P. 12
Thursday 7 March 2019
Democrat bill seeks to restore Obama-era net neutrality regs
By TALI ARBEL had banned cable, wire- 1930s.” NCTA, the cable in-
AP Technology Writer less and other broadband dustry trade group that op-
NEW YORK (AP) — Top con- providers from blocking posed the 2015 rules, said it
gressional Democrats have or slowing down websites wants net-neutrality legisla-
announced legislation to and apps of their choos- tion but the Democratic bill
restore Obama-era “net ing, or charging Netflix and is an “unnecessary over-
neutrality” rules that seek other video services extra reach.”
to bar internet service pro- to reach viewers faster. There are other options.
viders such as AT&T The Federal Communica- House Republicans have
and Comcast from playing tions Commission adopt- introduced legislation that
favorites with websites and ed the rules in 2015, when would prohibit ISPs from
services. Democrats had the major- blocking or throttling the
The bill will face a tough ity, only to repeal them in internet or favoring some
time becoming law, de- 2017 under a new, Repub- online traffic, but several
spite Democrats’ control lican chairman. The repeal net-neutrality advocates
of the House. But the effort cleared the way for service have criticized their efforts
could give Democrats po- Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., joined by Senate providers to engage in traf- as too weak. The 2015 rules
litical points on consumer Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., left, announces the fic controls as long as they were much broader and
“Save The Internet Act,” congressional Democrats’ plan to
protections that a Trump- reinstate “net neutrality” rules that President Donald Trump disclosed them. gave the FCC the author-
appointed regulator repeal repealed in 2017, during an event at the Capitol in Washington, Democrats wanted to cod- ity to investigate ISPs for
ed in the name of reducing Wednesday, March 6, 2019. ify into law regulations that other potential misuses
regulation. Associated Press the FCC has long struggled of their power. Whatever
House Speaker Nancy Pe- weeks.” A Senate version of more, the White House sup- over. It took years to enact happens, the Democratic
losi said Wednesday that the bill will have a tougher ported the repeal that this rules that the courts would bill could highlight net neu-
the bill will be up for a vote time, because Republicans bill is trying to reverse. uphold, and then the trality as an issue in the run-
in the House in a “matter of are in the majority. Further- The net neutrality rules Trump-era FCC overturned up to the 2020 presidential
them. election. “It keeps the de-
The Republican-controlled bate alive,” said Perkins
FCC said in a statement Coie telecom lawyer Marc
Wednesday that the main Martin. “Keeping a slow
thing the internet “needs boil on the issue, potentially
to be saved from is heavy- it becomes an issue in the
handed regulation from the presidential campaign.”q
Prosecutors: 6 accused of
corruption in Chicago suburb
CHICAGO (AP) — Federal payments from a Harvey
prosecutors accused six strip club owner between
people of government cor- 2012 and 2016 by threaten-
ruption Wednesday, includ- ing to shut down the busi-
ing alleging that the broth- ness.
er of a suburban Chicago The city allowed the busi-
mayor extorted payments ness to operate despite
from a strip club in order to knowing acts of prostitution
keep its doors open. were taking place there,
The Justice Department prosecutors said.
announced the six were Kellogg is the brother of
charged as part of an on- Harvey Mayor Eric Kellogg.
going investigation of al- Prosecutors also describe
leged corruption in the Johnson as the cousin of
government of Harvey, Il- a police personnel officer
linois. who’s the brother of Kel-
Rommell Kellogg, 66, and logg and the “de facto”
Corey Johnson, 63, are head of the city’s Building
charged with conspiracy and Planning Department.
to commit extortion. That person is identified as
The men, who are cousins, “Individual B” in the crimi-
stand accused of extorting nal complaint. q