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                   Tuesday 9 OcTOber 2018

             Graham Gano's 63-yard FG lifts Panthers past Giants

            By The Associated Press                                                                                             PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  Kirk
            CHARLOTTE,  N.C.  (AP)  —                                                                                           Cousins threw for 301 yards
            Graham Gano connected                                                                                               and one touchdown, Linval
            on  a  career-long  63-yard                                                                                         Joseph  returned  a  fumble
            field goal with 1 second re-                                                                                        64  yards  for  a  score  and
            maining to lift the Carolina                                                                                        the Vikings won a rematch
            Panthers to a wild 33-31 vic-                                                                                       of last season's NFC cham-
            tory over the New York Gi-                                                                                          pionship game.
            ants on Sunday.                                                                                                     Carson Wentz and the rest
            Gano's winning kick, tied for                                                                                       of  Philadelphia's  offense
            second  longest  in  league                                                                                         again struggled as the de-
            history, came after the Gi-                                                                                         fending Super Bowl cham-
            ants erased a 14-point defi-                                                                                        pions fell to 2-3.
            cit. Eli Manning hooked up                                                                                          Nick Foles led the Eagles to
            with  Saquon  Barkley  on  a                                                                                        a 38-7 rout over Case Kee-
            15-yard  touchdown  pass                                                                                            num  and  Minnesota's  top-
            down  the  right  sideline  —                                                                                       ranked defense in the title
            the  rookie  made  a  long                                                                                          game  on  his  way  to  earn-
            dive into the end zone — to                                                                                         ing  MVP  honors  against
            put the Giants in front 31-30                                                                                       New England.
            with 1:08 remaining.                                                                                                Trying to rally from a 17-point
            Gano's  previous  career                                                                                            deficit midway through the
            long was 59 yards. He was 4                                                                                         third  quarter,  the  Eagles
            for 4 on field goal attempts                                                                                        were  set  up  to  take  the
            and has made 35 in a row                                                                                            lead  after  Roc  Thomas
            at  home  dating  back  to                                                                                          dropped a backward pass
            2016.                                                                                                               and Nigel Bradham recov-
            It's the second year in a row   Carolina Panthers' Graham Gano (9) kicks the game-winning field goal against the New York Gi-  ered the fumble at the Vi-
            the Giants (1-4) have been   ants in the second half of an NFL football game in Charlotte, N.C., Sunday, Oct. 7, 2018.   kings 30 in the fourth quar-
            beaten  by  a  monster  field                                                                      Associated Press  ter.  But  Wentz  was  called
            goal at the end. In the third                                                                                       for  intentional  grounding
            game last season, Jake El-   scrimmage and an 18-yard  Adams.  Odell  Beckham  passing  and  a  touchdown  and coach Doug Pederson
            liott of the Eagles kicked a  touchdown  catch  for  the  Jr.,  had  a  big  game  as  a  but threw two interceptions  elected  not  to  let  Jake  El-
            61-yarder for a 27-24 win.   Panthers (3-1).              receiver and passer. Beck-   for  the  Cowboys  (2-3).  El-  liott try a 58-yarder.
            Cam  Newton  threw  for  Manning  finished  22  of  ham  had  eight  catches  liott was limited to 54 yards  Dan Bailey, who missed two
            237  yards  and  had  two  36  for  326  yards  with  two  for 131 yards and a touch-  rushing.                     field goals earlier, nailed a
            touchdowns  and  two  in-    touchdowns and two inter-    down  and  also  threw  a  BROWNS 12, RAVENS 9, OT        52-yard field goal to extend
            terceptions.  Christian  Mc-  ceptions, both by Panthers  57-yarder  to  Barkley  for  CLEVELAND (AP) — Rookie  the lead to 23-14 with 2:47
            Caffrey  had  93  yards  from  37-year-old  safety  Mike  New York's first touchdown.  Greg Joseph's 37-yard field  left.
                                                                      TEXANS  19,  COWBOYS  16,  goal  —  a  knuckleball  that  Wentz  fired  a  7-yard  TD
                                                                      OT                           barely  cleared  the  cross-  pass  to  Zach  Ertz  to  cut  it
                                                                      HOUSTON  (AP)  —  DeAn-      bar — with 2 seconds left in  to  23-21  with  1:09  left  but
                                                                      dre Hopkins had 151 yards  overtime.                      Adam  Thielen  recovered
                                                                      receiving,  including  a  key  After  rookie  quarterback  the  onside  kick  for  the  Vi-
                                                                      reception in overtime, and  Baker  Mayfield  drove  the  kings (2-2-1).
                                                                      Ka'imi  Fairbairn's  36-yard  Browns (2-2-1) into position,  RAMS 33, SEAHAWKS 31
                                                                      field  goal  lifted  Houston  Joseph, signed after Week  SEATTLE  (AP)  —  Todd  Gur-
                                                                      past Dallas,                 2  following  Zane  Gonza-   ley rushed for three touch-
                                                                      The  Cowboys  got  the  ball  lez's  release,  lined  his  kick  downs,  Jared  Goff  passed
                                                                      first  in  OT  but  had  to  punt  through the uprights to give  for  321  yards  and  a  score
                                                                      when  Zach  Cunningham  Cleveland its first AFC North  and  the  Rams  remained
                                                                      stopped Ezekiel Elliott for no  win in 19 tries.          unbeaten.
                                                                      gain on third-and-1.         As Browns fans celebrated  Playing  without  their  top
                                                                      A 49-yard catch and run by  just the team's second win  two  receivers  due  to  con-
                                                                      Hopkins  got  the  Texans  in  in two seasons, Joseph was  cussions suffered late in the
                                                                      scoring  range  in  overtime.  mobbed by his teammates  first  half,  the  Rams  leaned
                                                                      He  grabbed  a  short  pass  following  Cleveland's  third  heavily  on  Goff,  Gurley
                                                                      from  Watson  and  twice  OT game in five weeks.          and  wide  receiver  Robert
                                                                      spun  away  from  would-be  The Ravens (3-2) had plenty  Woods  to  escape  Seattle
                                                                      tacklers to stretch the play.  of chances, but Joe Flacco  and improve to 5-0.
                                                                      Houston  was  just  1  of  5  in  threw  a  costly  intercep-  Gurley scored on a 2-yard
                                                                      the  red  zone  on  Sunday  tion in the first half and the  run in the first quarter, and
                                                                      with  Fairbairn  making  four  Browns blocked one of Jus-  added TDs of 2 and 5 yards
                                                                      field goals to help the Tex-  tin Tucker's field goal tries.  in the second half. Gurley's
                                                                      ans to the victory.          Mayfield  passed  for  342  third rushing TD on the sec-
                                                                      Deshaun  Watson  threw  for  yards and threw a 19-yard  ond play of the fourth quar-
                                                                      375  yards  with  a  touch-  TD  pass  in  his  first  start  at  ter  pulled  the  Rams  within
                                                                      down and  an  interception  home.  He  completed  a  31-30. But new kicker Cairo
            Houston Texans kicker Ka'imi Fairbairn (7) signals after kicking   for the Texans (2-3) in their  key  third-down  pass  for  39  Santos  hooked  the  extra
            the winning field goal against the Dallas Cowboys during over-
            time of an NFL football game, Sunday, Oct. 7, 2018, in Houston.   second  straight  overtime  yards  to  Derrick  Willies  on  point  attempt  and  Seattle
            Associated Press                                          victory.                     Cleveland's winning drive.   maintained  a  one-point
                                                                      Dak Prescott had 208 yards  VIKINGS 23, EAGLES 21         lead.q
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