P. 14
Saturday 8 September 2018
Promoting Health at Work: A Basic Human Right
PORT OF SPAIN — The reality will be celebrated across
for most persons is that one- the Caribbean region on
third of our adult life is spent Saturday 8th September,
at work. This can have a bears the theme, Healthy
huge impact on the qual- Communities: Preserving
ity of our life. As such, the the Workforce. CARPHA is
conditions of work and the therefore urging persons to
work environment can ei- Be healthy, stay healthy….
ther have a positive or neg- it’s your job!
ative impact on our health
and well-being,” remarked The need for work place
Dr C. James Hospedales, health promotion in disease
Executive Director of the prevention and wellness is
Caribbean Public Health critical, as the Caribbean
Agency (CARPHA) in ob- remains the region of the
servance of Caribbean Americas worst affected
Wellness Day 2018. by the epidemic of chronic a large economic burden our small, fragile islands an annual event launched
non-communicable diseas- on patients, their families, and low-lying states.” in 2008, geared at rais-
The United Nations (UN), es (NCDs), such as heart businesses, governments, ing the profile of NCDs,
the World Health Organiza- disease, stroke, cancer, social security and society Although the CARPHA Ex- which continue to severely
tion (WHO) and the Inter- diabetes and chronic re- at large. A closer look at ecutive Director acknowl- and adversely impact the
national Labour Organisa- spiratory diseases. In Latin diabetes tells us that it is a edges that workers have a health and economic de-
tion (ILO) state that every America and the Caribbe- major cause of admissions responsibility for their own velopment of the Carib-
individual has a right to an, NCDs are the leading to hospitals, kidney failure, health, he believes that bean. CARPHA continues
healthy and safe work and cause of premature death, blindness and limb ampu- employers also have a role to collaborate with the Ca-
to a work environment that accounting for nearly half tations in the Region.” He to play. He is therefore en- ribbean Community (CARI-
enables him or her to live a of all deaths of persons un- stated that treatment of couraging employers to COM), and other regional
socially and economically der 70 years, and for two hypertension and diabe- prioritize the development and international organisa-
productive life. out of three deaths overall. tes in selected Caribbean of healthy workplace poli- tions, to help shape region-
Dr Hospedales said “this is countries is estimated to cies, provision of supportive al and country-level policy
In keeping with this basic a serious concern for our cost 1.4% to 8.0 % of Gross work environments and en- and programs that address
human right to health at Region because treat- Domestic Product (GDP), hancing personal health NCDs for the health and
work, Caribbean Wellness ing preventable NCDs is noting that “the costs are skills of their employees. well-being of this and fu-
Day (CWD) 2018, which very costly and it imposes simply not sustainable for Caribbean Wellness Day is ture generations. q
FITVILLE 2018 and Funstacle Masters 2018
they are going to take the On Saturday the event will visit their their facebook
fun and the obstacles to a be from 2 PM till 11 Pm and page Fitville Caribbean
whole other level with Fun- on Sunday from 2 PM till 10 Championship or Funstacle
stacle Masters X-TRA Fun. Pm. For more information Masters. q
Either You Master the Fun or
the Obstacles
There is also Activities Well-
ness taking place which
demonstrates different
practices such as Aerials,
body Sculpt, Row-wod-
yoga, Antigravity Aerial
Yoga, kickboxing, Body
Pump and Zumba. There
ORANJESTAD — FITVILLE cise. A total of 50 teams will be Seminars, Clinics,
2018 “Aruba Fitness Fes- are taking part. Every team Demonstrations, Products
tival” has started and this consist of 2 athletes. There exposure, Food, Music and
year they teamed up with are competitors from all Dancing hereby creating a
Funstacle Masters to make over the world such as Swe- complete spectator expe-
the event even bigger. A den Suriname, USA, Domin- rience for the whole fam-
weekend filled with activi- ican Republic, Curacao, ily and visitors. Livng and
ties for the entire family. Be- Trinidad & Tobago, Puerto eating healthy is a very im-
ing active, eating healthy, Rico and Aruba. portant part of this event
enjoying life with your fam- therefor all over the Harbor
ily and friends is their main Funstacle Masters is a run/ Arena you will find differ-
goal. walking event with various ent activities for the youth
challenging yet fun obsta- to give awareness of the
FITVILLE: “ ARUBA FITNESS cles to make the reach to importance of leading a
FESTIVAL” is a competition the finish line an enjoyable healthy lifestyle and there
of Crossfit, a high-intensity experience! Funstacle Mas- is also more than 25 differ-
fitness program incorporat- ters Aruba is celebrating its ent attractions for the kids
ing elements from several 5th anniversary this year. to keep them entertained.
sports and types of exer- In honor of this milestone,