Minn.
Associated Press
By JENNIFER PELTZ social justice after a dec- both a sticking point and of pot. convictions and ensure
Associated Press ades-long drug war that selling point this year in Complicating the law- that people who were ar-
NEW YORK (AP) — Advo- disproportionately target- New York and New Jersey, making process, sometimes rested for pot benefit from
cates for legalizing mari- ed minority and poor com- among other states weigh- even among supporters, legal marijuana markets.
juana have long argued munities. ing whether to join the 10 are questions about how
it would strike a blow for But social equity has been that allow recreational use best to erase marijuana Continued on Next Page