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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Monday 18 February 2019

            Beckham family steals the show at London Fashion Week

            By SYLVIA HUI                                                                          gyle  jumpers,  silky  blouses  has moved on. For the up-
            GREGORY KATZ                                                                           neatly  tucked  into  pencil  coming  autumn  and  win-
            Associated Press                                                                       skirts  —  with  saucy,  eye-  ter  season,  his  clothes  are
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Victoria                                                              catching  details  like  knee-  all about oversized shapes
            Beckham  doesn’t  need                                                                 high, open-toed sock boots  and mannish suits.
            celebrities  at  her  fashion                                                          in lipstick red or leopard, or  Mouret, whose fans include
            shows  —  her  A-list  fam-                                                            bright satin stilettos in citrus,  Meghan,  the  Duchess  of
            ily  provides  more  than                                                              bright  fuchsia  and  char-  Sussex,  said  he  was  inter-
            enough star power.                                                                     treuse.                      ested  in  proportions  and
            The  designer’s  husband,                                                              The  bell-bottomed  trou-    styling  pieces  without  re-
            retired  soccer  superstar                                                             ser,  a  style  the  designer  gard  to  traditional  gender
            David  Beckham,  and  the                                                              has  adopted  as  her  sig-  divides.
            couple’s    four   children                                                            nature,  made  an  appear-   There’s  a  creamy  white
            turned  up  as  guests  of                                                             ance.  So  did  the  trend  for  double-breasted   trouser
            honor  Sunday  to  support                                                             checks, which still appears  suit,  and  boxy  wide  blaz-
            her  London  Fashion  Week   A model wears a creation by designer House of Holland at the   to  be  going  strong.  One  ers  were  worn  over  silky,
            show. The former Spice Girl   Autumn/Winter  2019  fashion  week  runway  show  in  London,   ensemble featured a wide-  flowing  dresses.  A  slouchy,
            was among the big names      Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019.                                  lapelled coat, trousers and  checked  suit  with  draw-
            showcasing their latest de-                                           Associated Press  a  tote  bag  in  the  same  string  trousers  was  paired
            signs  in  the  British  capital,  ably with American Vogue   wearing her clothes.     brown check pattern.         with a low-cut Lurex top.
            alongside  Vivienne  West-   editor Anna Wintour.         “She’s proper but she’s def-  ___                         For  those  looking  for  a
            wood, Burberry and Roland  Like  everyone  else,  Beck-   initely  not  prim,”  Beckham  SUITED AND BOOTED AT RO-   properly  oversized  piece,
            Mouret.                      ham  family  members  in     wrote in her show notes.     LAND MOURET                  Mouret  offers  up  a  huge,
            A  look  at  Sunday’s  high-  the audience whipped out    The  result  was  a  mix  of  la-  Roland Mouret, the design-  shaggy  faux  fur  coat  that
            lights:                      smartphones to take a pic-   dylike  classics  —  tailored  er once best known for his  is sure to be the talk of the
            FAMILY  AFFAIR  AT  VICTO-   ture  of  Victoria  Beckham   check  blazers,  tweeds,  ar-  skin-tight “bandage” dress,  party wherever it goes.q
            RIA BECKHAM                  when  she  came  out  for  a
            The  front  row  at  Victoria  bow at the end of the dis-
            Beckham’s  runway  show  play.
            has  a  younger  average  The designer said she want-
            age  than  the  VIP  seats  at  ed  to  channel  “modern
            other shows. The designer’s  femininity”  and  cinematic
            youngest, 7-year-old Harp-   drama  for  the  collection
            er, sat on her dad’s lap for a  and had in mind a particu-
            cuddle as he chatted ami-    lar  image  of  the  woman

            Review: Robert Ellis switches

            to keys on ‘Texas Piano Man’

            By STEVEN WINE
            Associated Press
            Robert  Ellis,  “Texas  Piano
            Man” (New West)
            Texans  play  guitar.  Stevie
            Ray  Vaughan?  Willie  Nel-
            son?  Buddy  Holly?  Johnny
            “Guitar”  Watson?  Guitar-
            ists. Elton John is not a Tex-
            an,  but  when  he  record-
            ed  “Texas  Love  Song”  (a
            deep-cut  gem),  the  tune   This  cover  image  released
            featured  not  piano,  but   by  New  West  Records  shows
            guitar.                      “Texas Piano Man,” a release
            Now here’s Houston native    by Robert Ellis.
            Robert  Ellis,  an  excellent            Associated Press
            guitar  player,  sitting  at  a  humor  gives  the  set  extra
            piano bench on the cover  sparkle.
            and  on  all  11  songs  of  his  On  “Passive  Aggressive,”
            latest  album,  “Texas  Piano  the  clever  arrangement
            Man.”  It’s  a  bold  depar-  fits  the  title,  and  “Nobody
            ture,  even  for  Ellis,  always  Smokes   Anymore”   de-
            an iconoclastic contrarian.  clares that situation a drag.
            Instead  of  quirky  country,  “Guess I’ll be the only one
            Ellis performs pop. He brings  who  looks  good  in  pic-
            his  excellent  band  along,  tures,” Ellis notes.
            which means there are gui-   Elsewhere  he  sings  about
            tar solos from the wild and  strained   relations   that
            wonderful Kelly Doyle.       sound    complicated,    a
            Ellis  gets  too  silly  on  occa-  phenomenon  not  limited
            sion,  but  more  often  his  to Texas.q
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