P. 24

               Saturday 8 September 2018
            As Google turns 20, questions over whether it's too powerful

            By MICHAEL LIEDTKE                                                                                                  to propel the rise of Google
            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —                                                                                             and Apple.
            Twenty  years  after  Larry                                                                                         Google is now confronting
            Page  and  Sergey  Brin  set                                                                                        the same potential fate.
            out  to  organize  all  of  the                                                                                     "Google  is  in  the  govern-
            internet's  information,  the                                                                                       ment's crosshairs," said Ken
            search engine they named                                                                                            Auletta,  who  was  given
            Google     has    morphed                                                                                           inside  access  to  the  com-
            into  a  dominating  force  in                                                                                      pany while writing his 2009
            smartphones, online video,                                                                                          book, "Googled: The End of
            email,  maps  and  much                                                                                             the  World  As  We  Know  It."
            more.                                                                                                               ''This  company  once  had
            That  resounding  success                                                                                           a certain glow to it, but it is
            now  has  regulators  and                                                                                           losing its halo."
            lawmakers     around    the                                                                                         Just this past week, Google
            world  questioning  whether                                                                                         raised  hackles  in  Congress
            the company has become                                                                                              by  refusing  to  send  Page
            too  powerful  as  its  ubiqui-                                                                                     or  its  current  CEO,  Sundar
            tous  services  vacuum  up                                                                                          Pichai,  to  a  hearing  on
            sensitive information about                                                                                         Russian  manipulation  of
            billions  of  people  hooked                                                                                        internet  services  to  sway
            on its products.                                                                                                    U.S.  elections.  Congressio-
            Google's search engine re-   In this April 17, 2007, file photo exhibitors of the Google company work in front of a illuminated sign   nal  officials  left  an  empty
            mains  entrenched  as  the   at the industrial fair Hannover Messe in Hanover, Germany.                             chair  while  top  executives
            internet's  main  gateway,                                                                                          from Facebook and Twitter
            and  its  digital  advertis-  browser in Chrome, the top  Although  Google  wouldn't  become  so  concerned  appeared.  Offended  law-
            ing  business  is  on  pace  to  email service in Gmail and  comment for this story, the  about  Microsoft's  power  makers derided Google as
            generate  about  $110  bil-  the maps that most people  company  has  repeatedly  through  its  Windows  oper-      "arrogant."
            lion  in  revenue  this  year.  use to get around.        pointed  out  that  its  mostly  ating system that they had  The  European  Commission
            Much of that revenue now  Not  bad  for  a  company  free products are so widely  begun to explore a forced  already  has  imposed  fines
            flows through Google's An-   that  started  20  years  ago  used  because  people  like  breakup.  Although  Micro-  totaling  $7.8  billion  after
            droid  operating  system,  Friday with an initial invest-  them.                       soft  remained  intact,  the  concluding  the  company
            which  powers  80  percent  ment  of  $100,000.  Google  Google's    success   often  multiyear  battle  with  the  had unfairly used its search
            of the world's smartphones.  and  its  sibling  companies  draws comparisons with Mi-  U.S.  government  and  oth-  engine to highlight its own
            Google  also  runs  the  big-  operating  under  the  um-  crosoft.                    er  disputes  with  European  services  and  illegally  bun-
            gest video site in YouTube,  brella of Alphabet Inc. are  By  1998,  the  year  Google  regulators hobbled and dis-  dled  together  its  products
            the  most  popular  web  now worth $800 billion.          started, U.S. regulators had  tracted  Microsoft,  helping  in Android.q

            Virtual learning: using AI, immersion to teach Chinese

            By MICHAEL HILL                                                                        "Our  plan  is  to  complete  And  feedback  is  immedi-
            TROY, N.Y. (AP) — To learn                                                             several scenes of real life in  ate.  When  Divekar  orders
            Chinese in this room, talk to                                                          China, to let the student be  "dou fu" —or tofu — a voice
            the floating panda head.                                                               able  to  have  a  virtual  trip  responds "here's how close
            The Mandarin-speaking av-                                                              over there," says Hui Su, di-  you  got"  and  illustrates  it
            atar zips around a 360-de-                                                             rector of the lab at RPI.    with a graph of his intona-
            gree  restaurant  scene  in                                                            Tests on the room with stu-  tion.  Another  voice  gives
            an  artificial  intelligence-                                                          dents  studying  Mandarin  the precise pronunciation.
            driven  instruction  program                                                           will  continue  this  school  Still,  language  teachers
            that looks like a giant video                                                          year as they work on addi-   need not fear for their jobs
            game.  Rensselaer  Poly-                                                               tional scenes, including an  just  yet.  Developers  of  the
            technic  Institute  students                                                           airport. A six-week course is  Mandarin Project say it isn't
            testing   the   technology                                                             being readied for the sum-   sophisticated enough right
            move  inside  the  12-foot-  In this Aug. 22, 2018 image taken from video, Rensselaer Poly-  mer.  Artificial  intelligence,  now to completely replace
                                         technic  Institute  graduate  students  Xiangyang  Mou,  left,  and
            high,  wrap-around  projec-  Rahul Divekar interact with a panda avatar that helps teach stu-  or  AI,  is  ubiquitous  in  ev-  classroom instruction.
            tion  to  order  virtual  bean   dents Mandarin, at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y.    erything  from  call-center  RPI  president  Shirley  Ann
            curd from the panda wait-                                             Associated Press   chat-bots  to  home  assis-  Jackson foresees the same
            er, chat with Beijing market                                                           tants. Even some language  type  of  technology  being
            sellers and practice tai chi  a  joint  venture  of  RPI  and  — "Beijng kaoya" — and the  instruction products on the  applied  to  other  spaces,
            by  mirroring  moves  of  a  IBM. Cognitive and Immer-    panda  fetches  the  virtual  market feature AI or virtual  such  as  corporate  board-
            watchful mentor.             sive Systems Laboratory re-  dish. Divekar says the food  reality.  The  Mandarin  Proj-  rooms.  When  the  execu-
            "Definitely less anxiety than  searchers  are  developing  was good — "Cai hen hao  ect  is  notable  for  its  scale  tives  discuss  a  potential
            messing it up with a real hu-  a  sort  of  smart  room  that  chi" — but he can't pay the  and  sophistication.  Com-  acquisition,  the  room  will
            man being," says Rahul Di-   can  understand  students'  bill. No problem, the panda  puters simultaneously inter-  follow  the  group  discus-
            vekar, a computer science  words,  answer  their  ques-   replies — "ni keyi xi pan zi"  pret  speech  and  gesture  sion and produce relevant
            graduate  student  working  tions  and  perceive  their  — you can wash the dishes.    to keep a dialogue going.  information  seamlessly  into
            on  the  project.  "So  com-  gestures.  Lessons  are  pre-  Other  scenes  include  an  When  a  student  points  to  the debate.
            pared to that anxiety, this is  sented  as  games  or  tasks,  outdoor market and a gar-  a picture and asks "What's  "We're  not  at  the  end  of
            a lot more easy."            like ordering a meal out.    den, each a high-tech twist  that?"   computers    can  the line," Jackson says, "but
            The  "Mandarin  Project"  is  Divekar orders Peking duck  on cultural immersion.       come up with an answer.      closer to the beginning."q
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