P. 18

               Saturday 8 September 2018
            SCHAUFFELE                                                                                                          and  win  this  tournament.
            Continued from Previous Page                                                                                        And winning takes care of
            Schauffele was at 13-under                                                                                          everything."
            127  and  will  be  paired  in                                                                                      Woods  once  used  that
            the  third  round  Saturday                                                                                         phrase  —  "winning  takes
            with  a  familiar  figure  in                                                                                       care  of  everything"  —
            Philadelphia.  Rose,  who                                                                                           when he returned to No. 1
            played bogey-free for a 64,                                                                                         in the world after his injuries
            won  the  AT&T  National  at                                                                                        in  2013.  Winning  remains
            Aronimink  in  2010,  and  he                                                                                       elusive, a cold putter didn't
            captured his only major at                                                                                          do too much damage after
            nearby  Merion  in  the  2013                                                                                       starting with a 62.
            U.S. Open.                                                                                                          He missed a 4-foot par putt
            "Cheese  steaks,  I  guess,"                                                                                        on the par-3 fifth hole and
            Rose  said.  "I  played  well.                                                                                      didn't  convert  any  of  the
            The crowd latched onto it,                                                                                          birdie  putts  from  the  20-
            for sure. I get good support                                                                                        foot range. What he made
            around here. It's nice when                                                                                         on Thursday, he missed on
            they're  reminding  you  all                                                                                        Friday.
            the time that it's your town,                                                                                       "I hit it just as good and putt
            as well. It's nice to have the                                                                                      it just as good," Woods said.
            added  bit  of  enthusiasm                                                                                          "Nothing went in. That's the
            from the crowd."             Tiger Woods plays his shot from the 13th tee during the first round of the BMW Championship golf   way it goes."
            Aronimink     was     even   tournament at Aronimink Golf Club, Thursday, Sept. 6, 2018, in Newtown Square, Pa.     Schauffele  said  he  was
            softer  than  the  opening                                                                         Associated Press  on  a  mission,  and  the
            round  from  a  burst  of  rain                                                                                     Ryder  Cup  was  merely  a
            overnight.  Starting  times  30  players  who  advance  Schauffele  also  needs  a  Championship.                   byproduct.  He  was  the
            were moved up four hours  to  East  Lake  in  Atlanta  in  good  week  to  get  to  East  Tony Finau is regarded the  PGA Tour rookie of the year
            because  of  a  forecast  for  two  weeks  for  the  Tour  Lake, though he would like  leading  candidate,  and  last  season  after  winning
            more  rain.  The  trick  Friday,  Championship.           to  extend  his  season  an  he  did  nothing  to  hurt  his  the  Tour  Championship  for
            when  the  average  score  The same is true for Bradley  additional  week  in  France  chances.                     his  second  PGA  Tour  title.
            was  67.33,  was  to  avoid  and  for  Noren,  the  Swede  at the Ryder Cup.           Finau  made  seven  birdies  Now,  results  are  harder  to
            wedges  that  spun  too  who  makes  his  Ryder  Cup  A  runner-up  at  the  British  in his round of 64 and goes  find.
            much to back pin positions.  debut  at  the  end  of  the  Open,   the   24-year-old  into  the  final  36  holes  at  His mission?
            Hideki  Matsuyama,  who  month. Noren holed out for  from  San  Diego  finished  Aronimink  just  five  shots  "Just prove to myself that I
            started  the  FedEx  Cup  eagle on the par-5 ninth for  12th  in  the  Ryder  Cup  behind.                          can win again and just be
            playoffs at No. 76, had a 64  a  66,  while  Bradley  keeps  standings. Furyk used three  "The  possibilities  are  cool,  clutch,"  he  said.  "I  always
            and  was  in  a  group  three  flirting  with  contention  in  of  his  picks  Tuesday  night  the potential of what could  thought  I  was  rather  a
            shots behind that included  these playoff events.         on  Bryson  DeChambeau,  happen,"  Finau  said.  "But  clutch      player    coming
            Keegan     Bradley,    Alex  Rory  McIlroy  (67),  FedEx  Phil  Mickelson  and  Woods  nothing  good  comes  from  down  the  stretch  and  this
            Noren  and  Rickie  Fowler.  Cup     champion     Justin  —  Nos.  9,  10,  11  in  the  thinking  too  far  ahead.  year has said otherwise. I'm
            Matsuyama  suddenly  is  in  Thomas (67) and Jason Day  standings  —  and  has  one  I  got  a  couple  rounds  in  trying  to  prove  it  to  myself
            position  to  be  among  the  (64) were at 9-under 131.   more  pick  after  the  BMW  front of me, 36 holes to try  again."q

            Overwatch League expanding to Paris, D.C. and across China

            By JAKE SEINER                                                                                                      franchise  located  there,
             AP Sports Writer                                                                                                   according  to  Pete  Vlaste-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  The                                                                                             lica,  CEO  of  Activision  Bliz-
            Overwatch  League  has                                                                                              zard Esports Leagues.
            announced  six  new  fran-                                                                                          Overwatch  has  expanded
            chises,  bringing  the  global                                                                                      its  reach  and  added  po-
            esport  league's  total  to  20                                                                                     tentially  pivotal  partners  in
            heading  into  its  second                                                                                          Huya and Bilibili, streaming
            season.                                                                                                             platforms  that  purchased
            The  league  announced                                                                                              the  Chengdu  and  Hang-
            clubs  in  Paris;  Washington;                                                                                      zhou  clubs,  respectively.
            Toronto;  Vancouver,  Brit-                                                                                         The  league  had  agree-
            ish Columbia; and Chinese                                                                                           ments  to  stream  matches
            teams  in  Chengdu  and                                                                                             on  NetEase,  Douyu  and
            Hangzhou.     The   league                                                                                          Panda  last  season  —  Ne-
            added  franchises  in  Atlan-                                                                                       tEase  owns  the  Shanghai
            ta and Guangzhou, China,                                                                                            franchise  —  but  Vlastelica
            earlier this season.          In this July 28, 2018, file photo, London Spitfire players compete against the Philadelphia Fusion   said  the  league  is  in  dis-
            The  Paris  team  will  be  op-  during  the  Overwatch  League  Grand  Finals  competition  at  Barclays  Center  in  the  Brooklyn   cussions  to  shuffle  that  ar-
            erated  by  Drew  McCourt,   borough of New York.                                                                   rangement for 2019.
            the  son  of  former  Los  An-                                                                     Associated Press  London  beat  Philadelphia
            geles Dodgers owner Frank                                                                                           for  the  inaugural  Over-
            McCourt.  Drew  McCourt  ended  after  the  club  filed  McCourt won't be involved.    na,  including  the  existing  watch  League  champion-
            has  worked  for  his  father  for Chapter 11 bankruptcy  Paris  joins  London  as  the  Shanghai club.             ship in July. All the league's
            at  the  Dodgers.  Frank  Mc-  protection  in  2011.  Drew  only  European  Overwatch  The push into China is criti-  teams  are  based  in  Los
            Court  also  owns  French  McCourt  is  branching  out  League      franchises.   The  cal  for  the  league,  which  Angeles   currently,   with
            soccer club Olympique de  from  his  father's  McCourt  league  will  have  11  U.S.  drew much of its viewership  OWL  aiming  to  begin  true
            Marseille.  Frank  McCourt's  Global  to  operate  the  es-  teams, two in Canada, one  from  China  in  its  first  sea-  home-and-away  matches
            ownership  of  the  Dodgers  ports  franchise,  and  Frank  in  Seoul  and  four  in  Chi-  son despite having just one  in 2020.q
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