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Monday 20 May 2019
Send us Your Home Greetings Video
ORANJESTAD – Since a while Aruba Today
has a column called Aruba To Me. Read-
ers are invited to send their favorite vaca-
tion picture along with a text starting with
“Aruba to me is …”. The column grew in
popularity making the editorial depart-
ment happy seeing this interaction with
our readers realized.
It is wonderful to share the moments of
joy of our readers who are vacationing
here, but we can also imagine that there
are people home who stayed behind
and who are being missed. Aruba Today
Book Your Classified Ad would like to give the opportunity to you
as an appreciated reader to send a live
Online Now greeting to your beloved ones that stayed
behind. It can be your parent, child, sister,
brother, neighbor who takes care of the
cat, friends … name it. Now is your chance,
ORANJESTAD — As per today Aruba Today offers to send us your Home Greetings Video! Please do note: By submitting photos, text
book your classified ad online. You may choose be- or any other materials, you give permission
tween text only and adding a picture. On the home What Do You Do to The Aruba Today Newspaper, Caribbe-
page there will be a separate category under the The only thing you need to do is re- an Speed Printers and any of its affiliated
name Classifieds. For our readers it is easy to scroll cord a short (maximum 1 minute) companies to use said materials, as well as
and have an overview of all offerings, for our adver- video with a greeting to home from names, likeness, etc. for promotional pur-
tisers it will be a perfect way to reach their targeted Aruba and send it to email news@ poses without compensation.
audience. Most important is that the prices are very Also please write
economic. Try it out to test the result! your name and where you are from Last but not least: check out our website
as well as how long you will be stay- and Facebook page! Thank you for sup-
porting our free newspaper, we strive
Contact us for more information at telephone +297 ing in Aruba. We will post your video
582 7800 and ask for Liza Koolman or email her at on the Facebook page of Aruba To- to make you a happy reader every day day! again.q
Active Wear with a Touch of Fashion
ORANJESTAD — Established in 1983, BrasilSul (means
South of Brazil) was a pioneer in launching active wear
with a touch of fashion. The unique way of designing
garments combined with the perfect fitting for women's
body turned out to be the distinction of the brand's quality
products. Wear Your Fitness in Aruba is the official dealer
of this amazing brand.
BrasilSul has a great exposure in multi brand shops all over
the country and the world. For the last 36 years the brand
is connected to the latest body and wellness conscious
trend. BrasilSul has a unique trendy top quality and big
variety. For the Yoga Ladies, Cross Fitters, ways active and has performed as a ballet
Beach tennis players, Runners, and even dancer, tennis player, synchronized swim-
as Classic Casual or Leisure wear this is mer and aerobics instructor. She knows
your brand, available at Wear Your Fitness how important it is to wear sport outfits that
at Paseo Herencia Mall in Palm Beach! are comfortable but also fashionable. The
Owner of the store, Karin van der Vaart, time where an old T-shirt was yet enough
knows the brand from the inside out as to do your sports are over, you feel as
she has been BrasilSul’s representative for great in a BrasilSul outfit like a queen with
many years. As a young girl Karin was al- her crown! q