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                 Monday 18 February 2019

            Locals find monarch colony in Mexico after yearslong search

            By CHRISTOPHER SHERMAN                                                                                              The  reason,  said  Castane-
             Associated Press                                                                                                   da, is “so that we can guar-
            AMANALCO  DE  BECERRA,                                                                                              antee lively, healthy exem-
            Mexico  (AP)  —  For  years,                                                                                        plars  that  don’t  have  the
            park  rangers  and  conser-                                                                                         type of distress that in some
            vationists  working  around                                                                                         given  moment  they  might
            Mexico’s  Nevado  de  Tolu-                                                                                         have with the visitors during
            ca volcano chased rumors                                                                                            the four-month hibernation
            of a monarch butterfly col-                                                                                         season.”
            ony that wintered high in a                                                                                         Officials  also  want  to  pro-
            forest of oyamel firs in some                                                                                       tect  the  habitat  where
            corner of the 132,000-acre                                                                                          butterflies  have  found  the
            (53,419-hectare)  national                                                                                          ideal  combination  of  cli-
            reserve.                                                                                                            mate, fresh water and flow-
            Local  woodsmen  would                                                                                              ers to spend the winter and
            report  seeing  some  of  the                                                                                       mate.
            butterflies  fluttering  about                                                                                      Without  careful  conserva-
            and scouting teams would                                                                                            tion, the danger is evident.
            scramble  to  trek  into  the                                                                                       Mexico  has  had  success
            forest.                                                                                                             with recent efforts focused
            They  eventually  narrowed                                                                                          on illegal logging in the but-
            their  search  to  a  swath                                                                                         terflies’ habitat. But logging
            of  communal  lands  more                                                                                           is still visible within the park,
            than 10,000 feet (3,048 me-  Monarch  butterflies  cluster  on  tree  branches  in  the  Amanalco  de  Becerra  sanctuary,  on  the   even though officials say it
            ters)  above  sea  level  on   mountains near the extinct Nevado de Toluca volcano, in Mexico, Thursday, Feb. 14, 2019.  is  carefully  regulated  and
            the  northwestern  side  of                                                                        Associated Press  mainly aimed at removing
            the  park,  but  still  couldn’t  government  stakeholders   big dip tend to be smaller,  “When  the  population  re-  diseased  or  wind-downed
            find the colony.             who  came  to  confirm  the   suggesting a decline in the  ally grows, they’ll see mon-  trees.
            “It  was  like  an  urban  leg-  existence  of  the  colony  in   number   migrating   from  archs where they don’t see  Not  far  from  the  colony,
            end,”  said  Gloria  Tavera  mid-January.                 Canada  and  the  United  them in normal years,” Tay-     dense  woods  now  give
            Alonso, a regional director  Mario  Castaneda  Rojas,     States.                      lor said.                    way to rolling meadows.
            with  Mexico’s  agency  for  director of the Nevado de    This winter’s population fig-  On a recent afternoon the  Castaneda  and  Hernan-
            protected natural areas.     Toluca  reserve,  said  offi-  ure, however, was the larg-  air  filled  with  monarchs  dez, the forester, are work-
            Just  a  few  days  before  cials stopped in their tracks   est since 2006-2007.       as  the  midday  sun  sliced  ing  with  landowners  to
            Christmas though, a hand-    when  a  butterfly  crossed   Chip  Taylor,  director  of  through  the  thick  forest,  teach them about conser-
            ful of communal landown-     their path.                  Monarch  Watch  and  an  leading  some  of  the  but-     vation  and  make  it  clear
            ers were on a routine patrol  “Something is happening,”   ecology  professor  at  the  terflies  to  take  flight.  Oth-  why protecting the butter-
            of  their  forest  when  they  he recalled thinking.      University  of  Kansas,  who  ers lay on the ground after  flies’ habitat is important.
            discovered  the  monarchs  At  the  end  of  last  month,   runs  a  monarch  tagging  reaching  the  end  of  their  They  also  plan  to  form  a
            on  a  steep  mountainside  Mexican      officials   an-  program,  said  that  estab-  life cycle.                 community      surveillance
            bisected by a dirt track far  nounced  that  the  overall   lished  colonies  normally  While  some  colonies  are  brigade  that  will  be  paid
            from  the  volcano’s  iconic  population  of  monarch     have  butterflies.  But  he  open to the public, govern-  to keep a close eye on the
            crater. The butterflies were  butterflies wintering in cen-  knew it was going to be a  ment officials say the newly  new  colony,  which  they
            hidden in plain sight.       tral  Mexico  was  up  144   better  year  when  others  registered colony in Neva-    hope  will  be  around  for
            In  towering  firs,  they  hung  percent  over  the  previous   were spotted.          do de Toluca won’t be.       many more years. q
            in  massive  clumps  on  sag-  year.  Researchers  found
            ging  boughs,  their  brilliant  the  butterflies  occupying   Scientists fine-tune method to save rhinos
            orange  and  black  colors  15  acres  (6  hectares)  of
            concealed  by  the  pale  pine  and  fir  forests  in  the                                                          using frozen northern white
            underside  of  their  closed  mountains  of  Michoacan
            wings. Jose Luis Hernandez  and  Mexico  states,  com-                                                              rhino sperm and eggs from
                                                                                                                                a  southern  white  rhino,  a
            Vazquez,  a  local  forester,  pared  to  only  6  acres  (2
            said  landowners  initially  hectares) the winter prior.                                                            closely related sub-species.
                                                                                                                                Now  they  are  working  on
            worried about announcing  The monarch butterfly pop-
            the  find.  “We  didn’t  make  ulation,  like  that  of  other                                                      how to implant the embry-
                                                                                                                                os into a surrogate mother
            a big deal,” he said.        insects,  fluctuates  widely
            Instead,   he   contacted  depending on a variety of                                                                to bring them to term, and
                                                                                                                                once  they’ve  mastered
            the  agency  for  protected  factors,  but  scientists  say
            natural  areas  and  other  the  recoveries  after  each                                                            that, they can create pure-
                                                                                                                                bred  northern  white  rhino
                                                                                                                                embryos that would be car-
                                                                                                                                ried by a southern white.
                                                                      Female  southern  white  rhino,  17-year-old  Hope,  is  shot  with   As  part  of  that  work,  on
                                                                      tranquilizing darts, so a team of experts can harvest its eggs, at   Wednesday, a team led by
                                                                      a zoo park in Chorzow, Poland, Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2019.   Thomas Hildebrandt of the
                                                                                                               Associated Press  Leibniz Institute for Zoo and
                                                                      By PETR DAVID JOSEK          ther  can  bear  calves.  But  Wildlife  Research  in  Berlin
                                                                       Associated Press            scientists have not given up  harvested  egg  cells  from
                                                                      CHORZOW,  Poland  (AP)  —  hope of saving the species  a  female  southern  white
                                                                      Only  two  northern  white  from extinction.              rhino, 17-year-old Hope, at
                                                                      rhinos  exist  in  the  world:  They  succeeded  last  year  a zoo park in the Polish city
                                                                      both  are  female  and  nei-  in creating hybrid embryos  of Chorzow.q
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