P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 8 September 2018
            Serena seeks a record-tying

            title, Osaka a first at U.S. Open

            By BRIAN MAHONEY             daughter,  Olympia,  during  enjoy this moment, I should
            NEW YORK (AP) — For Ser-     the Open because of com-     still  think  of  it  as  another
            ena Williams, there was no  plications related to blood  match," Osaka said. "Yeah,
            "wait until next year" during  clots.                     I shouldn't really think of her
            the last U.S. Open.          "To  come  from  that,"  Wil-  as, like, my idol. I should just
            In  the  past,  whenever  a  liams  said,  "in  the  hospi-  try to play her as an oppo-
            Grand  Slam  tournament  tal bed, not being able to  nent."
            ended    without   Williams  move  and  walk  and  do  They  played  in  March  in
            holding  the  trophy,  there  anything,  now  only  a  year  Miami,  when  Williams  was
            was  always  the  belief  she  later,  I'm  not  training,  but  early  in  her  return  to  tour
            could  simply  win  the  next  I'm  actually  in  these  finals,  and  Osaka  had  just  won
            one. She was the best play-  in two in a row."            Indian  Wells,  a  significant
            er in the game, maybe the  She  has  won  six  of  her  23  victory  for  what  remains
            best ever, and she was go-   major  titles  in  New  York,  her first lone professional ti-
            ing to be a favorite as soon  and  with  a  victory  would  tle. Osaka won 6-3, 6-2, but
            as she showed up again.      equal Margaret Court's re-   both  players  know  there's
            But  she  wasn't  thinking  cord. On the other side, the  not much to take from the
            about tennis at this time last  20-year-old  Osaka  could  match given the timing.
            year.                        be the first Grand Slam sin-  "I mean, I was breast-feed-
            She was thinking about sur-  gles champion from Japan  ing at the time, so it was a
            vival.                       and the youngest women's  totally  different  situation,"
            That's what makes this such  champion at the U.S. Open  Williams  said.  "It  was  what
            a memorable run to anoth-    since Maria Sharapova was  it  was.  I  mean,  hopefully  I
            er  U.S.  Open  final,  where  19 in 2006.                won't  play  like  that  again.
            she will play first-time final-  Osaka  wasn't  even  a  year  I can only go up from that
            ist  Naomi  Osaka  of  Japan  old when Williams played in  match."                     Naomi Osaka, of Japan, smiles after defeating Madison Keys
                                                                                                   during the semifinals of the U.S. Open tennis tournament, Thurs-
            on Saturday with a chance  her  first  U.S.  Open  in  1998.  She has, and she'll be only   day, Sept. 6, 2018, in New York.
            to  win  a  record-tying  24th  She  dreamed  when  she  one spot out of the top 10                                             Associated Press
            Grand Slam singles title.    was  younger  of  playing  in  the  rankings  if  she  wins
            Williams lost in the Wimble-  Williams  in  a  Grand  Slam  after she was barely in the  Open,  when  while  preg-  But even if it's not Saturday,
            don  final,  but  has  given  final,  earning  her  chance  top 500 in March.          nant she became women's  she believes it will happen.
            herself  another  chance  with       a   Williams-esque  But  Williams  is  much  more  tennis'  oldest  Grand  Slam  "I just feel like not only is my
            even  faster  than  perhaps  waltz  through  the  draw  in  interested  in  major  titles  champion at 35.          future  bright,  even  though
            she  could  have  imagined  which she's dropped just 28  than  rankings.  She  hasn't  She will turn 37 on Sept. 26,  I'm  not  a  spring  chicken,
            last  September,  when  she  games over six matches.      won one at the U.S. Open  unsure when she'll fully get  but I still have a very, very
            would have four operations  "At  the  same  time,  I  feel  since  2014  or  anywhere  back to the player she was  bright   future,"   Williams
            following  the  birth  of  her  like  even  though  I  should  since  the  2017  Australian  before her health scares.  said.q

            Mike Bryan, Sock win U.S. Open, but remain a temporary team

            By BRIAN MAHONEY             title,  breaking  a  tie  with                                                         So what about the idea of
            NEW YORK (AP) — Mike Bry-    John  Newcombe,  and  at                                                               keeping  a  good  thing  go-
            an,  now  with  more  Grand  40  years,  4  months  he  be-                                                         ing?
            Slam  doubles  titles  than  came  the  oldest  Grand                                                               "If  Bob  and  I  lose  our  first
            any man, can pick his part-  Slam doubles champion in                                                               match,  then  we'll  talk,"
            nership next year.           the professional era.                                                                  Mike said.
            He  can  go  back  to  twin  Six  of  his  titles,  also  a  re-                                                    He  added  that  his  brother
            brother  Bob,  who  expects  cord,  have  come  at  the                                                             has been supportive of the
            to return from a hip injury.  U.S. Open.                                                                            team, and even called and
            Or  he  can  stick  with  Jack  The first 16 titles came with                                                       talked  to  both  players  im-
            Sock,  keeping  together  a  Bob,  who  was  sidelined.                                                             mediately after the match.
            perfect  pairing  in  Grand  So  Mike  contacted  Sock,                                                             Mike  said  his  success  with
            Slam tournaments.            a  past  doubles  champion                                                             Sock has motivated Bob in
            "I  think  Bob  is  maybe  the  at  Wimbledon  who  wasn't                                                          his recovery to come back
            front-runner  if  he  gets  planning to play this year so                                                           and leave tennis on his own
            healthy," Mike said.         he could focus on singles.   Jack Sock, left, and Mike Bryan hold the trophy after defeat-  terms,  instead  of  because
                                                                      ing Lukasz Kubot, of Poland, and Marcelo Melo, of Brazil, in the
            Sock  sure  has  given  him  Sock quickly reconsidered.   men's doubles final of the U.S. Open tennis tournament, Friday,   of injury.
            something  to  think  about,  "They  are  the  greatest   Sept. 7, 2018, in New York.                               He joked to Sock that may-
            though.                      team to ever play this sport                                          Associated Press  be he could play Bob for his
            The  pair  won  its  second  in doubles, and to be able                                                             spot,  though  Sock  under-
            straight  Grand  Slam  dou-  to  be  a  part  of  that  on  with  one  of  them  and  to  Mike and Bob won four in a  stands he's just temporary.
            bles title together, beating  the same side of the court  now hold two pretty big tro-  row from 2012-13. They are  "I'm the triplet now, I think,"
            Lukasz Kubot and Marcelo  —  I  mean,  I  have  played  phies is extra special."       the first pair to win Wimble-  he  said.  Kubot  and  Melo,
            Melo  6-3,  6-1  on  Friday  at  against  them  many  times,  Bryan  and  Sock,  seeded  don  and  the  U.S.  Open  in  seeded  seventh,  were  try-
            the U.S. Open.               and seeing what that looks  third,  are  the  first  team  to  the same year since Jonas  ing to win their second ma-
            That  gave  Mike  Bryan  his  like  is  not  fun,"  Sock  said.  win  consecutive  Grand  Bjorkman and Todd Wood-   jor  together,  having  won
            18th  Grand  Slam  doubles  "So, to be on the same side  Slam  doubles  titles  since  bridge in 2003.              Wimbledon in 2017.q
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