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WORLD NEWS Monday 18 February 2019
Vote on minister’s immunity puts Italian populists in bind
years. supporters. “This is the par- rail line in northern Italy the
Movement lawmakers ticipatory democracy that Movement has vowed to
sounded defensive Sunday all of us of the Movement block.
when asked about how have always wanted and “We’re not at a fish mar-
they were opting to put hoped for.” ket” haggling, Salvini told
their egalitarian principle Meanwhile, Salvini dis- reporters.
on the line - or in this case, missed speculation that he “I’m convinced I defended
online, too. cut a deal with 5-Star lead- the security and borders of
“This isn’t synonymous with ers: keeping his immunity in our country,” he said, add-
weakness” 5-Star Senate place in exchange for Sal- ing that as far as the 5-Stars
whip Stefano Patuanelli vini dropping his support for go, “Everyone votes ac-
said of Monday’s polling of completing a high-speed cording to conscience.”q
Activists lie on the ground as they take part in a protest against
Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini’s migrant and security
decree, in Milan, Italy, Saturday, Feb. 16, 2019.
Associated Press
By FRANCES D’EMILIO to vote online Monday on
Associated Press whether to lift or maintain
ROME (AP) — Should sena- League leader Matteo Sal-
tors from Italy’s anti-estab- vini’s parliamentary immu-
lishment 5-Star Movement nity as a senator.
strip the firebrand leader Prosecutors in Catania,
of the far-right League of Sicily, are investigating Sal-
his immunity from criminal vini, the interior minister in
prosecution, possibly jeop- the coalition government,
ardizing the populist gov- on a possible kidnapping
ernment in which the two charge over the treatment
parties are coalition part- of 177 migrants in August.
ners? The migrants were rescued
The decision has them in a by a private aid ship and
bind. transferred to an Italian
If they vote no, they risk coast guard vessel. Salvini
alienating supporters by refused for five hot days to
betraying a sacred princi- let them disembark in Sicily.
ple of the Movement: poli- The anti-migrant minister
ticians deserve no privilege contends private rescue
beyond the ones shared by boats essentially help hu-
all citizens. If they vote yes, man traffickers.
they risk worsening internal The Italian Senate commis-
tensions already testing the sion on immunity is sched-
8-month-old government’s uled to vote on Salvini’s
viability. immunity Tuesday. What-
So leaders of the 5-Stars, ever the recommendation,
who bill the party as an the full Senate would have
internet-based democratic the final say next month. If
movement, have kicked charged and convicted,
the verdict down the line. Salvini could face a maxi-
They are asking supporters mum prison sentence of 14